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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair loss at 19

I am 19 years old and have been suffering from gradual hair loss for about 4 years now. I am experiencing diffuse thinning and it seems like my hairline is going back. The top of my head has much noticeably less hair than 4 years ago (it was thick and healthy 4 years ago). My hair fall out a lot in showers and I also have to use Head and Shoulders for my hair as I have dandruff. I have tested for iron defficiency, but my iron levels are all good. I am not sure what the cause is. Please tell me how to treat this problem, I would really appreciate it.
  saadiaK on 2008-01-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
graphites 200 one dose daily for three days then weekly dose. flouric acid 200 twice daily for 15days j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade

Hair loss can be a genetic thing transmitted from mother to son. To see if your loss is genetic .... look at your mother's brothers... If they have thin hair... chances are you will too.

You should be looking at improving your overall constitution and offering more information about yourself would help.

In the meantime I am looking at the following:

Hair loss from forehead back
Aggravation from Bathing
Anxiety about hair health

Based on the above I would suggest PHOSPHORUS 30C...Take 3 pellets and wait... You should notice your dandruff clearing up... Repeat the remedy whenever the dandruff comes back.

If this fails to work... Sulphur, Sepia and Silicia are also possibilities....

In the meantime.... stop using the head and shoulders...and switch to a milder baby shampoo... Use warm water (NOT HOT) on your head and rinse with cold to stimulate circulation.

Consider following a diet for candida (yeast). Do a search on the net and you will find that yeast is also related to hair loss.

Please post back and let us know how you are doing.

Good Luck.
Monty1 last decade
At 16 years old, I had a full head of hair. Then, hair started coming out more and more. While bathing and even when they were dry and I ran my hand through. They used to take a long time to dry, which shows that they were dense and thick, but now, at 19, they take much less time. In my family, my grandfathers and my dad do have lesser hair in their age now, yet they had normal hair at their young ages. My grandmothers' hair were all right, and my mom's hair are good too. My sister as well has thick, dense and silky hair. My hair is wavy and used to be thick but now is very thin. The hair on my body grows back very fast, especially on my face and legs, which is quite a hassle. I have been tested for iron defficiency but that test came out fine, I also don't have any stress that I carried aroound for 4 years, except for the stress itself of my hair falling out.
does the Phosphorus 30C also have any effect on strenghtening the hair roots?
Also, is it possible to take what was mentionned above by akshaymol (graphite 200 and flouric acid 200) at the same time as phosphorus 30 X?

From the front, my hair is so thin that it is possible to see the scalp clearly. Also about the hairline, I am noticing the hair at the front of my head being shorter and shorter as time goes by. Would Phosphorus help to gradually restore or at least stop the problem?

Thank you Monty1 and akshaymohl and please tell me if my diagnosis changrs at all.
saadiaK last decade
DO NOT TAKE the 3 remedies together.

The additional info you provided would indicate that graphites and flouric acid would be of benefit.

Keep the Phosphorus 30C in mind if you have not gotten relief.

Let us know how you make out.
Monty1 last decade

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