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piles, hemorrhoids, fisure Page 2 of 2

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I have had pilesfor the last 15 years now. Every year, especially during the dry season of fall, my condition used to get worse with terrible pain and inflammation after defecation.A few months ago I tried Homeopathic tablets called 'Bio-Combination 17(BC-17)' which provided me immediate relief.My pain episodes are almost down to none now.Thought I should share this with people with the same problem
out there.BC-17 is manufactured by almost all the homeopathic pharma companies. The ones I tried are by 'Reckeweg & Co' and 'SBL Pvt Ltd'. Both were equally effective.
pugra last decade
Patient ID: shastri
Sex: male
Age: 22
Nature of work: student(preparing for examz)
Habits: no smoking or drinking habits

Describe your main suffering and from how long?while starting stools i feel
intense pain and afetr that i am observing blood as streaks on motion and could
sense blood in that area after completion of stools

Exact location? Around anal sphincter regiion

Any cause which you feel for this ailment? chane in bowel habits and hereditary

What other physical sufferings do you have in your body? siveour pain in anal region as if
it is comming from a point in that region....!

What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
pain is making me unable to concentrate on my work

When did it all start? Almost 20 days

What are the things which aggravate or ameliorate your suffering? i eat all fiber rich foods..also using ISAPGOL husk powder
in a glass of water after my meals

When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather? dry weather

What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions? i had stopped eating spicy food

How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? Normal

How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? Normal

How is your bowel movement and stool type (Constipation etc.)?...in the initial
part of my stool i suffer from intense pain which makes my muscles there contarct and motion stops after that
.....but im going to stools daily once

How sleep, how are your dreams? bit uncomfortable but tatz fine no dreams

Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? sometimes feeling like going to stools and that wont happen

What medicines have been taken earlier? ISAPGOL Husk powder...dolosis 38

How do you look like (Appearance (fat, thin, smart, tall, lean etc)? slightly fat

Family history - What major diseases are running in your family? pilesand fissure ...both maternal and paternal

Any other information? kindly suggest me the medicine along with precautions and an ointment if it can give me relief
shastri last decade
Taken Sulp flor & calc flor as advised for 15 days, symptoms still persist, no improvement.
Pain around anus increased and swelling too.
Taking isabgol at night, constipation less but pilesnot improving.
pls suggest
rsrishti last decade

Imam Jaffar-e-Sadiq Alahis Salam, the 6th Successor to Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said “Walnut (akhrot) and Raisins (dried grapes/kishmish/ munaqqa) taking the two together cures your Piles/Hemorrhoids and painful Gas (flatulence) problem”.
All those suffering from piles should take these two dry fruits in equal weight once a day.
A minimum dose of 2 pieces of walnut and 20 pieces of fresh raisins before or after meal is recommended. It’s an easy and permanent cure of your acute or chronic piles.

Dr Syed Zaair Husain Rizvi
Dr Zaair Husain last decade
I m 47 yrs male. Suffering fm pilesPROLAPSES a mass comes out of anus during defecation and is to b pushed in after defecation. At times I hv itching. No pain or bleeding.it pains only if stool is v hard or I hold it and pass it after waiting. Pl advise medicine.can it b treated or is surgery d option.
rajeevgolf last decade
I m 47 yrs male and m suffering from pilesprolapse for last 10 yrs.. A mass comes out of anus during defecation and is to b pushed in after defecation .I pass stool twice a day.my thirst is normal.no bleeding or pain.it pains only if stool is hard wn I hold d stool nd wait to defecate if travelling etc.no family history.pl advice medicine.i m not on any medication for this.my gall bladder ws removed 3 yrs ago.i do hv gastric problem.
rajeevgolf last decade
to rajeevgolf
please start a new thread.
telescope last decade

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