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Nux Vomica:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nux vomica seed Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Repeating the same points which have just been completely discounted does not emphasize these points any more strongly Mr Girilala. You are talking rubbish, and you know it.

I have a lot more to offer than you, it's called fact. Please, do try that experiment: eat one apple, and then one 'whole' Nux Vomica seed, and then come back and tell me the posioning effects are comparable.
Mr Organon last decade
You are simply trying to evade the points made, and continuing with a dead argument rather than admit this.
Mr Organon last decade
From ancient times Nux Vomica was used as medicine, so did Mercury, Arsenic, Belladonna etc. So these things made their way into Materia Medica.
dr mehmood last decade
Absolutely, but we know more about the long term effects of such poisons now, and even the ancient chinese who had the most elaborate system of medicine known to man (second to Homoeopathy of course), predominantly used these substances (inc. Nux Vom) externally, or in the most miniscule amounts internally.
Mr Organon last decade
We annonymously declare you a winner again.
girilal last decade
Mr Organon last decade

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