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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Rhumetoid Arthritis

Hi, My name is veenu and I recently got diagnosed eith rheumetoid arthritis. My left shoulder, neck, knee, ankle (all left side) and right wrist got affected in the matter of 6 months. I can not put my left foot down because of Heel pain. Movement in my right wrist is restricted and outside of it is still swollen after 6 months. I feel very tired and suffereing from iron deficiency anemia too. I was diagnosed with Beta Thalsamia too. Is there a remedy for rheumotid arthritis to cure it completely? Please help.
  veenu on 2008-02-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try 1st Medorrhinum LM1
one pellet(no-10)in 40z bottle,1 teaspoonfull each time thrice daily(10 stroke should be given before use the bottle.
Dr.Abu Jafar last decade

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