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Perhaps lead poisoning? 3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Lead Poisoning

Any Homeopathic remedy for lead poisoning. I hv been taking one medicine called Jambrulin for diabetes for the past few years 3-4 years. It contains lead in Higher %. I read that recently. I feel that my system must hv injested with Lead. I hv lower abdominal pain on the pubic area . It increases if i walk for 1 hr. I don't know its really due to lead poisoning or not. I am a diabetic patient . I hv explained my case in the forum. I hv microanhurism on the left eye. Floaters on both the eyes. giving lots of mental tension. Mr. Pankaj has suggested some remedies for floaters. trying that out. Any medicine for these lead symptom? Its only i feel that my organs must hv affected but not confirmed by tests. Its only for a precaution. I hv nerve problem also. uneven sensation while walking. Ankle swells while travelling. Hypochondric. worried about a lot about my health. I hv started with lead and ended up with all diseases. i need medicine for that primarily. I am writing to Dr. Deoshlok and all the people but not getting any reply.
  scorpioncan on 2008-03-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
NUX VOMICA is good to start with if you are having lead poisoning.

take NUX 200C once a week, every sunday night. for some three to four weeks.

then, post your symptoms in the forum.
rishimba last decade
The nutritional way to deal with lead poisoning is as follows (daily Adult dosages):
1000 mg calcium
400-500 mg magnesium
1000 mg vit C.

Lead displaces calcium. Vit C increases absorption as does vit D and magnesium. You should also increase your dietary intake of iron containing foods, such as beef, spinach leafy greens. If you eat a meal with leafy greens and beef together, they are better assimilated and absorbed.

If you truly have lead poisoning, please take it seriously and improve your nutrition. The US Centers for Disease Control and National Institute for Health recommends dietary interventions for lead poisoning in children and adults.
Cordial last decade
Iron preparations and magnesium and calcium supplements affect kidney function?
scorpioncan last decade
Total Calcium intake for patients with kidney disease should not be above 2000 mg per day. If you have kidney disease, you should consult your doctor before taking large doses of calcium.
Cordial last decade
Heavy metal toxicity

Bentonite Clay taken orally!

Chlorella, a miro algea!

Both are extremely effective. Do not rely on homeopathy lone for this problem, take the guess work out it.
Ryelink last decade
'Bentonite Clay taken orally!
Chlorella, a miro algea!'

Now why I forgot this is beyond me since I keep these on hand. I would also add that you pair Chlorella with Cilantro. They work together to pull and bind heavy metals. Still, I think it is important to add the Calcium, Magnesium and vit C is important; these will displace lead in the bones and also prevent lead poisoning.
Cordial last decade

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