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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Infertility Issue

Hi all.. i joined this forum newly. i got married 2.5 years back but still childless. I m going trough a fertility treatment by a certified Homeopath. She advised me to take 10 drops of Ashoka Q in a half cup of water three times a day. I just wanted to know more details about Ashoka Q. Does it help in concieving? How much time/months it can take to get pregnant normally if i have Polysystic Ovaries? or what else i should take to improve the chances of pregnancy? Please guide.. Thanks
  jiya101 on 2008-05-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please provide the following information.

1. is your husband having normal sperm count?

2. have you copulated every alternate day from the 8th to the 18th day.

3. do you have normal ovulation and periods?

if all the above are normal, Ashoka-Q may help you in conceiving, otherwise you need to address the cause.
rishimba last decade

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