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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

tmj pain

Suffering from TMJ pain since 7 months. left ear aches more than right./ talking even 4-5 sentences makes pain go worse in both the jaw joints. I have put to emitriptyline medicine to control pain. They will put splint(mouth guard at night time only) to rest jaw.
But this muscles (facial muscles temple,behind ear, forehead & cheeks & top,side scalp get very painful with jaw movements. Like eating,Talking & any kind of slight rocking movement to jaw with walking as well)
Joints on left side is more painful than right as thaere is a constant bruised soreness in the middle bit of ear canal close to my joint.
Please guide me with the right homeopathic remedy to get relif.
I have so far used mag phos 2 tabs 6x two times And phosphorus 30c for joints infllamation.
Phos brings down pain half way.I am taking only once.
Hecla lava 8x (2 drops in water X 3 times a day ) again for jaw.
What is the best remedy for fasial pain,tightness & spasms & stiffness of facial muscles.
Please wdvise.
  sidsam04 on 2008-05-19
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