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Posts about Allergy

Allergy34 month old reflux/food allergy8Whey Protein allergy2Food Allergy139Skin allergy4Sulphur/ Sulfa Allergy1Two issues. Nat phos 6x and eye allergy4Sneezing allergy5Dry nose and throat allergy2Severe Cough due to Allergy18


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dog skin allergy

Our 9 year old female German Shepherd reacts approx 3-5 days after being in water with horrible itchy skin all over. This last for up to 2 weeks. It doesn't happen with tap water (bath time, water hose, her small wading pool) but does in anything else, fresh water and sea water. I've even tried in different geographical areas (CO, TX, MO). The obvious solution would be to keep her out of water but she loves it and we are always around water for sailing and kayaking. Can you recommend anything that might help?
  mkbennet on 2008-06-10
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