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years of gastric problems Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hope: have you ever heard about dr Johanna Budwig- German biochemist (and I think also physicist)?
Search on the net and read Christian's post at the thread "fatty liver-permanent cure?" here. I believe this might be good for you (actually for everybody!).

Tissue salts too.

And more questions.
1. what angers you most ABOUT OTHERS?

2. constipation: how often and what causes it (stress?certain foods? change of place? other?)
calc-c LIKES to be const.-do you like it or you just don't mind?

3. any time of the day/weather you like the best? the worst?

4.constraint stomch prets you from deep breathing-always -sometimes and when?

rich meal=fat or a lot to eat?
rich food=fat?

5. do you feel any pain? discomfort?sensation?
you write about "gastric pains" after nat.-c.-could you describe them?

6. have you ever treated any skin problems with cortizon etc?

7. Do you remember any dreams?

I think you'll like dr.Budwig's research.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
stomch prets=stomach prevents
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Again thank you for your various suggestions.

Joe de Livera:
Eating something every hour. --- My friends were always wondering why I never left the house without an apple or a carrot with me. It is true it keeps my acids busy and I feel quite comfortable.... but why do I produce so much acids? - that's why I thought homeopathy would go deeper and could "cure" my case.
Once in a while I cannot eat something for two hours (like sitting in a meeting) - and then ... ?
The next 10 days I will as you suggested and see if my body takes over.

HA21: Sodabicarb - I will test it and see if the source saying it would produce carbon dioxide is wrong.
(as you suggested: Soda Bicarb - one teaspoon dissolved in 300ml plain water, 10 min after heavy meals)
keep smiling (that's a good one :-)
May I ask you which source you are referring to for the Sulphur drug picture (Kent, Boericke ... ?)

Which book by Johanna Budwig would you recommend to begin with?
For some weeks I took some Omega-3 amino acids (EPA and DHA) (I think that's in flax oil as well).

1. what angers you most ABOUT OTHERS?
I do not like to be contradicted.
I do not like to talk with my girlfriend about me being ill.
It makes me angry if I feel to be treated unfair.
I have problems to express my anger (only with my family and my girlfriend I am more "open")

2. constipation: how often and what causes it (stress?certain foods? change of place? other?)

Stress causes soft stool.
Certain foods which cause constipation: bananas, oat flakes ...
I think when I change a place (go travelling) in the beginning I am constipated as well.

calc-c LIKES to be const.-do you like it or you just don't mind?

Probably I just don't mind it.

3. any time of the day/weather you like the best? the worst?

... I would say it depends on the meal times.
If I have lunch at 12, the worst time is between 1pm and 2pm (If I cannot take a nap, I feel terrible.)

4.constraint stomch prets you from deep breathing-always -sometimes and when?

Recently it's almost always.
But it's also from the stress: I feel that I don't have the time/peace to breathe deeply.
Similarly - I work on something and I feel the urge to go to the toilette ... but I say to myself: first I have to finish this and later I will go.

rich meal=fat or a lot to eat?
rich food=fat?

5. do you feel any pain? discomfort?sensation?
you write about "gastric pains" after nat.-c.-could you describe them?

It was a burning pain in the stomach (but also near my belly button). I felt so weak and just wanted to lie down. I was sensitive upon touch, upon noise and just wanted to be left alone.

6. have you ever treated any skin problems with cortizon etc?

I used to attended a skin doctor and he usually prescribed a lotion to dry my skin (and it worked)... and 7 years ago I took some pills for a month with antibiotics I think.

7. Do you remember any dreams?

When I have an exam I usually dream about it - fear of failing.

My I ask you astra what you think about HA21's suggestion of sulphur?
hope25 2 decades ago
Hope25 : Sulphur drug picture as described in W.Boericke's Materia Medica.

The way I perceive your case history thru your postings in the current forum, I would suggest Sulphur-1M, 2 drops of the liquid medicine directly on your freshly scraped clean tongue, every two hours - ONLY FOR ONE DAY. Total in all 10 drops of the medicine and stop. Strictly no more potencised homoeopathic medicines for the next 60 odd days.

You can of course take any and all Schuessler salts (Bio chemic tissues) along with the above for your intra period medical requirements.

Please do post your observations on Soda Bicarb, after U have tested it for a few times.
HA21 2 decades ago
Today I bought Sodium Bicarb.

After I had a delicious lunch (Salmon steak with rice) - but I ate too much (as said earlier: my appetite is little)
I felt bloated, my tongue was white ... on a pain scale from 1-10 (10 worst): 7

Then I mixed Sodium Bicarb with water (one little spoon on 300 ml ) - I started to belch, which brought relief. (I had the feeling that there was something heavy in my stomach)
And my mouth started to water.
A good feeling.
Shortly after I was very thirsty.


What's the difference between Sodium Bicarb and the usual Antiacids? (When I took Antiacids I had a similar feeling, and when I took it on a regular base my stool got soft...)
Shall I take Sodium Bicarb regularly now? (or just in occasions where I feel terrible)

regards, hope

ps: I thought again, about the question what makes me angry the most: "to be critisized (especially in public)"
hope25 2 decades ago
Let's just ask HA21 directly:

HA21: what indications are there for sulphur?

Hope: dr Budwig was 6-times nominated for Nobel-she did a lot of research on fats and diseases and her final result was very simple (and VERY angering to pharmaceutical companies): flaxseed oil (but only cold pressed, unprocessed-she recommended Barlean's high lignan oil; )mixed well with lowfat cottage cheese or yogurt. All organic.
That's basically it--but the scientific explanation you can find on the net.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
According to the advice of Astra and Dr. Budwig:
Today I bought organic flaxseed oil (cold pressed) and I mixed it (one table spoon) with cottage cheese for my dinner.

The taste was fine. (I will continue with this for the next two weeks and see...)
hope25 2 decades ago
The taste is better than expected, isn't it? (the cottage cheese is lowfat? The idea is to eat as little of animal fat as you can-so instead the omega 3 and 6 are absorbed and by mixing them with cottage cheese you make them water-soluble)

Anyway, it is definitely worth it!

Seems though that HA21 will not tell us more about sulphur.

I believe that the homeopathic remedy you need is LACHESIS. It works best in single doses, 1M should be ok since you are young and I don't think you have any allergies (if so-start with 200c or even 30c)-assess after a month!-and post here)
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Hope: wait with lachesis until you come back from Australia and "settle down".
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Hello Astra,

Lachesis - I would have never guessed this one. [It seems Homeopathy is really an open land ... one patient - two doctors -> two remedies ;-)]

Anyway I will wait with starting any constitutional therapy until I'm back from Australia.

I'm sure in the mean time ha21 will be back and will explain why he thinks Sulphur helps (and maybe someone else wants to share his opinion as well).

So far greetings to all, who have followed my case and thank you for sharing your knowledge.
hope25 2 decades ago
isn't thakind of "special"-every homeopath prescribes something else?

Anyway: you are the one who has a final say (as well as does the actual healing!)

Indication for Lachesis are quite a few here, and no contraindications (hopefully you have some access to materia medica and can read about lachesis and others).

About the mix flaxseed oil/lowfat cottage cheese: please give it more time, like 3 months, not just 2 weeks.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
I don't have my notes here (and I'm too lazy to go upstairs) but I will list some indications for lachesis:

yellowish conjuctiva; eyes sensitive to dry air

feeling of constriction

likes walking in open air

has "issues" with alcohol, saliva

(issues-either desire or aversion, too little or too much)

nux v. has only the base of tongue coated -white--calc.-c. likes being const. BUT they both hate open air and I have yet to meet nux who doesn't like heat. Lachesis doesn't like heat of the sun.
As to the tongue it is coated partially only with different colors--also may be const. without urging--so basically there is no contra-----indication to you)

And I don't remember more. Mentals agreead too.
Anyway, I asked for indications for sulphur-it's only fair that I listed mine for lachesis.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
The drug picture of Sulphur is very crystal clear in W.Boericke's Materia Medica. The indications can be easily referred to in the Materia Medica, unless of course members present in the present forum discussion, want to be spoon fed - Let say : So be it for the critics (lazy-ignorants - silicea). I'll give my perception of the indications of Sulphur, as appropriate remedy for Hope25's case.

MIND : Very forgetful. Difficult thinking. DELUSIONS; thinks rags beautiful things - that he is immensely wealthy. Busy all the time. Childish peevishness in grown people. IRRITABLE. Affections vitiated; VERY SELFISH, no regards for others. Religious melancholy. Averse to business; loafs - too lazy to arouse himself. Nearly always irritable, depressed, thin and weak, even with good appetite.

STOMACH : Complete loss of, or excessive appetite. Putrid eructation. Food tastes too salty. Drinks much, eats little. Milk Disagrees (here read high protein or rich fat food disagrees). Great desire for sweets. GREAT ACIDITY, sour eructation. Burning, painful, weight-like pressure. Very weak and faint about 11 a.m.; must have something to eat. Nausea during gestation. Water fills the patient up.

ABDOMEN : Very sensitive to pressure; internal feeling of rawness n soreness. Movements as of something alive. Pain n soreness over liver. Colic after drinking (here read after drinking alcohol).

SKIN : Pruritus (read itching), specially from warmth, in evening, often recurs in spring-time, in damp weather (read - turns worse in the summer time, when I sweat)

HERE'S excerpts of Hope25's own perception of his own case.
1. Chronic disgestion problem - slow, abdomen BLOATS immediately.
2. Chronic constipation. Stomach constrained n breath's harder (the result of high acidity)
3. Cannot tolerate alcohol (the result of high acidity)
4. Loss of appetite (yet feels the need to keeping munching intermediately)
5. Loss of weight, feels thin n weak. susceptable to cold.
6. Eyes sensitive n color yellows (a chronic indication for sulph)
7. Skin problems worse in spring-time (spring time is high acidity period)
8. Problems relaxing, always easily stressed (read always irritable - depressed), concentration difficult n weakening memory (read very forgetful and difficult thinking)
9. feels cold n overstressed (read too lazy (weak) to arouse himself). Feels like sleeping all the time inspite of a full nights sleep.
10. Worried about studies - yet fears he is getting feeling aversion to studying (read confused and difficult thinking)
11. Desire to keep lying in bed for some more time and do some relaxing - (read - too lazy or weak to arouse himself)
12. Bad qualities - Among my bad qualities I am anxious, doubtful, competitive, opportunistic, easily vulnerable and probably a little bit too introspective.In addition I have problems to express my anger. (here globally repeatedly throughly read the picture under MIND - Affections vitiated; VERY SELFISH, no regards for others. Religious melancholy. Averse to business; loafs)
13. When meeting new people I am quiet, until I can assess them - then I turn more vivid. (here read picture of MIND - read averse to business that is people, affections vitiated, very selfish, SUSPICIOUS, no regards for others)
14. Ill-tempered and feel weak (read - Nearly always irritable, depressed, thin and weak, even with good appetite)
15. ....but I feel like a cripple. I'm discontent. My sports performance has gotten worse, my mental performance too. I feel weak. (read difficult thinking - confused - hopelessness feeling)

In all cases where a patient (as in the case of Hope25) has tried China, Carbo-veg, Lyco and fails to get relief - Sulphur will Act strongly on the entire G.I.Tract disorders Even in Ayurved, purified Sulphur powder is administered orally for G.I.Tract and skin disorders.

Hope25, Soda bicarb, as suggested earlier and in response to your question - It is safe enough in the suggested dose, for long periods - though this has got nothing to do with a permanent cure (as it is nothing is permanent) but only to relieve your distress - thats whenever U get it. Also if at all U decide to take Sulph, please take as suggested earlier and do definetely post your observations from time to time - to keep this discussion-thread alive.

One more thing U lost your weight really too fast. On 12th December u were 60 kgs and on your 13th Decembers posting U R only 57 klograms. Any miracles - just joking ... hee .. he .. he

Hope25, If U wish, I can create your psychological profile and post it here under your subject forum. The psycho profile will be based on the points already posted by U in this dicussion.

wish u 2 keep smiling always... HA21
HA21 2 decades ago
Why do people get irritated while defending their prescriptions?

It is good to know your perspective and the reasons for choosing a particular medicine.

It helps in educating others.I am sure prescribers here are willing to share their knowledge.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
HA21, thank you for your detailed discussion of Sulphur.
(About the miracle of losing my weight so fast - I check the scales every few months ;-)


the best source I know on the net about homeopathy (if you don't already know):
www.homeoint.org (for some Materia Medica you have to register - but Boericke is accessible without registration)

I have read about Sulphur that it can clear up a case - that's why I will follow HA21's advice.


About lachesis by Astra2012 - Once I prescribed Lachesis for my elder brother (that's why I know the drug picture a little bit): he had some terrible nightmares (snakes appearing); he is a master of words, tends to be very jealous and in his relationships sex plays an important role.
Anyway he said that it helped a little bit ... but his case was far too complicate for me and I think he is not really interested to be "healed"

Since he is so different to me (e.g. he loves cold water, I cannot stand cold drinks; he is aggressive, I am submissive ...), I never considered Lachesis for me (but of course I can be wrong)

I will get my hands on a cookbook by Dr. Budwig, since cottage cheese with flaxseed oil can be quite boring, if you eat this all the time ;-)


I had a funny episode when I calculated my ascendent:
zodiac sign: Leo
ascendent: Virgo

And I read about virgo:
"Uneasiness leads to digestive problems; they tend to be hypochondriac and do not see the wood for the trees" ;-)


Anyway thank you all very much for spending your time with my case.

I will follow HA21's suggestion:
"The way I perceive your case history thru your postings in the current forum, I would suggest Sulphur-1M, 2 drops of the liquid medicine directly on your freshly scraped clean tongue, every two hours - ONLY FOR ONE DAY. Total in all 10 drops of the medicine and stop. Strictly no more potencised homoeopathic medicines for the next 60 odd days."

[10 drops in total - means I take 5 times two drops - if I am wrong, HA21, please post and make corrections]

... and will keep posting my observations.

hope25 2 decades ago
That virgo ascendant! That's what can make a leo submissive!

Anyway, I wish you a very healthy 2005 (and beyond of course).
Astra2012 2 decades ago
I came here again "for learning purposes" to read HA21 indications for sulphur more carefully and this time I even read introduction!

In which I read:

unless of course members present in the present forum discussion, want to be spoon fed - Let say : So be it for the critics (lazy-ignorants - silicea)

Hmmm... Could it be directed to me...?
Astra2012 2 decades ago

Why do you have a doubt?Haha..

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

It would do well to refrain from any and all homoeopathic POTENCIESED remedies whatsover for the next 60 odds days, if you are going to take sulph for your disorder.You are right to understand the dosage pattern which is described earlier and no more homoeopathic potenciesed remedies except bio-chemic salts for your intermediate problems. You would confuse the drug picture of Sulph action on the body immune system, if you decide to take any other homoeopathic medicine - STRICTLY. Hope you understand. You could also support the action of Sulph, by changing the structure of your food intake and there would be no conflicting interests in having soda-bicarb for your intermediate G.I. distress. As mentioned earlier soda-bicard is also a mood lifter due to his alkalinity nature - though only for sort hours.

Please do keep posting in your currently initiated forum subject, about your plus / minus progress from time to time, since some participants have observed that people do not post back there treatment / progress status.

Also the planatery astrological ascendent:angle and analysis, in my thoughts is really for the weak willed - It is really insignificant and you can easily understand its futility when you think deeply with an open ended reasoning. Best to leave it for occasional entertainmen, without getting infatuated with it.

ASTRA2012 : The pun was intended ... you asked for it. Anyway no hard feelings. Criticism is the rim of the coin and not the sides of the coin. Refrain from your tendency to demoralise others. It may give some sadistic pleasure, but it isn't worth it. Come out of your egg. There is a big vast unlimited spectrum out there - explore it with an open mind.

MURTY (bandarbabu2000) : Where is the question of getting irritated. This is a forum with an open expression thought and if some people view it with an element of prejudice or impose their thoughts, it loses its significance and serious people slowly wean away from such forums and other members who view this observations get deprived of the same. Professionalism is not based on criticism or irritation but amateurism is definetely based on criticism n half cooked misleading ideas.


Keep smiling ... HA21
HA21 2 decades ago
HA21: I woonder-were you smiling writing what I quoted in my previous post?

Anyway: which sentence did you read as critical of you?

Since people here give different advices (and I believe all are to the best of their knowledge!) it's reasonable to list indications so people in need can make somewhat educated decision. You didn't list indications for sulphur for me (since I know sulphur very well but stubornly repeat my advise for lachesis) but for Hope so she knows better what she's doing.

So I completely miss out the part(my answers are not shoouted just differentiated):

The pun was intended ... you asked for it.


Anyway no hard feelings.


Criticism is the rim of the coin and not the sides of the coin. Refrain from your tendency to demoralise others. It may give some sadistic pleasure, but it isn't worth it. Come out of your egg. There is a big vast unlimited spectrum out there - explore it with an open mind.


I don't get it-maybe too subtle?? Or beyond the point? ((=critical of me and not my suggestion?)

Whatever. It's not worth the time (except to give Murthy some wild fun!)
Astra2012 2 decades ago
I would like to express my deepest sympathy to all forum members who experienced loss in this terrible natural disaster.

Pictures of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India ... are running on TV stations around the world - the world is in black.
hope25 2 decades ago
Concerning my case (years of gastric problems):

I have followed HA21's advice and have taken Sulphur 1M 2 drops every two hours (5 times) for one day.

Since I could not get my hands on this potency in a local pharmacy I had to order it online - that's why the delay of posting no updates so far.

I took Sulphur yesterday (2.1.05) and will wait now ...

So far no differences/aggravations.

Asking HA21:
You gave me the advice to keep my hands off any homeopathic remedy to avoid any disturbance with Sulphur.
I got the advice to use Arnica C6 to prevent jetlag - since I'm planning a really long flight (lasting 24 hours) I would like to know if your advice is true for acute problems as well?
In other words: If I hurt my leg, or as mentioned above, need a remedy against jetlag ... may I intake it or are there problems with sulphur?

On the bottle of Sulphur was the advice to use it likewise: 4 drops into a teaspoon of water, 3 times a day ... I have followed your prescription: 2 drops directly on my tongue ... (somehow there are doubts if this is enough?)

Anyway I will keep a journal if anything unusual happens.
hope25 2 decades ago
Hope25 : While travelling by aircraft, you may consider plugging your ear with cotton balls, chewing - chewing gum, less intake of solid foods and also otherwise for jetlag - think of the great Schussler's Bio chemic salts like KALI PHOS in 30X trituration, 4 tablets every possible hour during the entire flight (seems a little cumbersome - but works wonders).

Currently I would suggest to avoid any and all potencies in Homoeopathy, till you exhaust the sulphur drug picture. The dosage of Sulph., as suggested earlier is appropriate for your case - Please do not repeat sulph. Kindly understand that in Potencies, material dosage is insignificant, that is 2 drops or 4 drops. Most homeopaths use hardly 4-6 drops of the remedy in 3 grams sugar pills and this is suficient for about 4 doses per day over a period of 10 days.

Though Arnica is okay when on sulph., I would still suggest to refrain from any or all potencies and instead use Bio-chemics triturated salts like Mag.Phos-200X for leg pain and so on ...

Anticipation of an aggravation also leads to a syndrome called a Trigger. That is - you trigger off an aggravation with your expectations n anticipations, and this trigger is actually more worse n long-lasting than the remedy aggravation. In all probabilities - U R unlikely to get any aggravation with the 1m potency. The remedy aggravation stitutation could be different if the potency would have been 6C or 30C.

Some deep breathing excercises like inhale - hold - exhale (with eyes closed), at every opportunity will make you more relaxed both psychologically and physically. Try it.

keep smiling ... HA21
HA21 2 decades ago
Hello HA21,

thank you for your advice for the jetlag.

At the moment my stomach problems have improved. A more regular eating scheme, drinking a lot of water, less stress, more sleep ...

In addition I got confronted with hidden fears and suppressed anger which originate in my childhood ...
and now I dream a lot

a very strange nightmare I had: out of me (out of my veins???) came 2 snakes (they were short and thin) - one embraced my left ankle, the other one my right ankle ... and they wanted to merge - I was terrified - I woke up


Besides these rough times I am very optimistic about my future.

I keep smiling :-) [and keep my doubts behind ;-]
hope25 2 decades ago
Please consider going on an anti-candida/anti-fungal diet while taking lycopodium.

Your complaints mirrored mine from my years 25-38.

Look up a month-long cleanse that uses weekly changes thru
Oil of Oregano, Garlic, and
Caprylic Acid.

And continue to do a yearly cleanse once you are clean - you are susceptable to relapse if you got it once.

Digestive speed, energy (yes even after eating when you feel you are comatose), incredible regularity, lack of discomfort and a narrow middle (no more bloating) are amazing.

ps - also get a thyroid count done

Best Wishes
toosweet 2 decades ago
Thank you toosweet for sharing your experience.

I was always wondering if my problem was "just" psychosomatic or if there is a physical problem behind.

As I said some kinesiological tests showed that I have no fungus ... but maybe these tests were wrong.
A blood test also indicated that my thyroid has some problems (but my doctor didn't go into detail)

At the moment I'm on the Sulphur treatment and will wait for another 40 days before I will consult another doctor.

Toosweet, could you describe the problem you had, how you discovered its real origins, and the cleanse you started in more detail. Did you take lycopodium together with the cleanse?

Thank you for your input.

Personal observation:

Today I woke up with lots of freckles above and below my right eye - strange, the day before they were not there.
Is sulphur doing such things?
hope25 2 decades ago

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