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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Frequent urination only


I have been suffering from this problem of frequent urination since 20 Years, but lately this problem of frequent urination is causing too many problems.
Suppose if I drink one glass of water during the Day Time when I am in office , I end up going to Wash room every 15 minutes which is really embracing & disgusting. My problem increases in cold conditions & areas like in office and in the night Time it worsens , for example if I drink Two glasses of water between evening & Night , I end up going to Bathroom 5 Times during night.My sleep goes for a Toss every night.

I am 28 years Old & married.
My wife is Very healthy.
My urine test is normal with 2-3 puss cells.I haven't checked my self for enlarged Prostate.

During the summers frequent urination proble decreases a bit.

symptoms of urination arises with fulness in the bladder and until i flush it. The colour of urine is Normal White. I like drinking water and because of this problem i drink less water which impacts my physical health.


  sunildg82 on 2008-07-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Do you have any burning or pain with frequent urination?

Do you have excessive thirst, loss of weight, or excessive appeitite ?

What is your age.

What is the probable cause of your frequent urination (try to find out, any drug usage, any chronic illness, any trauma, or anything else which might have cause this.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
If urine is acidic, or more sugar -- itching in the bladder may cause it. The only symptom of it is that, when you take a leak you produce a little bit of urine or rather some times few disappointing drops.

In that case Arnica 6C at bedtime is the best medicine.
girilal last decade
No pain while passing Urine.
No excessive Thrist.
No weight loss is reported.
My age is 28 years.
I Don't Have Diabetes.
Urine is not Acicid .
No sugar in the urine.

What medicine should I Take?
sunildg82 last decade
EQUISETUM-30 thrice a day for a week and repot.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade

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