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Lyme Disease with Bone Spur/Plantar Fascitis 5


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Plantar Fascitis-Bone Spur

I searched the archives for this one--but may not have had the right name.

I have had my foot x-rayed and diagnosed with a bone spur/plantar fascitis. In Sept. I had the heel injected with cortizone, relief for about a month and now it's slowly coming back with a vengence. I'm not sure what to take to get rid of the pain. I'm very active outside, nordic track and mom to 3. There's no resting!! I appreciate advice--ATK
  atkhorses on 2004-12-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This seems to be getting more common. I have come accross 2 cases in the last 2 weks.
The best thing for this - in general is- Hecla 3x 1 in morn & 1 at night.
If unable to get Hecla [or Hekla] try Calc Fluor 3x.
passkey 2 decades ago
Thanks so much,
do I take the Hecla 1 in a.m. 1 in p.m. for just one day? appreciate it -- ATK
atkhorses 2 decades ago
Also look into professionally made shoe inserts. This has been very helpful. Please do not get any more cortizone shots, not good for the body. Hope the Hecla is successful. Passkey will answer about days and dosage.
Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Thanks, Sabra. I'd like to stay away from the cortizone and they only work for about amonth. I'm off to find the Hecla 3x today!!
atkhorses 2 decades ago
My room mates doctor told her that there are two simple exercises that will get rid of a heel spur. (She has the exact same thing)

While sitting with your legs extended:

#1. Raise your foot a few inches off of the ground and point your toes back at you, hold for 30 seconds, then release.

#2. Next, Point your toes away from you, hold for 30 seconds, then release.

Keep doing this. If your calf starts to tense, or get a Charlie-horse, just relax.

Do this every day, and the bone spurs will go away. (that's according to a doctor at the local University Hospital where the doctors train.)

Tim123 2 decades ago
Hecla 3x - take morn & evening for at least 10 days then wait . If after a further 7 days there is no improvement then come back.
passkey 2 decades ago
My husband was diagnosed with this....our Homeopath sent us to a Rolfer. He tried the inserts for his shoes, etc. The Rolfer fixed it completely! he used to have severe pain in his feet. Now there are absolutely no problems. The regular medical doctors actually wanted to cut the tendon in the bottom of his foot! Find a reputable Rolfer!
kirstipic 2 decades ago
I was also a sufferer from heel spur,and doctors said there is no other go except pain killers and in worst case,surgical intervention.

It was about three years ago.

Thanks to homeopathy,I got rid of it.

All the suggestions are good.

Hecla lava-Yes,a good choice to begin with.

Exercise-definitely helps.

Shoe pads-Yes.They will releive the pain if done by an expert.

It is better to take a complete case,and go for the constitutional medicines.

I think I was helped by Petroleum,Rhustox,Pulsatilla,Ledum Pal,Thuja and Causticum,at various stages.

All the best.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I'm wondering how to 'take a complete case' - I'd like to go for the constitutional medicines. Please advice. Thank You
atkhorses 2 decades ago
I will come back when I have more time,..perhaps in a couple of days.

Meanwhile tell us about the location,sensation,modality and concomitant symptoms for this problem.

Location : Where is the pain.Be as specific as possible.

Sensation : What type of pain?Tell us in a descriptive way.

Modality :what makes the pain better or worse?

Concomitants : What other problems you have,along with this complaint.

Again,the location,sensation and modality of those complaints also.

Other than this,

what type of weather you like?

Do you like outdoors or indoors?

What foods you desire?

What foods you dislike?

any abnormalities,in sweating,menses etc..

In essence,we want to know everything about you.As a person,other than your physical complaints.

What makes you sad,unhappy?

Are you irritable?

By now,you must have got the gist.Tell us all about you,not only about your problems.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Thanks for your quick reply. I will work on that and post! thanks again
atkhorses 2 decades ago
I'll be as brief, but thorough as possible. I corresponded in December and have just not had time to sit and jot this info down till now. I've just gotten introduced to homeopathy thru my daughter's eye doctor. She has taken anacardium and a few Bach rememedies to help her out. But, here's my story:
I am 39 yo (6-30-65) and feel am an average person. I've been fortunate to be healthy all my life. I am married to a wonderful man, we have 3 children (11-girl, 9-boy and 5 girl), we started our own business in may of 2003. For the most part we have a great relationship, although, recently we've had issues build and are now seeing a marriage counselor which I feel is a very positive move. Sorry to have to have this chapter of my life, but I think it will make us a stronger couple/parents, too! I am very much involved with the 4-H horse club(I'm a leader) and the kids ride and enjoy the activities. My husband does not care to ride, but will come to watch; he feels inadequite b/c he's not the one who 'knows all about them'. He is involved with the kids' riding dirtbikes. I don't care much for the dirtbikes, but, I see my husband enjoys them and being with the kids. For a long while, I felt guilty for 'horsing around' and he doing the bikes b/c I always felt this is a block in our family life.......it's not something we can all do together, it's separate. But, I've worked thru this in communicating to my husband that he does the bikes and I do the horses and we both support each other. I can get back to this more if you need more info.

Moving on to health. I am 5'5" and weigh 170. I work out 3 times/week but do tend to crave sweets. I watch my weight and I've always been very compulsive about the 'need to lose weight' but try and just don't stay with it long enough. I exercise for the mental clarity and the energy boost I get. It's hard with 3 kids to stay real nutritious, b/'c I do enjoy food! I don't feel I'm obese. But, danged if EVERYDAY I don't wake up and say, man your lookin' fat today. I wish I could get this feeling out of my head. If I lose 10 pounds, I might say, okay this is how it's going to be.

I do take prozac. I have for 8 years. (When my husband and I went to counseling the first time for almost the exact same reason we're in it again). We went, straightened things out and lived for 8 years, then, he started drinking. slowly progressing from one glass of wine at night to several beers at night to now, just drinking everynight. I know he's stressed with the business, but he seems to be running and not very happy with himself. I don't know how to reach out to him. I wish he could take some remedy for his depressive state, just so he could see thru the fog. I stoped taking Prozac Dec. 1. I thought I was doing great, I felt great, I didn't lose patience, I was thinking clearly, until our blowout Jan. 2 which arose from about 10 hours of him drinking beer. I would rather have gotten a remedy instead of retreating to the prozac, but I grabbed the bottle and have tqaken it for 3 days now. I would rather be on a remedy. I will work this out with my husband; I'm positive about the situation, feel it's something we can grow from. We are fortunate to have what we have. I'm very proud of my husband.

One big issue for me to deal with each month is the period. I am very regular. However, I have a really tough time 7-10 days before I start. I get tired, I get a really tense lower back ache, which causes me to become impatient and overwhelmed. I crave sweets and breads during this time. I try to exercise but generally, I skip this week b/c of feeling sluggish. I get bloated and like I said earlier in the post about waking up and feeling FAT. I feel like a cow the week before I start. And it really makes me feel bad about myself. This is probably the only low self esteem issue I have in my life. Other than that, I'm quite confident with raising my kids and all that goes along with that. I started last month (dec) on the 20th. I suppose I will start this month on the 14 or the 17. Right now, dealing with my husband if very emotional for me, I have the lower back ache (feels like I need to stsretch it out all the time) I'm craving salt. One other issue that arises is that my husband isn't very tolerant of the PMS, and he throws it in my face constantly saying 'oh it must be that time of the month' so I've beecome nervous of that and aggitated that he can't support me and give me more compassion during that time of the month. I just vocalized this to him (took 12 years), yesterday, so we'll see what happens. That's all for now that I can think of.

My daughter who has taken the anacardium was born without a thyroid gland. She takes Levothyroxine. She also has a sensori-neural hearing loss which after years of research have narrowed it down to two things. Either the no thryoid gland caused this or she was just born with the loss. The loss has not progressed, but I'm constantly worried about this. I deal with the hearing aids for her--getting the repaired and MAKING her wear them (Which is very hard for me to do, but I do it). For a long time when the kids were born till now, I pretty much handled most of their matters, I've always been the 'Super mom' now finding out I needed some help from dad. He, of course, thinks he's always helped, but he does spend a lot of time working. I will grant that he does more with the kids now that they are self-sufficient. My other two kids are very blessed with no struggles as of yet. My son is in GT and my daughter (5 yo) is headed that direction. Which will be another issue for me to deal with and explain to my eldest daughter. URGG I've learned thru my eye doc that people really are better off if they are a visual thinker. Since I've learned that, I see how I am NOT a visual thinker and neither is my daughter, but my other two kiddos are as well as my husband. The studies just make sense faster and they don't lose focus. My eldest and I, we lose focus!! Have you ever heard of this theory? We've gone thru light therapy and are now doing vision therapy with my eldest. We are having a break from the vision therapy until we get her issues worked thru with the remedies.

I seem to be very dependent. I'm working on communicating my needs to my husband.

You wanted to know what kind of weather I liked. I love the spring and summer. I'm an outdoor person. I am athletic and love to jog and ride bikes, but can't jog due to the spur. What makes me sad is losing someone you love (my father), children who aren't cared for, animals whom are mistreated, families who don't get along, Very happy for my 2 other children but sad for my oldest daughter due to her challenges and struggles. Am I irritable? Most of the time I like to joke around and make light of things; I enjoy being happy and making others around me happy. I am irritable during menses. I'm an average sweater!! I'm not a very good drinker; I can't stand a hangover, they make me feel unproductive (which is how I'm sure my husband feels), they make me want to eat the WRONG foods and I'm too tired to do a thing. I wold like to find a way to relax, however.

I have, of course, the bone spur. Would love to get rid of it. I have also developed some sort of bruise ( I thought at firs) on the top of my left foot, it seems to be a tendon thing, but the bruise won't go away and when I walk barefoot, and my foot spreads out with pressure, I feel the bruise. I can't figure out what this is, but it's been with me for at least 6 weeks. This bone spur is a real pain b/c I'm one to keep going and not sit if I don't have to. I hope I've given you enough info. Please ask if not. I appreciate a remedy you think may work for me.

Like I said, this is all new and I wish I had a book to read about remedies and how to work thru the layers!! ( I always remember Shreck when I say that). Looking forward to your reply.
atkhorses last decade
Hi Atk

I really appreciate your efforts.The information will help a lot.

it may take a couple of days for me,to analyse,and come out with remedy suggestions.

Meanwhile,let us look forward for suggestions from other learned colleagues.I always prefer to decide on a medicine,collectively,as far as possible.

Four people may suggest four different medicines,but,as long as,we can discuss,openly,and frankly,it is not difficult to come to common conclusions.

I am already working with two other prescribers,on the same lines,and it is workable.

The problem is,once somebody takes up a case,others generally keep away from it.I request all the prescribers to tell their opinions frankly,not only in this case,but in all other cases,also,where they feel they have some ideas to contribute.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
I truly appreciate your time. I'm looking forward to what you may find!
atkhorses last decade
Hi Murthy
Hadn't heard from you, just thought I'd let you know I'm still very interested in your opinion of a remedy!

I'm wondering if you need more information from me?

thanks a bunch,
atkhorses last decade
Please see my post on Christmas Day on this Forum about Nux Vomica 6x which I have discovered helps to shed weight.

I believe that your problem may be partially due to overweight and since you are interested in shedding some weight I suggest that you try it.

I must warn you however that if you drink coffee or take any drugs it may not work. You can expect a weight loss of about a pound a day and you should notice the reduction from the third day onwards.

I am sure Murthy will suggest other remedies to help you overcome your other problems.
Joe De Livera last decade
Please change Nux Vomica 6x to read as Natrum Phosphoricum (Nat Phos) 6x.

A pity that no corrections can be made on this Forum.
Joe De Livera last decade
So, I have to give up my morning coffee?? Darn. I will give it a try tho, b/c I'd like to see if the Nat Phos will show a change for me.

One other thing I have is a constant Post Nasal Drip. I've had this all my life and would like to dry it up! any ideas?

thanks so much for you reply.
atkhorses last decade
Suggest you bear with your Post Nasal Drip which you have had all your life for the next month till you reduce your weight.

I am sure that Murthy can help you with your chronic PND.
Joe De Livera last decade

Sorry for the late reply.

Did you try Hecla lava?

Are you doing the simple exercise recommended above?

I will analyse your case,and come back tomorrow.

bandarbabu2000 last decade

I would like to take a complete case.Pl.answer the following questions.You might have answered some of them alreay.Neverthless answer again.

Try to answer as many questions as possible.Some may be irrelavent to you.Just skip them.

1.What is the main reason you need treatment?

2.Describe your complaints giving the following details:

a. What does it feel like?
b. When does it happen?
c. What sort of things make it worse?
d. What sort of things make it better?
e. What else was happening when it first appeared?
f. Describe the quality of the pain, being as creative as you can. How would someone else imagine the pain happening to them?
g. What does it look like?
h. Do any other symptoms occur immediately before, during or after?

3. What illnesses have you had in the past?

4. What illnessess run in the family?

5. What do people die from in the family?

6. What medication are you on?

7. What foods do you crave, whether you allow yourself to eat them or not? List from the strongest craving to the weakest.

8. What foods do you have an aversion to? (hatred or repulsion for)

9. What is your level of thirst, and what do you prefer to drink?

10. What foods aggravate you? (including allergies)

11. Do you suffer from any digestive complaints? What is your bowel habit like?

12. What is your level of energy like? Rate it from 1-10 (10 being excellent). How does your energy fluctuate throughout the day (and night)?

13. What is your level of sexual energy like?

14. How is your sleep? What position do you prefer to sleep in? Is there any position you cannot sleep in? Any unusual behaviour during sleep?

15. Have you had any reoccurring dreams or images/ pictures/ themes that repeat themselves in your dreams? Please describe.

16. Describe your menses (periods). Describe any PMS. Have you been through menopause? Any gynecological problems?

17. How does the weather affect you? Are you sensitive to the temperature in any way?

18. Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to, perhaps more so than the people around you?

19. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? Describe in detail.

20. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with? Why is that?

21. What was your childhood like? Describe your parents and your relationship with them. Describe your relationship with your siblings and other extended family members. Did anything in your childhood have a profound effect on you?

22. Describe the romantic relationship you are currently in. What causes the most problems between you?

23. What is your occupation? What differentiates you from the other people in your place of employment? What difficulties do you have at work?

24. What is your self-confidence like? When is your confidence at its worst?

25. What fears do you have? Do you have any phobias? What things in life do you have trouble facing?

26. What parts of yourself or your life would you change if it were at all possible?

27. What do you do to relax?

28. What is something that you have told nobody else, or at least very few people? Why is that?

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Murthy could I send this to your personal email? I'd like to copy the questions, answer them and then send them to you. thanks
atkhorses last decade
Yes.Pl.send to gavinimurthy at yahoo.com.

bandarbabu2000 last decade

You need a series of remedies to get rid of your problems.

the projac and all other allopathic medication has to be stopped,except for the one for thyroid.

Take nat.mur 30 two times a day,for three days.Meanwhile,order for Nat.mur 200 and 1M.You need them later.

Keep posting.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Thanks so much, Murthy. I'll pick up some nat. mur 30 today at the health store. I'll get the other 2 on order as well. I was looking on this site at the defination of the nat mur. I'm confused on how to read it. SHould all the items apply to me? Some do, some don't.

I'll let you know later today how things are going after I get the nat mur 30.

One question about homeopathy.........when we get these problems under control, will they resurface, then I just take the same remedy. Or does that depend on the symptom? I'm really a positive person, just need to get these things under control and am anxious to see how the homeopathy works. I'm a believer!! thanks again...ATK
atkhorses last decade

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