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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

about piles

sir, i am ranga rao, 23 years old. i have been suffering with pilesfor 5 years. iam not getting any bleeding when excreting.but two balloon type small limphs are there at the entrance of anus. now iam taking homeopathic treatment. i want get cured completely from that balloon type small limphs.will homeopathis treatment cures or shall i go for surgery?
yours sincerel
  ranga19861987 on 2008-08-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Homeopathic treatment can remove the pain and other discomforts associated with piles.

The protruding things too will shrivel but unlikely to go away completely with homeopathic treatment.

It is better not to bother about them rather than going for surgery. The surgery may help you cosmetically but there is a possibility of the basic problem going deeper and causing more trouble.

gavinimurthy last decade

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