The ABC Homeopathy Forum
How can you Stop Hair Loss
Your hair is part of your body; avoid chemicals that straighten or unkink your hair, and avoid high temperature curling irons. When you blow dry your hair, you can also damage your scalp. Damage to the scalp, be it from pulling hair, or braids, should be avoided. Don't use your fingernails when washing your hair, only the soft pads of your fingers. Avoid using metal combs, which can inflame the scalp, and soak your hair brushes in natural oils when not in use. When drying your hair, always pat dry, or air dry. Keep any blow driers on the cool setting. When you're going outside, wear a hat, as UV rays can kill your scalp and damage it. Keep your scalp and hair nourished to avoid any hair loss. Focus on keeping your body healthy, nourished, well exercised and stress free. Take up meditation, or forced relaxation, to keep your hair loss at a minimum.alica80 on 2008-09-13
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