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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

ITCHING Problem since last 4 months

Hi Folks

I am suffering from a itching problem from the last 4 months. It was August when I first encounter this problem. I had taken some medication from the doctor who conduct several type of food allergic test on my blood and also try to check me on some sort of food which she consider might be one reason . And she also prescribed me 2 kind of different tablets and some body oils and lotions. but these did not help me a lot. After 2 month I consult to another doctor who ask me to take some calcium in forum of some SAFT / juice which I did and this also did not help much. I will really appreciate if someone help me on this. I want to mention some more facts about me.

• My skin goes reddish after itching when I scrub skin with something (my hand or something else like cloth). Due to itching even I can not even sleep properly
• I am a pure vegetarian, non-alcoholic, non smoker
• I am an Asian living in Germany from Last 8 months but problem starts since last 4 months.
• I did not try any special food or something like that which can be allergic to my body.
• I already tried tons of external agents like soap , creams and oils which did not help and I strongly believe that there is something wrong inside my body
• Problem first start in August (hot/warm) weather and continue till now Nov (cold) weather

I hope someone will suggest me something which will help me

Regards- JASWANT
  jaswantpurba on 2008-11-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please take SULPHUR 30C four doses a day for 2 days.

report after 7 days if it doesnt get relieved.
rishimba last decade
Hi Rishimba

I had started medicine as prescribed by you from yesterday. I had taken 5 dose of the medicine.

I am feeling same sensation on the arms and today there are small pimpals on the arms visible which did not disappear after some hours

it was not the case before.

my question is that is it due to new medication or something else?

jaswantpurba last decade
please stop sulphur if you have taken some 6 to 8 doses.

the itch will reduce in a few days.

regarding the pimple, please dont worry about it. if its observed as something new after taking sulphur, it will cure the itch. its a good sign.
rishimba last decade

SULPHUR 30C didi not make any productive results as expected.

Please advice

jaswantpurba last decade
Is the air dry in your house? My Dad had an itching problem start about the same time last year and he started using a humidifier and the itching stopped.
slight last decade
Run your symptoms on the ABC Remedy Finder and post full results here.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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