The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Help for scalp psoriasis
I have had scalp psoriasis for more than 10 years now. I'm 27 and started with it as a teenager. The doctor who told me I had psoriasis recommended using a shampoo twice a week. The name of it escapes me now but it's been discontinued. It did control the psoriasis for me until I couldn't buy it any longer. I want to use a homeopathic remedy for my psoriasis but am not sure what. I am breastfeeding and am not sure if I can use homeopathy right now. I'm new to this so I don't understand the potencies. It looks as though sulphur is what I should use but I need guidance with the potency and how long, how often to take.The psoriasis is on my scalp. It has now spread to my hairline and is beginning to come past my hairline. It originally started on the lower left side on the back of my head. Now it has spread to around my ears and all over in patches on my scalp. I believe it may be spreading to my eyebrows too.
Can anyone give me any help? I would love to rid myself of the stuff.
Thank you, Shannon
slight on 2008-11-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try sulpher 30c thrice daily for 7 days.After 15 days take single dose of sulpher 1M.After that if it recur,then you can try psorinum200c single dose.
Zahid)2 last decade
Ok, thank you so much for your response. I already have Sulphur 12C. Could I use that instead of the 30C potency since I already have it? Or should I definately pick up the 30C?
slight last decade
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