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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Son has bad stomach flu Sameer, help Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Very good to know. Thanks!
plken last decade
Hi Sameer,

It has been 8 days now since his 200 dose. He seems more confident and he is able to assert himself a little more when talking to other people. This is something my husband and I both noticed and he also confirmed that he is feeling that way also.

I don't notice that it is easier for him to express himself and he says his thinking isn't any clearer. He is still reluctant to offer his opinion and stand up for it and discuss it. This may seem contradictory to his being assertive, but it seems to me that it is more holding back because of annoyance and the typical teenager attitude of 'fine, whatever' than him just not wanting to make waves.

No apparent physical changes have been made. He still appears stiff in his movements, maybe slightly less so, but this is something that varies in degrees anyway.

We think perhaps some progress has been made. What do you think?
plken last decade
Hi plken,

Changes in personality take time, especially when these are not 'pathologically bad' behavior states we are trying to correct. The differences are hard to detect when we are doing finer tuning.

Please keep waiting, and update me when it has been 3 weeks from the 200c dose.
sameervermani last decade
That makes sense. I'll update you three weeks from the dose. Thanks
plken last decade
Hi Sameer

My son is continuing to act and feel more assertive, especially with friends. This is something that has been difficult for him to do in the past. He also seems to show his irritation more, although he is still not all that expressive in general.

The only other thing is a bump that occasionally appears has shown itself on his arm. It is in the same spot where he was stung by a bee several years ago. And each time it appears that's kind of what it looks like-a bee sting. It's red and raised almost to point. It has almost disappeared again now.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts. Thanks so much
plken last decade
Hi plken,

We should continue to wait .

Please update me in about 10 days.

We will see if the bee sting is to be tackled at that time.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

The bee sting like bump on his arm has pretty much gone away. Also, he seems to be able to express himself a little easier, as if his thoughts are flowing a little more clearly. The tenseness in his body still remains. His jaw is often very tense so that his 's' sounds are more like 'sh' sounds.

All in all I wouldn't say that we've seen a whole lot of improvement since the last posting. But no regressions either.

Also, I just wanted to make sure that you remembered that he is not my biological son. His birth mother passed away when he was three. I took it for granted that you would have known that from my thread, but I should really have included it in this one too. He also lost his grandmother, whom he was very close to, when he was about nine. And shortly after that his uncle left the family. So there are definitely some grief/loss issues there.

Overall I would say we have certainly seen improvements since the dose, I'm just not sure that there are new improvements right now.

Thanks for all your help. I will await your instructions.
plken last decade
Hi Sameer-are you still with us?
plken last decade
Hi plken,

I missed this post in the flurry of posts.

Thanks for bumping this up.

So, it is now clear that the 200c dose has done all it could.

What does he feel/say about the grief/loss issues ?
sameervermani last decade
Thanks for the reply.

He says that he thinks he should feel sadder than he does. When we told him about his grandmother dying he didn't cry at all and I'm not sure he ever has. He was only three when his mother died so his comprehension of what happened has been an ongoing process that he revisits especially when he seems to go through a growth spurt. He has had a renewed interest in her side of the family in the past year or so. They live about 1500 miles away so he doesn't see them that often. And since the death of his mother they haven't been particularly good about keeping in touch with letters and phone calls. My son has decided that he will take the initiative to do this which I think sometimes is a burden that wears on him, but at the same time I think he enjoys being a part of their lives.

He spent most of his days with his grandparents (on his mother's side) while she was sick and learned that he could get most anything he wanted. It has taken us a long time to get through to him that feelings cannot be soothed with buying material things. After she died they put a lot of emphasis on his importance in their life and would tell him that they were only happy when he was he was around. I think they were well-intentioned, but it made him feel like he was responsible for whether or not they were happy and that's a big responsibility for a small child. Then, about 4 months after the death of his mother his father moved him to where we live now, 1500 miles away and it was increasingly difficult for him to not feel responsible for his grandparents because he didn't have daily contact and I think that frustrated him.

When he talks now about the losses he has had it is usually without much emotion and very matter of fact. He has cried about his mother and his uncle leaving the family in the past, so perhaps he has grieved as much as he needs to for the time, I'm not sure. I remember one night, back when he was having seizures, where after having a seizure at about 3 in the morning he finally came out of it enough to tell us that he was having a dream about seeing his mother in a store and wanting to go to her but no one would believe him that it was realy her. The next morning he didn't remember anything that happened during the night, including the dream. I think perhaps the seizures were a way for his body to cope with a the pent up stress and grief he was feeling.

But that was about 7 years ago now and I think he has come a long way from that in being able to express his feelings. I still concerns me about the stiffness in his body and his speech. Did I mention that he hates yelling of any kind? Even if it's during playing or singing loudly to the radio he hates all of it-any kind of raising of the voice.

Sorry for rambling, but there is a lot to his past which I hope will help with finding a remedy.

Thank you as always.
plken last decade
hi plken u r taking treatment from dr sameer kindly request him to contact me cheenuaman
cheenuaman last decade
Just thought I would try to bump this post up again as the last person to post was not me. No rush if you're just thinking on it.
plken last decade
Okay, please tell me if he can forgive people ?

Any revenge seeking behavior ?
sameervermani last decade
plken actually i m suffering from a chornic disease kindly help me. i want to take treatment from dr. sameer even i send him mail but no reply i m getting kindly help me and say him to reply me
cheenuaman last decade
Bumping up so that you can see my questions above.
sameervermani last decade
Yes, I would say he is generally freely forgiving. He can be quick to take offense, but he is not one to hold a grudge or to seek revenge.
plken last decade
Hi plken,

I think we should go to a different potency of Kali Carb.

Please procure Kali Carb LM1 oral liquid in 30 mlm teat dropper bottle from Helios UK.

Update me when you receive the remedy.

sameervermani last decade
We have just received our remedies so here is our update.

No other mental or emotional changes seem to be surfacing. He has been waking up earlier in the morning, but he is also often tired throughout the day and has occasionally even fallen asleep in the car while hanging out with his friends. He also seems to be getting slightly more self motivated to complete his schoolwork. So, I guess some slight positive changes, and nothing negative to report.

Look forward to hearig from you.Thank you, Sameer.
plken last decade
Okay, then, first LM1 dose:

Put 2 drops from the Kali-c LM1 bottle in 120 ml spring water,stir with a spoon and give him a teaspoon from there ONCE.Throw the rest of the 120 ml away. Preferably use a disposable cup and spoon for this process.

Report whenever you see a change or in 5 days.
sameervermani last decade
Okay. Thanks for all your help.
plken last decade
Hi Sameer,
updating as promised. I haven't actually given him the LM dose yet. Life has been a little crazy lately, and to be perfectly honest I kind of chickened out. Not sure why. But, he is actually doing quite well. He has been more open and definitely more assertive and outgoing.

I was wondering about something though, that I remembered the other day. Back when he had seizures and he was being treated with homeopathy I remember that he started having eye infections quite frequently. Is that a kind of discharge that you might expect from a remedy working? Just curious.
plken last decade
If that was suppressed in the past, yes it can happen.
sameervermani last decade
Sameer, I'm wondering if it's still okay to go ahead with the LM dose after all this time. My son's nerves seem to be worsening again. He is having similar symptoms to me in that his heart is also starting to flip flop and he almost has to remind himself to breathe. He has been very difficult to communicate with and he has lost his drive to do things. He's a little love sick as well so we've got that thrown on the pile too. His nerves and muscles are back to twitching as well.

Do you think I should go ahead and give him the LM dose or should we re-evaluate?
plken last decade
Yes, give him a dose of Kali-c LM1, as suggested above.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
My son's doctor ordered an event monitor for his heart, so I didn't want to give him the LM dose as we were trying to figure out what is going on.

I just received the results of the test today and he has Narrow Complex Tachycardia. This seems to be something that has popped up recently. Do you think that it is a reaction to the remedy, or that perhaps it is a problem the remedy unearthed and just brought to light? Or perhaps it is unrelated?

The nurse suggested it could be a thyroid issue. We have an appointment with the cardiologist tomorrow so maybe we will have more info. Just curious to have your thoughts
plken last decade
It is not related to the remedy.
sameervermani last decade

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