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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Warts and Homeo medicines

Thuja 30
Thuja is the single most useful and effective remedy for the treatment of warts and moles generally. It is always the Homeopaths first choice for the treatment of warts. Especially good for figwarts, 'cauliflower like' and horny warts.

Calc Carb 30

A specific remedy for use on multiple warts that are horny and itchy. For warts that are generally round, red, hard and smooth.

Causticum 30

Effective for use on multiple warts, especially when present on the face and eyelids. Warts on soles of feet, Sore warts on fingertips and large or smooth warts which bleed easily respond well to this remedy.

Dulcamara 30

For large fleshy warts and flat, smooth warts on the face, palm, fingers or soles of feet.

Nat Carb 30

Warts that are localised on the tips of fingers and toes respond well to this remedy.

Nat Mur 30

Natrum mur is effective for treatment of warts that are on the palms of the hand. Frequently with perspiration, tingling and numbness.

Nit ac. 6

'Cauliflower' shaped warts that itch, prick and bleed easily on washing respond well to Nit. ac, as do moist, oozing warts.

Sepia 30

An effective remedy for the treatment of warts that are large, hard and pigmented.

Sulphur 30

For warts that are hard, burning and painful use
  Mahfoozurrehman on 2009-01-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
great information..tahnks 3 share..
dr mehfoz my brother hav warts from many years..he has on face.... white small soft warts..just on shaving area,and it bleeds when he shave..i have tried thuja many time but in 1M potency,cousticum in 30..he has also v sensetive to dust.. using antiallergic medicine..arritation in his throat..always using belladona for his throat..weak and restless.
now he is using natural warts removal lotion on warts,
whats ur suggestion??
isha_dr last decade
Thank you dr mahfooz, your information is very informative and precise. another remedy is

staphisagria: for warts on genitals
Skin.--Eczema of head, ears, face, and body; thick scabs, dry, and itch violently; scratching changes location of itching. Fig-warts pedunculated (Thuja). Arthritic nodes. Inflammation of phalanges. Night-sweats.

many a time simple external application of thuja Q on the wart removes the wart without any internal application.
It depends on patient to patient.

In some cases it is obstinate I do not know why. But to my opinion use of raw onion and raw garlics along with food makes the medicine ineffective. I know some people use pan masala lime on warts to remove warts.
mazharmhm last decade
dear dr.Isha,

The medicine you used are seems to be the correct. Why they donot work, the reason is repeat shave. I suggest you as under please try it:-

1. Thuja-10M (single dose at the beginning of treatment) Since you have strated it with 1M. Thuja is a miasmatic remedy, if it works then single dose is sufficient.

2. Causticum-200 instead of 30 but One dose after every 4 days for 2/3 weeks.

3. Apply Thuja-Q diret on affect part and ask your brother to not have shave daily.

dear dr. Mazhar,

Thanks a lot for your sharing knowledge.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
thank u so much sir i,ll follow ur suggestion.
isha_dr last decade
Dr. Mahfooz,

That is very good information.

Best wishes
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Sabina 30 is a great remedy to treat the multiple warts on whole hand.Thanks for good share.Malaker
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Thuja Vs Sbina and warts:

The Thuja wart is a little sensitive wart, appears to be covered with a thin film, and bleeds from the slightest touch. Sabina cures warty excrescences about the anus, cauliflower excrescences, gonorrhoeal warts about the vulva and about the male genitals.

(abstract from Kent Lect.)

dr. Malaker,

I shall be obliged if any reference regarding sbina on Hands is given here for updating my knowledge.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear Dr. Mahfoozurrehman,

I have a crack-head, round shaped, wax like wart on my left hand thumb for long 10 years. It grows bigger, I cut it by blade, then again grwos bigger. Once I took Thuja-200 for a week, but of no result. I am 28 ys male, height 5.7 and I hate hot weather. When I press the wart it pains, otherwise it feels normal. But, it is noticeable that it is getting bigger. Now it is slight bigger than a biochemic tablet. Please Dr. , give me a suitable medicine that can remove the wart from my thumb.

With regards,

TAKshatil last decade
Dear Dr. Mahfoozurrehman,

Could you please give me your e-mail address so that I can contact you in shortest time for sharper response?

With TAKshatil only add gmail, and that my e-mail address

Best regards
TAKshatil last decade
I am suffering from hair loss and takes no medication but have a balance diet its almost stopped where it was but get lots of inching in the scalp but there is further more development i started having multiple wart on scalp first had one almost 2 yrs back but no problem now i see lots of them are coming up small small and.

can you please suggest me an effective remedy
sunilxps last decade
Can you please advise on this:

Hi, I have just found a small white spot at the vaginal opening. I visited the gynecologist and she said it was a vaginal wart caused by HPV virus.
It's quite small, soft, white, doesn't hurt at all, there's no discharge or any other symptoms.
Is there a homeopathic remedy available to get rid of the virus?

Re: HPV white spot. homeopathic remedy needed From shouse_nsk on 2011-11-30
Please take
1. Thuja-200 6 pills 2 times a day and give feedback after 15 days

R.P. Tamhankar

Re: HPV white spot. homeopathic remedy needed From Mfk61814 on 2011-12-20
Hi, I have completed the 15 day course. There is still no improvement and the white growth is still there.

Re: HPV white spot. homeopathic remedy needed From shouse_nsk on 2011-12-20
Please take one dose of 6 pills of Medohorrinum-1m (1000c) every week.

The other medicine to continue

Give feedback after 15 days

R.P. Tamhankar
Report post to moderator

Re: HPV white spot. homeopathic remedy needed From Mfk61814 on 2011-12-20
I also forgot to mention that the wart seems to have gone a little harder and very very slightly small in size.
It does not bleed, hurt or itch.
Still follow the prescription from your last message?

Mfk61814 last decade
Please HELP ME..I am having warts on my scalp there are more than 30 in numbers initially i have got rid from medical surgery and taking Homeopathy Thuja 1M and other from last one year but still there is no result..Day by day the are increasing now on face, hands neck etc.. please suggest some remedy to get rid from this permanently
nafisul last decade
Are you taking regular doses of Thuja 1M?
Evocationer last decade
I took it for 2 months 3 drops daily then i switched something else in homeopathy(prescription of other dr)..actually i have been suffering from last 1.5 years and i have changed 4 dr of homeopathy they all experiments on this but no result..right now I am having Thuja but dont know it is 10M or 30M Dr prescribed to take this once in 7 days and i took only 2 dose..its really a problem for me to have these warts. If u have some solution please mention.Thanx
[message edited by nafisul on Thu, 06 Nov 2014 14:15:15 GMT]
nafisul last decade
You will almost certainly be making the problem worse. High potencies should be given once and then months should pass before another dose is given.

Have you had more warts appear since using the Thuja high potencies this way?
Evocationer last decade
Actually in starting(before one year) i was taking Thuja 1M daily 3 drops and took it for a month but result was not appearing so i discontinued it then go for another Dr he also tried so many type of different medicine again the result was not fruitful then he said me that you will have to take high dose of Thuja(i dont know how much high) and gave m a prescrition of 1 month(15 days before) and said to have once in a week so till now i had only twice in 15 days...and warts are increasing at their constant speed means from starting to till now it has same growth...
nafisul last decade
Thuja causes warts - that's why it can cure them (if it suits the whole case). If it doesn't suit the whole case it can make the warts worse or cause new ones to appear. You must stop it immediately.

The only way to cure the warts is to find the underlying reason for them, and cure that - which is the normal procedure for attaining cure in homoeopathy. Taking so-called 'wart remedies' will only complicate matters, if they do anything at all.

It was irresponsible of this practitioner to prescribe such a high potency so frequently without looking at the whole case.
Evocationer last decade
Actually I dont know more about this..the dr who prescribed me this treatment has more than 35 years experience in Homeo..Now You please tell me what process should i follow to get the exact cause of this and what treatment should I go for it?
nafisul last decade
35 years of experience and he prescribes like that? It is irresponsible and shows a person who doesn't believe in homoeopathy or the power our medicines hold, nor understands even the basic concepts. I wonder if he even has a proper qualification at all.


General Guidelines:

1. Try to be as descriptive as possible. When describing pains or sensations use descriptions along the lines of ‘feels as if someone is squeezing it with their hand’ or ‘it is like an insect crawling around inside’ or ‘it is as if someone is standing over me threatening to kill me’. Long descriptions are always better than short ones. One word answers are difficult to use successfully.

2. Another important part of symptom description for homoeopathy are the ‘modalities’. These are situations, events, activities or conditions which modify the symptom in some way. We usually refer to this as what makes them ‘better’ or ‘worse’ (amelioration/aggravation). The situation may actually provoke the symptom into appearing, make it vanish altogether, or just increase or decrease it in some way. Modalities are vital information for prescribing.

Modalities are typically related to (but not exclusively) the following situations:

A. Temperature, weather
B. Time (day, night, specific times, frequency, periodicity, season)
C. Position, activity
D. Emotions, thoughts
E. Food and drink
F. Drugs, medication

3. How the symptom is perceived is important too – odour, appearance, sound, touch. What colour is it, what is its texture? For gestures, describe what it looks like the patient is doing, or what you feel you are doing while making the movement eg. ‘they look like they are swatting flies’ or ‘I feel like something is pushing my hand upwards’ or ‘it is like I stick a fork in an electrical outlet which throws my body backwards’. Description – it is key to accurate prescriptions.

4. When did the symptom or set of symptoms start? The apparent cause can be useful in determining the remedy, although it is not of the same importance as the previous factors. It may have been a specific event, a disease, an accident or even an emotional experience.

5. Use your own words. Do not copy phrases or descriptions found in our various remedy pictures. Try not to use other people’s ideas or thoughts or words. If you are reporting on behalf of someone else, report their exact words, however you can also report your own observations of them (not opinions).

6. Does the symptom occur alongside another specific symptom? Do particular symptoms only occur together? Does a particular symptom occur with a particular thought or emotion? For example, a headache that always comes with visual disturbances, or stomach pain that appears alongside anger, or anxiety that makes you feel like running down the street screaming.

7. Each complaint should be described fully before going on to describe another complaint. Try not to mix different symptoms or complaints together. Each modifying feature must be clearly attached to a particular symptom/set of symptoms. Any mistake you make here is a mistake the homoeopath will also then make.
Evocationer last decade

(Please spend the most time on this section and give DETAILED answers - the homoeopathic remedy is very often decided on the basis of the mental and emotional state of the patient !)

1. What are the issues in your life that bother you the most. Not physical issues but mental or emotional ones. List each one separately and describe why each one bothers you so much.

2. What emotions are the most troublesome for you? What situations provoke these emotions. How do these emotions make you act? Do you feel any ill effects from expressing or not expressing these emotions.

3. What incidents in your life have had a deep impact on you? Describe each incident in detail and how they made you feel? What did you do in those situations? What effect have they had on your life?

4. What are you afraid of? Especially important are phobias, but it might be objects, situations or events that just produce a high level of anxiety. How do you manage your fears? How do you react when confronted with these fears? What would be the worst situation for you to be put in that would provoke these fears? You may need to talk about each fear/anxiety separately.

5. What hobbies do you have? Why do you like each of these activities?

6. Do you have any persistent thoughts, ideas or beliefs that are difficult to stop or cope with? What are they?

7. Do you have any unusual gestures or movements of the body? Do you feel any unusual sensation or pain throughout your body? What exactly does it feel like is happening in your body?

8. When you experience your fears, persistent thoughts, or difficult emotions, what kind of sensation or reactions do you get in your body?

9. When did you feel at your best in your life? What was that like for you? If you imagine the complete opposite of this feeling or moment, what would that be like?

10. Do you feel like you are stuck in a pattern of behavior, especially when trying to deal with your problems? What is this pattern? THIS IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION PLEASE CONSIDER CAREFULLY AND GIVE DETAILS.

11. What difficulties or problems do you have in relationships? Talk about your family, your romantic relationships, your spouse or partner, your friends, and your work colleagues. You may need to talk about all of these separately.

12. List 5 positive things about yourself. Are there any situations where this positive attribute becomes negative (is a problem)?

13. List 5 negative things about yourself. Are there any situations where this negative attribute becomes positive (is useful)?

14. Do you have any reoccurring dreams? Describe them in detail, including any feelings that come while dreaming. Dreams are very important in unlocking the deepest truth of a patient’s case, but it is not enough to simply describe them in a sentence. Give as much information as you feel comfortable doing.

15. Did you have any reoccurring dreams as a child, or earlier in your life? Describe those in detail including any feelings that came with them.

16. What were you like as a child, your character, your personality, your fears, your dreams, your problems?

17. What kind of environment did you grow up in? What problems where there at home, with your family, with your parents, with your siblings, with school?
Evocationer last decade

(Symptoms that don’t fit anywhere else, but are things that tend to affect all of you as a person, but are not emotions or thoughts)

1. Sleep - what position do you tend to sleep in?
- what position can you not sleep in?
- do you do anything unusual in your sleep?
- any problems with going to sleep, staying asleep, or waking up?

2. Appetite - What foods do you crave/desire strongly?
- What foods do you hate eating (have an aversion to)?
- What foods have a negative effect on you or cause symptoms?
- What foods have a positive effect on you or seem to improve your health or symptoms in some way?

- What is the effect of hunger or fasting on you?

3. Thirst - What drinks do you crave/desire strongly?
- What drinks do you hate to take (are averse to)?
- When are you most thirsty?
- When are you least thirsty?

4. Stool - Do you have any problems with your bowels or passing stool?
- What is the shape, color, odor of the stool?

5. Urine - Do you have any trouble passing or retaining urine?
- What is the color, odor of the urine?
- Do you have any sediment or debris in the urine?

6. Sweat - How do you feel about the amount of perspiration you have?
- Where do you have the most sweat?
- What is the odor?
- What color does it stain clothing?
- Does anything in particular cause you to sweat abnormally?

7. Sexuality - Any problems with your sexual desire?
- Any problems with your sexual ability or function?
- Any history of sexually transmitted diseases?

8. Menses (Women)
- How many days is your cycle?
- How many days does the flow go for?
- What is the appearance of the flow?
- What is the odor of the flow?
- What kind of stain does the flow leave?
- Any discharge before, during or after?
- Any pain before, during or after the flow?
- What symptoms come before the flow?
- What symptoms come after the flow?

9. Environment – How does the weather affect you?
- How does the temperature affect you?
- How does the season affect you?
- What physical activities affect you?
- Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to?

10. Anything else you feel is important that hasn’t been covered by previous questions?
Evocationer last decade
Dear DR, I need advise. I am 29, Male, Married, height 5'10", weight 170lb. I eat indian food mostly,non-smoker, no drinker, I live in cold weather, I am very normal person. I had a wart in my left index finger almost for a year. Before I did not concern about it and did not know what a wart is. After a while 4/5 months ago, I started having a small bump in my lower lips. I asked a friend who was a pharmacist, he told me that is wart. I started researching online and found out what a wart is. One of my friend burnt my lip's wart with some kind of acidic ointment( I have no idea what it was).It got burnt and fell off. The one in my finger is a cauliflower like one which was stubborn and did not get away with that acid. I kept researching online and used apple cider vinegar, duct tape. one month ago I tried Thuja 30 C pellets and also Thuja oil in the finger. The pellets I finished long ago, but kept continuing the Vinegar and Thuja oil in finger. It became black and then slowly it came out and left a hole and now I am still continuing and the hole is heeled almost. But recently I have found one small bump in my Penis skin(not in forehead), it is very small and hard to find sometimes. And the one in me lips seems like coming back again. Please advice me
sameer322 9 years ago
Dear Sameer,

You have multiple posts and
that leads to confusion and
multiple suggestions.

You need your own thread for

Go to the top of forum, look above the first post.
Click button, Post New Topic-

That will let you create your own individual thread.
Do not post anything after you do this.Wait for a
response- bc when there is an open white box that
means no one has taken the case yet and people
look for that.
simone717 9 years ago
Dear Dr. Mahfoozurrehman,

i have few warts on lips, face and shave area. It started will warts under fingers on hand. I am really worried and seeking remedy. It has spread coz i have got it burned 3 years back. Please suggest any doctor specialist in delhi for quick remedy.

Thank you
Mohit2407 9 years ago
Hi Dr. Mahfoozurrehman,
I am 30 year old i have a wart on nose need help to remove
is it possible. img attached.
Please suggest any medicin

I have also add one post


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ravi934 8 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.