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Sebaceous Cyst



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sebaceous Cyst

Would love help. I have had a cyst on my chest just below my bra line for many years. It sometimes gets larger then gets small again. This time it has gotten very large, red and tender. I have tried hot compress but it shows no sign of opening or getting smaller. I saw old posts suggesting Silicea 6c, Silicea 200c, Myristica and alendula Gel but dont' really know the protocal. There were also mention of pilonida cysts. I assume this is sebaceous. Not sure what a pilonida cyst is.
Any suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated . Ellen
  EllenB on 2009-02-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Most probably sebaceous cyst
In case of sebaceous cyst ,by exam, you can find a black pore,and this sac is filled with white semisolid material

The pilinodal cyst is entirely different. The site of this is near coccyx.Frequent infection causing much discomfort anf pain.

Both conditions can be successfullytreated by homoeopathy
PANNAKKAL last decade
Any suggestions as to how to proceed? Thanks. Ellen
EllenB last decade
just used tea tree oil today and hop compresses. drained a very tiny bit then stopped. a friend gave me 'solomon's seal' but when i looked on line it didnt say anything about helping cysts. i went to the health food store and looked in their homeopathic book but didnt' find anything. I prefer homeopathic but don't know what to use. Ellen
EllenB last decade
Internal medication is the homoeopathic method.
Consult nearby hompath is needed, because he can see and prescribe
PANNAKKAL last decade
closest one is almost 2 hours away. I am trying to call and see if I can get an appointment but so far no luck.
EllenB last decade
just bought Silicia 6 today (saw it on an old forum post). taking 2-3 pellets 3 times a day. If I am on the wrong track would love some feedback.
EllenB last decade
Must say I was disappointed I didn't get any suggestions other than go to a homeopath. Not an option since there isn't one here. By Firday I had to go traditional and am now on antibiotics and may still need a surgeon to open it up. I was hoping this would be a good place for resource/education
EllenB last decade
Sil is one of the medicine.

I didn't go deep in to your case,and I have no time to ask details also

You can try it in 3x or 6x potency if it is on the verg of suppuration. You have to take 4times daily at least for one week. If the tablet is very small in size -take 5 tab at a time.
PANNAKKAL last decade

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