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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Tonsils & Adenoids

I have two boys, one 6 and one 4, the 6 yrs old snored horribly and RLS as well as signs of stopping breathing in his sleep. We had his T&A taken out on Dec. 30th and have seen great results on everything except the cough and runny nose (I think must be allergy related). The problem was that it was a very stressful and tramatizing experience for him and us. We noticed our younger sons tonsils the night our older came home from surgery as being greatly enlarged and red. The are actually touching! He snores some, but nothing like his brother did. He doesn't seem to have any problems with it for the most part, but it can't be good that they have been blood red and touching since Dec. 30th. He has no other sign of illess like colds or coughs.

What should we do. The ENT suggested his come out as well, but we really hate to put him through it, especially if he isn't having any real symptoms with it.
  Conner on 2009-02-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
baryta carb 30 twice daily for 15 days cal phos 6x thrice daily for one month
akshaymohl last decade
Thanks, he has began to run a fever starting last night. He has no symptoms of sickness anywhere else other than his enlarged and red tonsils.
Conner last decade
Are there any signs to watch for as far as side effects or other issues with this treatment?
Conner last decade
no side effect for fever give belladona 30 twice daily for 5 days
akshaymohl last decade

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