The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Please HELP! Enlarged Tonsils, Adenoids
Hi,I have a 8 year old son. He is 51lbs and almost 4 feet tall, thin built, active (sporty). His tonsils are enlarged (right slightly larger than left).Snores loudly when sleeping, sleep apnea occasionally, Sleeps with mouth open, mainly back sleeper, says that he can't breathe properly sometimes, gets nose bleeds (not all the time, but when they happen he keeps getting them for few hours on and off, mainly while awake, not sure what triggers them- not trauma), nose bleed happened once while sleeping. His tonsils and adenoids have been large for atleast 3 years now. Have taken him to few homeopaths, which has helped for a month or so. Nose gets filled with yellowish thick mucus. Gets hungry, but eats very slowly. Gets distracted very easily while doing anything- eating, doing homework, reading. He also has very dry skin, wrists and knuckles get dry, red and little bumpy. Heals also get dry. Cuticle skin breaks, get better with lotion but goes back even if not hydrated once. Nails have ridges. Gets angry and feels helpless/frustrated sometimes. Tonsil/adenoid surgery has been suggested and is scheduled for May 2018.
[Edited by DKS on 2018-01-31 05:16:57]
DKS on 2018-01-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also he is very obedient, likes to follow rules, likes to keeps very clean. perfectionist when it comes to doing any chores, writing, reading. Does not like to do thing wrong, so very careful. He is twin, and used to throw up a lot when he was an infant. Likes to eat sweet things, very picky eater. He has been coughing alot since couple of nights, sounds like he has lots of drool produced at night that is causing the cough. Please help!
[Edited by DKS on 2018-01-31 05:15:37]
[Edited by DKS on 2018-01-31 05:15:37]
DKS 7 years ago
day 1 to day 3
Calcarea Carb 200 twice a day.
day 4 to day 10
Merc Sol 200 in evening.
One dose means 2 pills or drops.
Calcarea Carb 200 twice a day.
day 4 to day 10
Merc Sol 200 in evening.
One dose means 2 pills or drops.
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
Thank you very much. I will get these and follow up after 10 days. Will there be more medication needed after 10 days? Also wanted to mention that he does not have any pain anywhere in the throat/ ear.
[Edited by DKS on 2018-02-01 15:47:47]
[Edited by DKS on 2018-02-01 15:47:47]
DKS 7 years ago
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
Hello Dr Kadwa,
The first dose of Calc carb made a huge difference, his snoring reduced alot, i only hear little bit now. No more drooling or coughing at night. His tonsils were hard and round like a stone before i started, now they have gotten smaller and softer. I will try to e-mail you a picture of the tonsils. Mer sol does not seem to have make any difference.
Right now, he has some snoring, sleeps with mouth open, snoring kind of sound when he is sitting and concentrating on something (like building lego), teeth grinding some times, his nose is still runny. Also for the last week his lips have been very dry ( he got a cut/ rip on his bottom lip). Also he has very dry skin, his nail have ridges lengthwise and are kind of flat for the last few months or so (they were not like that before) , and his cuticles are lifting/ separating for both fingers and toes.
Please let me know what i can do next.
Thank you very much for your help, it is much appreciated.
[Edited by DKS on 2018-02-13 19:10:19]
The first dose of Calc carb made a huge difference, his snoring reduced alot, i only hear little bit now. No more drooling or coughing at night. His tonsils were hard and round like a stone before i started, now they have gotten smaller and softer. I will try to e-mail you a picture of the tonsils. Mer sol does not seem to have make any difference.
Right now, he has some snoring, sleeps with mouth open, snoring kind of sound when he is sitting and concentrating on something (like building lego), teeth grinding some times, his nose is still runny. Also for the last week his lips have been very dry ( he got a cut/ rip on his bottom lip). Also he has very dry skin, his nail have ridges lengthwise and are kind of flat for the last few months or so (they were not like that before) , and his cuticles are lifting/ separating for both fingers and toes.
Please let me know what i can do next.
Thank you very much for your help, it is much appreciated.
[Edited by DKS on 2018-02-13 19:10:19]
DKS 7 years ago
day 1 to day 3
Calcarea Carb 200 twice a day.
day 4 to day 10
Natrum Mur 200 in evening.
One dose means 2 pills or drops.
Calcarea Carb 200 twice a day.
day 4 to day 10
Natrum Mur 200 in evening.
One dose means 2 pills or drops.
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
Hello Dr Kadwa,
I have been giving calc carb. 200 for the last 3 days to my so . Niw his tonsils look big again and snoring is getting louder agian. I am going to start natrum mur tomorrow. What should i do?
I have been giving calc carb. 200 for the last 3 days to my so . Niw his tonsils look big again and snoring is getting louder agian. I am going to start natrum mur tomorrow. What should i do?
DKS 7 years ago
Please do Natrum Mur and report back.
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
Hello Dr Kadwa,
I have been giving Natrum Mur 200 for the last 7 days, snoring and breathing sounds seem to be little better than before, the tonsils are still swollen. Last time i also noticed small blisters on the back part of the mouth. The tonsils Have some white spots. In last few days he also developed of a rash around his mouth two times (not bumpy, just red skin around mouth) which got better with an antibiotic ointment last time. Tonight I applied the ointment again as the rash developed around afternoon.
Please advise what to do next.
Thank you very much!
I have been giving Natrum Mur 200 for the last 7 days, snoring and breathing sounds seem to be little better than before, the tonsils are still swollen. Last time i also noticed small blisters on the back part of the mouth. The tonsils Have some white spots. In last few days he also developed of a rash around his mouth two times (not bumpy, just red skin around mouth) which got better with an antibiotic ointment last time. Tonight I applied the ointment again as the rash developed around afternoon.
Please advise what to do next.
Thank you very much!
DKS 7 years ago
Please give him the following remedies twice a day for 10 days and report back.
Nux vomica 30
Sulphur 30
Belladonna 30
200 potency may be used instead of 30.
[Edited by kadwa on 2018-03-11 04:25:15]
Nux vomica 30
Sulphur 30
Belladonna 30
200 potency may be used instead of 30.
[Edited by kadwa on 2018-03-11 04:25:15]
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
Hi Dr Kadwa,
I have been giving the 3 remedies nux vomica 30, sulpur 30 and belladona 30 for the last 3 days. It seems like he is getting the excessive saliva formation again. I hear alot if gulping sound when he is sleeping, no coughing yet though. Also i hear some snoring during sleep and while he is sitting concentrating on something. The tonsils also look bigger than before. The rash around his mouth is gone since last few days. I was reading about types of tonsillitis. I was wondering what tonsils with holes look like. Not sure if his are like that. I would like you to look at his pictures, is there a way to share them with you?
[Edited by DKS on 2018-03-22 05:52:40]
I have been giving the 3 remedies nux vomica 30, sulpur 30 and belladona 30 for the last 3 days. It seems like he is getting the excessive saliva formation again. I hear alot if gulping sound when he is sleeping, no coughing yet though. Also i hear some snoring during sleep and while he is sitting concentrating on something. The tonsils also look bigger than before. The rash around his mouth is gone since last few days. I was reading about types of tonsillitis. I was wondering what tonsils with holes look like. Not sure if his are like that. I would like you to look at his pictures, is there a way to share them with you?
[Edited by DKS on 2018-03-22 05:52:40]
DKS 6 years ago
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
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