The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Need help with Lipoma, Fibromyalgia & Cholestrol
I am a 37 yr. old Male suffering from multiple Lipomas all over the body, was diagnosed with Fiobromyalgia with extreme fatigue and muscle spasms and pains 9 months ago and now have been detected with high cholestrol (trigly - 395 and HDL 29).I have had 6 out-patient surgeries done in last 7 years to remove several painful lipomas from back.
I really need help as the Fibro pains are just hampering my day-to-day life. I am on strict No fat or Oil diet, do not eat Mea or drink alcohol, and TRY to work outr for 45 mins everyday despite pain. My weight is kinda stuck at 219lbs and unable to reduce that.
I was taking Rhus Tox 30C thrice a day and Cal. Carb once a week, it was effective in pains for a shirt time and now all pains have returned. Any help or advice or pointing in a posive direction is highly appreciated.
aarora00 on 2009-03-05
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