The ABC Homeopathy Forum
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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It's not just Hahnemann my dear.
There is Dr Schussler, Burnett, Gross, Bboenninghausen, Hering, Allen, Kent, Boger, Luc, Vilthoukas, Shankaran and many more. We follow the teachings of all.
If you have any faith in your principle, give one scientific explanation of mixing remedies in high potencies.
Cure is a very subjective term. What you keep thumping about as a cure would most often be a palliation or a suppression given the methods you are implementing.
Shouting at the top of your voice is very easy once we fall short of logic. Justify yourself. Make me a convert if you have the wherewithal to do so. Come, justify your methods scientifically.
Best wishes and fondest regards
There is Dr Schussler, Burnett, Gross, Bboenninghausen, Hering, Allen, Kent, Boger, Luc, Vilthoukas, Shankaran and many more. We follow the teachings of all.
If you have any faith in your principle, give one scientific explanation of mixing remedies in high potencies.
Cure is a very subjective term. What you keep thumping about as a cure would most often be a palliation or a suppression given the methods you are implementing.
Shouting at the top of your voice is very easy once we fall short of logic. Justify yourself. Make me a convert if you have the wherewithal to do so. Come, justify your methods scientifically.
Best wishes and fondest regards
Niel Madhavan last decade
And what I am telling you about Information Transfer in Solvents is amongst the latest of ideas. You will find it only in research papers, not even on Net. Hahnemann was not even aware of this.
Best wishes
Best wishes
Niel Madhavan last decade
this is presisly why LANCET calls this PLACEBO EFFECT cause your single dose does not seem to cure
in theory it sounds very nice ..but in practice ?
in theory it sounds very nice ..but in practice ?
zambian last decade
More years of practice than you, sir.
And if I disclose my real name, you may even know me.
Best wishes
And if I disclose my real name, you may even know me.
Best wishes
Niel Madhavan last decade
even HAHNEMANN and kent had major failures ...they took 3 years to cure a case
who has time for that .....
GOD forbid if your son was sick would you experiment with him for 3 years ..i dout that ,you would rush immediately to a multispeciallity clinic ..because we care ,we want to be cured fast ...patients dont care about ORGANON !!
who has time for that .....
GOD forbid if your son was sick would you experiment with him for 3 years ..i dout that ,you would rush immediately to a multispeciallity clinic ..because we care ,we want to be cured fast ...patients dont care about ORGANON !!
zambian last decade
WITH DUE RESPECT TO you ,thats not my point ,im not douting your credibility ,..i would give the same arguement even if you were HAHNEMANN!
zambian last decade
They were founders. They stumbled and fell and learnt. Isn't it incumbent on us to use their learning?
An when you are in such forums, you have to ask many questions which in Clinical Practice, you can get to know just by having one look at the patient.
There is never stopping at one dose. It is followed by a follow up in higher potency once there is a significant improvement on the first dose. If improvement was not there, medicine would be changed.
Best wishes
They were founders. They stumbled and fell and learnt. Isn't it incumbent on us to use their learning?
An when you are in such forums, you have to ask many questions which in Clinical Practice, you can get to know just by having one look at the patient.
There is never stopping at one dose. It is followed by a follow up in higher potency once there is a significant improvement on the first dose. If improvement was not there, medicine would be changed.
Best wishes
Niel Madhavan last decade
zambian last decade
Dear Neil & Zambian ,
There is no denying the fact that combinations do work but the fact of the matter is that in a sensitive and chronic patient they will simply destroy him
There is no denying the fact that combinations do work but the fact of the matter is that in a sensitive and chronic patient they will simply destroy him
vikas_grower last decade
Classical Homeopathy
#1 - Obstacles to Healing
Samuel Hahnemann
'It seems to me that the task of the homeopath is more and more difficult, the successes less direct and spectacular, and the failures more frequent, due to the so-called 'progress' of our civilization: the chlorination and fluoridation of our water, the drugs and chemicals (and now irradiation) in our foods, air pollution, multiple vaccinations, the increasing use of X-rays, and the overuse of drugs like antibiotics and barbiturates as well as strong suppressive acts like chemotherapy and radiation.
'All these factors contribute to the overwhelming suppression of natural disease manifestations, which confuses and complicates the problem in selecting our remedies.'
Luc De Schepper, MD, PhD, CHom, DIHom, Lic AC
in Hahnemann Revisited
Dr. DeSchepper, the author of this most comprehensive source on classical homeopathy is a world class homeopath who speaks about blocks and obstacles to cure. He speaks specifically about these blocks and obstacles on the way to deep, correct and truly Hahnemannian prescribing.
He brought this subject up because he has encountered these blocks and obstacles, other world-class homeopaths encountered them too and Hahnemann was not able to overcome them himself in many instances either.
It is not a matter of just being a better homeopath, it is not a matter of attending another class, learning another repertorizing method or studying with a famous master, it is a matter of the very essence of a block anything that stops movement or progress, i.e., positive movement in the case which a well-selected remedy cannot overcome.
Another famous American homeopath, Paul Herscu, N.D. a pupil of George Vithoulkas devoted much prominence to this subject and his share of frustrations upon encountering obstacles to cure in his own practice (The Herscu Letter #28,29).
Both Drs. De Schepper and Herscu have quoted Hahnemann extensively citing the numerous aphorisms in Organon where Hahnemann had pleaded over and over with his disciples to seek, uncover and remove blocks and obstacles to cure! (Aphorisms: 1,2,3,4,5,7,93,94,208,252,255,260,261)
Dr. Herscu astutely perceived Hahnemann's admonition to all homeopathic physicians expressed in aphorism 3 of the Organon. Its essence commands to the physician that he has to understand the true nature of disease, its roots, in every individual case. He must know, besides homeopathy or his individual specialty, of all other useful medical approaches and what is curative in them. He must know how to apply them properly (timing, dosage, length of administration). He must know the obstacles to recovery in each case and be aware how to remove them. He must be intelligent about how to treat judiciously and rationally and only then, he is a true practitioner of the healing arts.
In other words, Hahnemann wants all homeopathic physicians to know, besides homeopathy, other useful therapies: how to integrate them effectively and be capable of discovering and removing blocks to healing.
He makes a significant emphasis on paying attention to patient's lifestyle, diet, environment, general hygiene and miasm (pollution, taint). Even though as far as the last is concerned, Hahnemann described it through the several major groups (sycosis, syphilis and psora), it is accepted fact that any sufficiently morbid agent may bring a miasm into existence. It is a known fact that tens of thousands of new morbid agents and even new miasms themselves have come into play since the Hahnemann's time.
One comment to be made concerning a supposed 'deviation' from Hahnemannian homeopathy as it is seen by some zealous classical homeopaths. As much as we classical homeopaths revere the work of Hahnemann, neither Science nor Nature knows of any law, system of education or specialty where knowledge and its boundaries are considered to be absolute and sealed in for all time.
Nowhere in the Organon one can find a single paragraph admonishing that homeopathic practitioners were not to go beyond classical homeopathy or enforce it with the new and growing body of knowledge. Any considerations to the contrary would not be considered Hahnemannian homeopathy, but defined as closed-mindedness and fanaticism.
Hahnemann, being a truly open-minded healer himself with a very broad scope of knowledge and interests in medicine, called on physicians to possess the widest skills and do whatever was necessary to assure healing in the shortest, harmless and reliable way as long as it was based on 'easily comprehensible (i.e., logical) principles' (Aph. 2 & 3).
It is of interest that in the aphorisms 286, 287, and 288, he brings up an issue for physicians to be familiar, among other therapeutic modes and principles, with principles of human electricity, galvanism and magnetism.
This is the very principle upon which a skillful application of Bio-resonance testing will yield, in addition to a careful anamnesis, exact fundamental causes of illnesses that Hahnemann so strongly emphasized upon, and particularly when 'the best selected homeopathic medicine does not effect an improvement, this is a sure sign that the cause that keeps up the disease still persists' and, also, 'that (it) must be removed in order that a permanent cure may ensue.' (Aph. 252)
Personal Experience
In my own experience in the past, utilizing primarily classical homeopathy and through the study of the numerous patients who were treated for chronic diseases by prominent classical homeopaths, I could observe over and over the unfortunate consequences when this simple but fundamental admonition of Hahnemann's failed to be addressed. The patients either did not respond properly to the correct remedies at all or they responded only partially, or they relapsed or even experienced intense aggravations.
It is the very purpose of FCT®, to introduce to the physicians a new model of disease based on easily comprehensible principles, equip them with an ability to discover, remove or mitigate blocks and obstacles, and also to familiarize themselves with benefits and shortcomings of all major rational therapeutic principles.
At the end, this is the only way for homeopathy to realize its full and immense potential, or settle otherwise for sporadic successes and quoting the same, with nostalgia, from the old books.
Just two examples from my own practice that taught me well this cardinal point of Hahnemann's. It happened some dozen years back, in the early 90's, when I just began expounding upon my Bio-resonance testing system
Case #1 - Chronic Pain in Cervical Spine
A middle-age woman complained of a chronic pain in her cervical spine that was seemingly related to an injury and was not yielding to any local treatments, i.e., chiropractic, osteopathic, physical therapy, etc. I prescribed Arnica 30C. Some 2-3 weeks later, the patient called and advised me of the good news that the neck pain ceased completely, but the bad news was that low back pain settled in.
I spiritedly appraised her of the famous rules of cure as defined by Dr. Hering, and assured her that we were moving in the right direction as the disease process was indeed moving downwards. All we needed to do, was to wait a few more days. A few more days and then a few more weeks went by but her body refused, for whatever reasons, to continue obeying Hering's law.
Perhaps some homeopaths would have said that there was a time for the next remedy or maybe Arnica was not even the best choice. As we well know, on 'Monday morning' we all have far better solutions. Yet, instead of searching for another remedy, I decided to subject her back to Bio-resonance testing and find out what blocked the movement in the case.
For one, I determined (using my method) that Arnica was still acting, which in all likelihood, meant that it was a correct remedy. (Incorrectly prescribed remedies, especially in low-mid potencies would not keep the vital force engaged for too long of a time period).
Secondly, in testing her spinal structures I discovered a very toxic heavy metal. I decided just to give her an isode (nosode) of the same metal in a potency that tested effective and then wait and see. Within 48 hours, the low back pain vanished and the cervical pain, incidentally, never returned.
Today, some dozen years later, her overall clinical course proved, as she has been treated primarily with causative homeopathy, that no suppression took place as she has been maintained in good health and, in addition, free of all the symptoms of her main condition ulcerative colitis.
Case #2 - Acute Allergic Symtoms (Pesticide Exposure)
A middle-aged woman presented around the same time period with a long list of very intense allergic symptoms following an acute pesticide exposure from her neighbor's lawn. Her picture was typical of Arsenicum Album. Given the fact that her chronic sensitivities, as well as her constitution on a whole, including many health-related fears, corresponded to Arsenicum Album too, it was prescribed in a fairly high potency 200C. Within hours, all of her symptoms abated.
As time went on, she began displaying a typical 'wash-out' picture, replaying one by one her old symptoms and maladies from the past which typically follow correctly prescribed remedies. Yet some three weeks later, she phoned in complaining that her energy level deteriorated.
Assuming it was a part of the wash-out, as she had bouts of fatigue on and off in the past, I advised her to wait, and knowing her Arsenicum personality, not to resort to any therapies in the meantime. Yet, waiting and then waiting further did not help and I had her come in to be tested.
Bio-resonance testing again revealed a block in the way of toxic metals present in the key endocrine and immune organs. The corresponding homeopathic isodes were prescribed along with the proper sarcodal support. Complete recovery followed very shortly, and furthermore, the blocked action of Arsenicum Album was restored as it 'retook' afterwards.
Several lessons to be learned
1. Proper constitutional prescribing is not a panacea as it may, inadvertently, progress a case to a point where the Vital Force will not be able to overcome a block and might wind up wearing itself out.
2. It is a well-understood fact that classical homeopathic remedies cannot heal by and of themselves, since they do not act as allopathic drugs (cortisone, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, etc.). They can heal only through a stimulation of patient's own Vital Force, or as the renowned Indian homeopath Rajan Sankaran, MD., noted, using more modern medical terminology Main Body Defense System.
This, physiologically speaking, amounts to having a sufficient energy pool within the time-space of a given living system (human body) rendered by combined powers of endocrine, immune, metabolic and other systems. In addition, as physics demand, any change of state of a system, (from disease to health, i.e., healing) requires work which automatically equates with expansion of energy. Energy is itself defined by physics as ability to do work.
#1 - Obstacles to Healing
Samuel Hahnemann
'It seems to me that the task of the homeopath is more and more difficult, the successes less direct and spectacular, and the failures more frequent, due to the so-called 'progress' of our civilization: the chlorination and fluoridation of our water, the drugs and chemicals (and now irradiation) in our foods, air pollution, multiple vaccinations, the increasing use of X-rays, and the overuse of drugs like antibiotics and barbiturates as well as strong suppressive acts like chemotherapy and radiation.
'All these factors contribute to the overwhelming suppression of natural disease manifestations, which confuses and complicates the problem in selecting our remedies.'
Luc De Schepper, MD, PhD, CHom, DIHom, Lic AC
in Hahnemann Revisited
Dr. DeSchepper, the author of this most comprehensive source on classical homeopathy is a world class homeopath who speaks about blocks and obstacles to cure. He speaks specifically about these blocks and obstacles on the way to deep, correct and truly Hahnemannian prescribing.
He brought this subject up because he has encountered these blocks and obstacles, other world-class homeopaths encountered them too and Hahnemann was not able to overcome them himself in many instances either.
It is not a matter of just being a better homeopath, it is not a matter of attending another class, learning another repertorizing method or studying with a famous master, it is a matter of the very essence of a block anything that stops movement or progress, i.e., positive movement in the case which a well-selected remedy cannot overcome.
Another famous American homeopath, Paul Herscu, N.D. a pupil of George Vithoulkas devoted much prominence to this subject and his share of frustrations upon encountering obstacles to cure in his own practice (The Herscu Letter #28,29).
Both Drs. De Schepper and Herscu have quoted Hahnemann extensively citing the numerous aphorisms in Organon where Hahnemann had pleaded over and over with his disciples to seek, uncover and remove blocks and obstacles to cure! (Aphorisms: 1,2,3,4,5,7,93,94,208,252,255,260,261)
Dr. Herscu astutely perceived Hahnemann's admonition to all homeopathic physicians expressed in aphorism 3 of the Organon. Its essence commands to the physician that he has to understand the true nature of disease, its roots, in every individual case. He must know, besides homeopathy or his individual specialty, of all other useful medical approaches and what is curative in them. He must know how to apply them properly (timing, dosage, length of administration). He must know the obstacles to recovery in each case and be aware how to remove them. He must be intelligent about how to treat judiciously and rationally and only then, he is a true practitioner of the healing arts.
In other words, Hahnemann wants all homeopathic physicians to know, besides homeopathy, other useful therapies: how to integrate them effectively and be capable of discovering and removing blocks to healing.
He makes a significant emphasis on paying attention to patient's lifestyle, diet, environment, general hygiene and miasm (pollution, taint). Even though as far as the last is concerned, Hahnemann described it through the several major groups (sycosis, syphilis and psora), it is accepted fact that any sufficiently morbid agent may bring a miasm into existence. It is a known fact that tens of thousands of new morbid agents and even new miasms themselves have come into play since the Hahnemann's time.
One comment to be made concerning a supposed 'deviation' from Hahnemannian homeopathy as it is seen by some zealous classical homeopaths. As much as we classical homeopaths revere the work of Hahnemann, neither Science nor Nature knows of any law, system of education or specialty where knowledge and its boundaries are considered to be absolute and sealed in for all time.
Nowhere in the Organon one can find a single paragraph admonishing that homeopathic practitioners were not to go beyond classical homeopathy or enforce it with the new and growing body of knowledge. Any considerations to the contrary would not be considered Hahnemannian homeopathy, but defined as closed-mindedness and fanaticism.
Hahnemann, being a truly open-minded healer himself with a very broad scope of knowledge and interests in medicine, called on physicians to possess the widest skills and do whatever was necessary to assure healing in the shortest, harmless and reliable way as long as it was based on 'easily comprehensible (i.e., logical) principles' (Aph. 2 & 3).
It is of interest that in the aphorisms 286, 287, and 288, he brings up an issue for physicians to be familiar, among other therapeutic modes and principles, with principles of human electricity, galvanism and magnetism.
This is the very principle upon which a skillful application of Bio-resonance testing will yield, in addition to a careful anamnesis, exact fundamental causes of illnesses that Hahnemann so strongly emphasized upon, and particularly when 'the best selected homeopathic medicine does not effect an improvement, this is a sure sign that the cause that keeps up the disease still persists' and, also, 'that (it) must be removed in order that a permanent cure may ensue.' (Aph. 252)
Personal Experience
In my own experience in the past, utilizing primarily classical homeopathy and through the study of the numerous patients who were treated for chronic diseases by prominent classical homeopaths, I could observe over and over the unfortunate consequences when this simple but fundamental admonition of Hahnemann's failed to be addressed. The patients either did not respond properly to the correct remedies at all or they responded only partially, or they relapsed or even experienced intense aggravations.
It is the very purpose of FCT®, to introduce to the physicians a new model of disease based on easily comprehensible principles, equip them with an ability to discover, remove or mitigate blocks and obstacles, and also to familiarize themselves with benefits and shortcomings of all major rational therapeutic principles.
At the end, this is the only way for homeopathy to realize its full and immense potential, or settle otherwise for sporadic successes and quoting the same, with nostalgia, from the old books.
Just two examples from my own practice that taught me well this cardinal point of Hahnemann's. It happened some dozen years back, in the early 90's, when I just began expounding upon my Bio-resonance testing system
Case #1 - Chronic Pain in Cervical Spine
A middle-age woman complained of a chronic pain in her cervical spine that was seemingly related to an injury and was not yielding to any local treatments, i.e., chiropractic, osteopathic, physical therapy, etc. I prescribed Arnica 30C. Some 2-3 weeks later, the patient called and advised me of the good news that the neck pain ceased completely, but the bad news was that low back pain settled in.
I spiritedly appraised her of the famous rules of cure as defined by Dr. Hering, and assured her that we were moving in the right direction as the disease process was indeed moving downwards. All we needed to do, was to wait a few more days. A few more days and then a few more weeks went by but her body refused, for whatever reasons, to continue obeying Hering's law.
Perhaps some homeopaths would have said that there was a time for the next remedy or maybe Arnica was not even the best choice. As we well know, on 'Monday morning' we all have far better solutions. Yet, instead of searching for another remedy, I decided to subject her back to Bio-resonance testing and find out what blocked the movement in the case.
For one, I determined (using my method) that Arnica was still acting, which in all likelihood, meant that it was a correct remedy. (Incorrectly prescribed remedies, especially in low-mid potencies would not keep the vital force engaged for too long of a time period).
Secondly, in testing her spinal structures I discovered a very toxic heavy metal. I decided just to give her an isode (nosode) of the same metal in a potency that tested effective and then wait and see. Within 48 hours, the low back pain vanished and the cervical pain, incidentally, never returned.
Today, some dozen years later, her overall clinical course proved, as she has been treated primarily with causative homeopathy, that no suppression took place as she has been maintained in good health and, in addition, free of all the symptoms of her main condition ulcerative colitis.
Case #2 - Acute Allergic Symtoms (Pesticide Exposure)
A middle-aged woman presented around the same time period with a long list of very intense allergic symptoms following an acute pesticide exposure from her neighbor's lawn. Her picture was typical of Arsenicum Album. Given the fact that her chronic sensitivities, as well as her constitution on a whole, including many health-related fears, corresponded to Arsenicum Album too, it was prescribed in a fairly high potency 200C. Within hours, all of her symptoms abated.
As time went on, she began displaying a typical 'wash-out' picture, replaying one by one her old symptoms and maladies from the past which typically follow correctly prescribed remedies. Yet some three weeks later, she phoned in complaining that her energy level deteriorated.
Assuming it was a part of the wash-out, as she had bouts of fatigue on and off in the past, I advised her to wait, and knowing her Arsenicum personality, not to resort to any therapies in the meantime. Yet, waiting and then waiting further did not help and I had her come in to be tested.
Bio-resonance testing again revealed a block in the way of toxic metals present in the key endocrine and immune organs. The corresponding homeopathic isodes were prescribed along with the proper sarcodal support. Complete recovery followed very shortly, and furthermore, the blocked action of Arsenicum Album was restored as it 'retook' afterwards.
Several lessons to be learned
1. Proper constitutional prescribing is not a panacea as it may, inadvertently, progress a case to a point where the Vital Force will not be able to overcome a block and might wind up wearing itself out.
2. It is a well-understood fact that classical homeopathic remedies cannot heal by and of themselves, since they do not act as allopathic drugs (cortisone, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, etc.). They can heal only through a stimulation of patient's own Vital Force, or as the renowned Indian homeopath Rajan Sankaran, MD., noted, using more modern medical terminology Main Body Defense System.
This, physiologically speaking, amounts to having a sufficient energy pool within the time-space of a given living system (human body) rendered by combined powers of endocrine, immune, metabolic and other systems. In addition, as physics demand, any change of state of a system, (from disease to health, i.e., healing) requires work which automatically equates with expansion of energy. Energy is itself defined by physics as ability to do work.
zambian last decade
I agree with everything you said here. Not a point of disagreement.
But where is the justification for Combinations and the kind of dosing that you prescribe?
Bioelectric Functions Diagnoses as propounded by Schmidt is perfectly fine and more effort should be made to integrate that with classical homoeopathy. But then, the two principles it is based on viz. Finding the Simillimum by bio-resonation and finding the ayers blocking the constitutional effects of a drug are nothing different from classical homoeopathy.
No one says that Constitutional prescribing is a panacea. If you look at my posts on the forum, I have advised a couple of times for triturations to be prepared from the substance that triggered the problem.
Rajan's hypothesis is right and wrong. While he fact that layers can block is fine, his interpretation of the vital force and expansion of the miasmatic regime is something yet to be put to test.
Fantastic article I must say. But is it any different from what I have been saying?
You discussed the blocks, but please convince us that your combinations are the right way to remove them.
In the Hahnemmanian scheme of things, mental and spiritual energies along with the electromagnetic references that his gives is patently different from the Kinetic sense of energy understood by classical physics which is just a means to work.
Special relativity and quantum mechanics have changed our understanding of energy and reality and I must say, what Hahnemann said so long ago resonates well with Modern physics.
I repeat, please provide explanation to the methods you are so zealously promoting on the forum
But where is the justification for Combinations and the kind of dosing that you prescribe?
Bioelectric Functions Diagnoses as propounded by Schmidt is perfectly fine and more effort should be made to integrate that with classical homoeopathy. But then, the two principles it is based on viz. Finding the Simillimum by bio-resonation and finding the ayers blocking the constitutional effects of a drug are nothing different from classical homoeopathy.
No one says that Constitutional prescribing is a panacea. If you look at my posts on the forum, I have advised a couple of times for triturations to be prepared from the substance that triggered the problem.
Rajan's hypothesis is right and wrong. While he fact that layers can block is fine, his interpretation of the vital force and expansion of the miasmatic regime is something yet to be put to test.
Fantastic article I must say. But is it any different from what I have been saying?
You discussed the blocks, but please convince us that your combinations are the right way to remove them.
In the Hahnemmanian scheme of things, mental and spiritual energies along with the electromagnetic references that his gives is patently different from the Kinetic sense of energy understood by classical physics which is just a means to work.
Special relativity and quantum mechanics have changed our understanding of energy and reality and I must say, what Hahnemann said so long ago resonates well with Modern physics.
I repeat, please provide explanation to the methods you are so zealously promoting on the forum
Niel Madhavan last decade
Since you mentioned Dr. Luc, you may also like to go to the following thread. In the very first thread, you will understand how vehemently Luc opposes mixing remedies:
Niel Madhavan last decade
I didnt understand the head tail of the conversation b|w Dr Neil and Zambian.
Let me tell first
I went to a doctor(2years back).
She had practised in AIIMS as a dermatologist.
She told me a medicine.
I took it for 10 days it had no effect .I stopped taking it fearing its side effects.
I feel all methods are important
I had very chronic cold for 6 months.Then I took ayurvedic medicne for another 6Months.And I have not got cold for past 2 yrs.
I had got sprain in my left knee.Then I had to go college limping all the way.
It used to pain a lot.
My parents took me to Hosmat hospital.There doctor told me to apply ice pack on the injured knee.
I was in pain for almost 1.5 months.I didnt want to take pain killers as it only kills the pain not cure.also it could make my case worse.
But reguraly applied ice pack.
Then after 1.5 months my father told me to take arnica and rhus tox and I was literally running after 15 days.Suddenly there was so much of improvement.Even I was
Now I do skiping and all kinds of exercise.
Once my sister had rhuematic fever.My parents went to all allopathic doctors but it was not helping at all.
So at last they went to a well known homeopathic doctor in Patiala then Dr Virk and she was cured with homeopathic.
Also many well known allopathic doctors used to come him for consultation.
My father is a heart patient and is taking allopathic for past 20 years and is fit and fine at the age of 70.God bless him.
So all kind of methods important in a certain way.
Let me tell first
I went to a doctor(2years back).
She had practised in AIIMS as a dermatologist.
She told me a medicine.
I took it for 10 days it had no effect .I stopped taking it fearing its side effects.
I feel all methods are important
I had very chronic cold for 6 months.Then I took ayurvedic medicne for another 6Months.And I have not got cold for past 2 yrs.
I had got sprain in my left knee.Then I had to go college limping all the way.
It used to pain a lot.
My parents took me to Hosmat hospital.There doctor told me to apply ice pack on the injured knee.
I was in pain for almost 1.5 months.I didnt want to take pain killers as it only kills the pain not cure.also it could make my case worse.
But reguraly applied ice pack.
Then after 1.5 months my father told me to take arnica and rhus tox and I was literally running after 15 days.Suddenly there was so much of improvement.Even I was
Now I do skiping and all kinds of exercise.
Once my sister had rhuematic fever.My parents went to all allopathic doctors but it was not helping at all.
So at last they went to a well known homeopathic doctor in Patiala then Dr Virk and she was cured with homeopathic.
Also many well known allopathic doctors used to come him for consultation.
My father is a heart patient and is taking allopathic for past 20 years and is fit and fine at the age of 70.God bless him.
So all kind of methods important in a certain way.
mitashi last decade
I have not taken medicine since yesterday.
I feel my face is clearing up now.
But still there is itching on my face.
I feel my face is clearing up now.
But still there is itching on my face.
mitashi last decade
hello Dr.Neil
Since 2 days I really felt that my face was getting cleared.
I had a very deep pimple and it has reduced by 90% on its own.
But suddenly I have got new breakouts.
I havnt taken any medicine since u told.
What should I do?
Since 2 days I really felt that my face was getting cleared.
I had a very deep pimple and it has reduced by 90% on its own.
But suddenly I have got new breakouts.
I havnt taken any medicine since u told.
What should I do?
mitashi last decade
Please describe the nature of these breakouts.
Small, big, with/without blackheads, colour, pus filled/dry, etc.
Please describe the nature of these breakouts.
Small, big, with/without blackheads, colour, pus filled/dry, etc.
Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi Dr Neil
I feel other part of my skin is getting clear.
As well as I am getting Big pus filled pimples on the side of my nose and on my chin.
And many a times at the same place it keeps on repeating.
Pimples appear within 2-3 days only.Always it pains a lot and r usually very deep.
I feel other part of my skin is getting clear.
As well as I am getting Big pus filled pimples on the side of my nose and on my chin.
And many a times at the same place it keeps on repeating.
Pimples appear within 2-3 days only.Always it pains a lot and r usually very deep.
mitashi last decade
Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi Dr Neil
oh I am sorry for that.
Now I have got big pus pimples on the side of nose and on chin.
I had got lot of pus pimples on my cheek recently.Although pimples seems to have reduced in size but its marks are clearly visible. And my whole face looks scary now.
Sometimes I keep getting pimple at the same place which results in a scar.
My pimples appears completly witihin 2-3 days.In short it appears very fast.
oh I am sorry for that.
Now I have got big pus pimples on the side of nose and on chin.
I had got lot of pus pimples on my cheek recently.Although pimples seems to have reduced in size but its marks are clearly visible. And my whole face looks scary now.
Sometimes I keep getting pimple at the same place which results in a scar.
My pimples appears completly witihin 2-3 days.In short it appears very fast.
mitashi last decade
Just one wet dose of Calc sulph 1M an hour before dinner.
Report in two days from taking the remedy.
Just one wet dose of Calc sulph 1M an hour before dinner.
Report in two days from taking the remedy.
Niel Madhavan last decade
Plz plz doctor Neil could u tell me how to make 200 into 1M.If I tell my parents they will scold me badly that I am simply wasting money on the same medicine.
mitashi last decade
It may be difficult for you to make 1M. But we have a way out.
Take a 250ml spring water/mineral water bottle. Throw some 50 ml from it. Mix 2 drops of 200 potency and hit the bottle vigourously for about 25 times against your palms or any other elastic solution.
Pour about a teaspoonful from this solution into 100 ml of water and take a spoonful from it. This will be one dose.
It may be difficult for you to make 1M. But we have a way out.
Take a 250ml spring water/mineral water bottle. Throw some 50 ml from it. Mix 2 drops of 200 potency and hit the bottle vigourously for about 25 times against your palms or any other elastic solution.
Pour about a teaspoonful from this solution into 100 ml of water and take a spoonful from it. This will be one dose.
Niel Madhavan last decade
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