The ABC Homeopathy Forum
I need help- Panic Attacks
On October 24th, I smoked Marijuina. I felt like I couldn't breathe and the next thing I knew, I didnt know who I was, I didn't know anything. Every memory, every thought everything disappeared from my head and I felt like I was nothing. I didnt know what or who I was. I awoke twenty minutes later, got a little sick, slept for an hour, got up and went to a concert. I was fine.Now, almost three months later, upon reminiscing the incident I had a panic attack and slight insomnia one night. Every night after wards I've had reoccuring panic attacks, insomnia, derealization and depersonalization. The thing that scares me the most is the derealization.
I feel lost, I question everything, I dont understand anything and I forget who I am. I am afraid that I will continue to feel like this for the rest of my life. I don't know if theres any hope for me and I dont know if I can get better. I would like to know what I can do to get rid of it. Suicide has entered my mind because I cant live like this. I feel as if I'm dead, someone please help me.
GitRDone0420 on 2005-01-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There's a thread on this forum re. derealization that you might care to read. For the panic attacks, get Rescue remedy and take a couple of drops in some water, or 4 pellets (if in pillule form) as often as needed.
Minsa 2 decades ago
If you think that the fears are what have you feeling derealization, then it could be a good idea to try Aconitum 30c (3 times day) or Aconitum 200c
good luck!!
good luck!!
mariah 2 decades ago
I siriously doubt that your panic attacks are caused from smoking marijuaina unless it was laced with some other substance. But I know that there is an herbal pill that you can take and buy at GNC that is like diazipam, it is just a chill pill, you'll be amazed how fast you will just chill right out
Granny last decade
I am also interested in the name of the pill from GNC. Because I really need a relaxant, calming pill.
tweetystone last decade
I found 'arscenicum the best for panic's.
Though Panic attacks are coming from 'fear'. Rooted in chikdhood trama. Best to get to the root cause and go for some good councilling
Good Luck
Though Panic attacks are coming from 'fear'. Rooted in chikdhood trama. Best to get to the root cause and go for some good councilling
Good Luck
Laura Lian last decade
I have got my panic attacks under control with the Rescue Remedy and selinum. I was wondering what the herbal pill from GNC that is like diazipam, was, I was wanting to get it for relaxation. But I thank you very much for a reply.
tweetystone last decade
Laura Lian
Which Arscenicum do you recommend? I see that there are many. Also, what dosage and use do you suggest?
Which Arscenicum do you recommend? I see that there are many. Also, what dosage and use do you suggest?
naydies last decade
arcenicum alb. 30 and just take it whne you feel the panic coming on.
try relaxation techniques and breathing techniques.. but most of all do try going to a T.A. councellor that's what I did and now I never get them.
good luck
try relaxation techniques and breathing techniques.. but most of all do try going to a T.A. councellor that's what I did and now I never get them.
good luck
Laura Lian last decade
try not to worry my friend. for 2 yrs now i have been getting panic attacks, they are awful and i know how u feel believe me. i feel like ive lost my life to this but recently have been getting alot better. when you can finally accept that so many people out there are feeling like you are, thinking the same bad thoughts then your one step to recovery. one day i was so sick of feeling like you feel that i thought "balls to it" if i am going to die just let it happen, like you i had serious suicide feelings but just kept thinking of my sister and what it would do to her knowing i'd taken my own life. i tell you what from the day i actually accepted that these feeling although so strong and negative could not hurt me, it wouldnt kill me i actually started to get better. i'm on some tablets called ciprolax which are an anti depressant 15mg and theyve worked fine, they seem to stop me from thinking about death and worrying about things, i do occassionally get high levels of anxiety and these feelings of de realization but not as bad as i used too. i know this is crippling you but in a few years u'llc look back at yourself and be happy that u wanted to fight instead of just give up. fight the panic by just ignoring it!!! soon as u figure that out i guarentee you'll win everytime.
goodlook and godbless
goodlook and godbless
mike05 last decade
amorn last decade
I don't have any experience with this (remedy) from GNC but it is called the 'Chill Pill' and it's made by Futurebiotics
Summerlander last decade
Hi this is my first time using a forum. I have great admiration and respect for homeopathy.
I read the post on panic attacks. Thank you so much for sharing, it took a lot of strength (thank you) - this has helped me a lot to that as I am going through the same thing.
I read the post on panic attacks. Thank you so much for sharing, it took a lot of strength (thank you) - this has helped me a lot to that as I am going through the same thing.
cherylorchid last decade
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