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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Panic Attacks + Hypertension

I am writing on behalf of my mother.
She is 83 yo, 1.5 m tall, 50 kg weight, slim, small stature.
Generally of a good health. Excercises 1 hour every day. She is an emotional person, easily sympathizing with pain of the others esp children/elderly. She likes to go out.

She is a deeply religious person. She had difficult childhood, hard youth, many domestic problems as an adult, in all a rough life.

Last year she had a stent introduced in one of her heart arteries. All the checkups requested by her cardiologist were excellent. She even passed easily a heart stress test

with honors. Her doctor has reduced her medication to minimum, saying she could even be off medication in a few months.
Medications taken now are Salospir 100mg, Clovelen and physiotens (for hypertension).
No other allopathic medication taken, not even an aspirin.
I forgot to mention she is doing homeopath for 40 years and she has rheumat. arthritis and diabetes (under control with diet).
Recently she started seeing a different homeopath doctor because she felt she couldn't get an answer to her two major issues. Hypertension and panic attacks.

Now, she is literally tortured by those two. High blood pressure sometimes follows panic attacks, but many times just happen for no apparent reason. Blood pressure can get

most of the times to 17(even 19)/6-7/60-70bpm.
Her heart related pressure is always normal even when she gets high pressure. She tends to consider a systolic pressure of 15 normal, so she could be on 15 for a long time

during the day. High systolic pressure happens usually around wakeup time and after 4-6pm. Allopathic medicine prescribed for pressure (physiotens 0.4mg) doesn't last long,

so she also takes crategus/garlic in pills (helps a little).
When she gets high pressure, she feels ringing in her ears, numbness in the head, heaviness. Panic attacks are more of a problem since she could get no attacks for weeks,

when suddenly she gets a few days in a row, even 2-3 times a day. Panic usually starts from the belly (a kind of a distress spreading out), or the hands. Usually it starts

from the belly, extending to chest and arms and head. She feels numbness in the arms/head, pressure on the chest sometimes pain. She wants the air to blow on to her (opens

windows) and she feels that her clothes are heavy. It lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Sometimes she gets an attack when outside of the house, the symptoms magically go away

when sitting for a 2 minutes or entering the house. Those two issues leave her everytime devasted, losing hope, crying sometimes. She feels he life is done because she has to

be close to the house getting meds for her issues. During the panic attacks she is helped by ars. album 30c or 200c depending on the severity of the attack (prescribed by her

old homeopath doctor) but that is only temporary.

Her new homeopath prescribed the following (preserved the allopathic medication)
30c China 1 dose, morning
200c China 1 dose, night
6x Nat. Sulphuricum (30 doses, 1 daily, morning empty stomach)

Currently she is at the two thirds of the 30 doses part, saying she noticed increasing panic attacks when she began the treatment.

Im kindly requesting assistance from experts in the forum. We live in Greece where homeopathy remedies are in the form of capsules or pills (i prefer them, cheaper and easily

taken). If a liquid remedy is suggested i can get it online but will have to wait for delivery time (i could ask local homeopath pharmacies if they have). Thank you in

advance. I am at your disposal for any additional information required.
Great forum by the way, i have been reading it for some time. Keep helping people.
  Brooki on 2016-02-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I maybe able to help. Please see my profile by clicking my username.

Your new homeopath is definitely anything but a homeopath. We NEVER give multiple remedies as it only messes up the case.
fitness 9 years ago

[message deleted by Brooki on Fri, 19 Feb 2016 16:36:21 UTC]
Brooki 9 years ago

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