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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Parimal Banerji----Hypertension

This is a synopsis of a joint paper on the Effect of Aconitum napellus, Arnica montana and Rhus toxicodendron extracts on Hypertension with Dr. Santwana Mukherjee read by me in an All India Pharmaceutical Conference at Hyderabad ( India ).

As there was no fixed drug in Homoeopathy for hypertension we have, after lots of clinical trials, selected Rhus toxicodendron, Aconitum napellus and Arnica montana for study.

Though the cause of the disease is unknown, still, the mental constitu­tion, to absorb tension and to tolerate the shocks and to be free from thoughts of worry, gain and loss, of the individual man, remains the cardinal cause in addition to over eating.

It has been directly verified that the principles laid down in Srimad-bhagavat Gita to make the mind quiet and free, known as “Sthitaprajna' , definitely balances the hypertension and allied diseases to normalcy.

One of the chief indications of Aconitum napellus /Rhus tox is the restlessness of mind and body. Arnica montana has become popular and famous for curing trauma of body. We have found that it is as good a remedy for mental shocks which are subtle and protracting, affecting the pressure of the blood.

Aconitum napellus is a toxic drug and so also Rhus tox. In various trials with various concentrations, we concluded as 200x for Aconitum ,30x for Rhus tox and 3x for Arnica , most suitable potencies. The concentrations tried were 1/10 to 200 ( Table IV )

The study we carried on for over two decades dealing with over a thousand patients of different groups in three of our clinical centres at Calcutta , Asansol and Mihijam. The average of the results are cited here.

The individual study of Aconitum napellus 1x has proved some effect in reducing Hypertension only in 1 to 5% cases that also lasting for a few days. Repeating the drug for more than seven days did not yield any good result, rather it caused palpitation.

The concentration 3x was still less effective, the concentration 30x worked in about 15 to 20% cases in reducing B.P. even when continued for 30 days consecutively. But the concentration 200x has very good effect for about 6 months but the B.P was not reduced verv much in about 50% cases. Moreover it acted best where the Systolic pressure was high (Table IV),


The effect of Aconitum napellus:

a) It's action was found to be on Systolic B.P, and some on diastolic

b) Age group above 30 years.

c) Sleep was improved.

d) Mind was more calm.

e) The fear of the disease was much less and the anxiety was relieved to a great extent.

f) Did not act well on B.P. above 200 systolic and 120 diastolic.

g) After about 3 months, the effect became steady and did not show further improvements, in most cases (Table V).

The effect of Rhus toxicodendron:

a) It acted mostly on age groups above 45 years,

b) Affection on mind was less than Aconite napellus.

c) The concentrations 1x did not have effect on B.P., concentration 30x acted best on B.P. and concentration 200x acted very late and in a very few cases - nothing mentionable.

d) Action was more on Systolic B.P, ranging from 230 to 140. The diastole was reduced by a small degree and not affecting diastole above 110 in 98% cases.

e) A long continuous use for 3 to 6 months has shown a steady effect whereafter no further improvement noticed (Table V).

The effect of Arnica Montana :

a) It acted in all age groups but the ages above 45 are better affected.

b) It has affected mostly people of shattered, frustrated and tired mind.

c) The concentration 1x has good effect in about 10-15% cases, con­centration 3x affected about 50%-70% cases. Concentration 30x about 15 to 20% cases. Concentration 200x about 5 to 10% cases (Table IV).

d) It has action more on Diastolic B.P. ranging from 200 to 110 re­markably. The systolic B.P. was also affected but not very much.

Continuous use of Arnica 3, frequent doses a day, for 3 to 6 months has given good results and became steady in action after 2 or 3 months (Table V).

The Effect of Combination of Aconitum napellus 200x, Rhus toxicodendron 30x and Arnica montana 3x:

In assaying the actions of the drugs in combination in those particular optimum concentrations for each drug, it was found that Rhus tox. 30, Aconite 200 and Arnica 3 mixed together has affected Hypertension of all kinds very nicely and they acted in some cases better than when given individually. The doses generally used twice a day. Four times a day in very acute cases where the diastolic was above 160 mm of Hg. or so (Table V). When the above mentioned drugs individually do not yield desired result then only the combination should be tried.

The doses were gradually reduced to twice a day when the B.P. was lowered to about 200 Systolic/120 Diastolic mm Hg .When continued in such fre­quency for a month or two the B.P. descends gradually. It depends of course on the individual case. But generally it helps in two months or so. Thereafter it is required to be continued as once a day for 2 or 3 months when it is further reduced. Once a day to once on alternate days was continued in majority of the cases for 3 to 6 months.

A dose at intervals of two or 3 days when continued for several months, gives a permanent stability in keeping the pressure normal or near to normal. The cause of the Hypertension being a criterion of mind, it has been observed that this combination also changes the condition of mind to a great extent, and the man becomes more tolerant to the causes of mental tensions.

Apart from the study of these three vegetable drugs, it was observed that another type of very high Blood Pressure, where the diastolic was ranging between 160 to 280 and the minimum systolic always higher than 200, could not have been controlled by them.

In those cases, Kalium bromatum 200, 2 drops per dose, twice a day, has acted well on this malignant hypertension in great majority of cases. Some times responded when the doses were increased to three or four times a day. But this is a very difficult condition and found in very rare cases.



I am not able to upload the tables. Those interested may visit


for much more information on Parimal B's research.

It is thought provoking to say the least.
  gavinimurthy on 2010-12-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Regarding the selection of potency Dr.P.B. has some very interesting observations, which seem to be logical to me.

Go through the related discussion here.


gavinimurthy last decade

You may be interested in the connection between F potencies and Dr.P.B's thoughts on potency selection.


Using the F series, it became obvious that each patient and each stage of disease will be covered by a different level of potency, hence partial cures and recurrences when the proper potency is not attained.
And once more, there is nothing new! Parimal Banerji (Advanced homeopathy and its materia medica) works this way: any remedy will work at some potency for some pathology but not at an other potency; each remedy has specific indications at specific levels of potentisation.
By going through ALL possible potencies with an F series, every single level of reaction will be covered, unless it is anchored by another pathology that needs another remedy; when that other remedy has acted, the anchored level is freed and can now react to a repeat prescription of the previous remedy. This is why some patients needed the same remedy prescribed at different phases of their treatment.



gavinimurthy last decade
Murthy I am just in the process of buying the F series potencies at this moment. I was very impressed with the research done. I am intending to start using them asap.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

You may like to know that I used Nat Mur 6x experimentally to treat Hypertension and have treated over 20 patients who presented Hypertension at various levels successfully with the 2 remedies:

Nat Mur 6x Dose 3 tablets taken tds
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken bd.

I have been successful in weaning almost all of them off the drugs prescribed by their doctors and the majority of them are using these 2 remedies alone instead of the drugs. I was amazed that they reported that their BP dropped in about a week to normal and they continue to take these remedies daily. They also exercise daily and refrain from fatty foods.

I am mentioning this to you in the hope that you can replicate the tests you referred to in your posts on this thread which you carried out with Aconite, Rhus Tox and Arnica.

Joe De Livera last decade
hi what means?taken tds
taken bd.
soniamsbr 7 years ago

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