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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Multiple Issues

I am a 40 yr old(young) woman with the following issues. constipation, distended abdomen, hot head w/ cold hands and feet(if the cold persists for too long it becomes painful), abdomen fat with weight gain, uncontrolable cravings at night to continue eating -even when I am full(occassionally I have the urge to purge the food), anxiety & depression(mostly stemming from a long term bad relationship-which includes verbal and emotional abuse & control), this causes me to be moody and less patient w/ distressed look upon face. I am not myself.. I have been on anti depressants for about 8 months and just came off of them because I didnt feel like they helped at all.. I have the need to sleep late and have a hard time getting motivated.. sometimes I feel like that is due to my apathy towards my life. I am a mother of two and really want to be more of the happy, laid back, relaxed person I use to be regardless of the current relationship circumstances. The weight gain in my stomach, constipation and my depression/axiety bother me most. I have been living with the cold hands/feet my whole life but if I could fixt that too, that would be great.
  lsaustin on 2009-03-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also.. I am 130-135 lbs. 5'7', light hair, eyes, skin, small frame.
lsaustin last decade
hi staphysagria helped me enormously.
sunnyj last decade
pl go to my profile pl get my email id i will send you questionair
akshaymohl last decade

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