The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Coming of seroxat
HiI was wondering if anybody has any advice with regards coming of the drug SEROXAT.
Im 38 years old with two young children.
About 13 years ago I was told something negative with regards to my hair (I was going through alot of stress at the time with a divorce)
Ever since that something seem to trigger in my mind and Ive been paranoid with regards to my hair (mainly hair loss). I know it is not brilliant but I probably go completely over the top about it but my paranoia wont let me stop.
I had a child 2 years ago and I suffered from depression after losing alot of hair due to child birth. I was put on seroxat for OCD but have managed to get my self down to ½ tablet every second day as I really do not want to be on medication like this.
But Im finding the paranoia is returning badly with a feeling of panic in my solar plexus.I was hoping that I could have some advice on something that might help my mind to think clearly and then relax more. I feel as though I am constantly thinking about it and it takes over your life.
I am taking Arnica 6C to help my hair as recommended on other forums
Please help
Colette on 2005-01-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Colette, do you know anything about homeopathic remedies? or in general?
because there are some very strong indications for Kali Carbonicum in your post, if you can, read up on it and see if your personality fits.
Or see a classical homeopath if you are able.
because there are some very strong indications for Kali Carbonicum in your post, if you can, read up on it and see if your personality fits.
Or see a classical homeopath if you are able.
parachute 2 decades ago
Mant thanks for your reply & advice.
Can Kali Carbonicum be used at the same time as Arnica 6C?
If so do you know what the best dosage would be?
Can Kali Carbonicum be used at the same time as Arnica 6C?
If so do you know what the best dosage would be?
Colette 2 decades ago
homeopathic remedies must match the personality of the person taking it. They are not like drugs that suppress, and work differently, they release the negative energy trapped in the body that gives us the disease.
this is why it is important to find an exact match for it to work.
Taking Arnica won't do much in your case, especially a low potency as a 6c.
If you were to take a Kali carb and it should be done under supervision, a higher potency is needed, say 200c or even a 1m.
Without proper evaluation you can be taking many remedies and complicate things makeing it difficult for yourself.
this is why it is important to find an exact match for it to work.
Taking Arnica won't do much in your case, especially a low potency as a 6c.
If you were to take a Kali carb and it should be done under supervision, a higher potency is needed, say 200c or even a 1m.
Without proper evaluation you can be taking many remedies and complicate things makeing it difficult for yourself.
parachute 2 decades ago
I appreciate your reply but seeing a homeopath costs a fair amount. I already went to see someone after giving birth and she put me on Nat.Mur but it didnt make much difference.
I was really hoping that i could get some advice using the forum instead.
The Arnica 6C was recommended for in a hair loss forum.The advice giver said that the dosage of 6C works the best for this problem.
I am really looking for some advice on as alternative to Seroxat at the initial stage of coming off through the forum.
I was really hoping that i could get some advice using the forum instead.
The Arnica 6C was recommended for in a hair loss forum.The advice giver said that the dosage of 6C works the best for this problem.
I am really looking for some advice on as alternative to Seroxat at the initial stage of coming off through the forum.
Colette 2 decades ago
Hi Passkey
thanks for your reply.I was just wondering why you think Calc-Silic would be helpful?
thanks for your reply.I was just wondering why you think Calc-Silic would be helpful?
Colette 2 decades ago
Calc silic is useful in cases where there is weakness and over sensitivity It strengthens the ability to cope with problems.I would use 1m potency - take one tab . When improvement stops take another.
passkey 2 decades ago
Do you know where I can get hold of Calc- Silic 1m from the internet? I cannot seem to get it from this site fro some reason?
Colette 2 decades ago
Dont know what country you are in . I get mine from;-
Galen Homeopathics
Lewell Mill
West Stafford
DorsetDT2 8AN
Phone [0044] 1305265759
if you are in the UK add 0 before the 130
Galen Homeopathics
Lewell Mill
West Stafford
DorsetDT2 8AN
Phone [0044] 1305265759
if you are in the UK add 0 before the 130
passkey 2 decades ago
i am 18 year old student from cyprus. I too suffer from obsessive compalsive disorder. I has been taking seroxat for 9 months. My main problem is that i belive that i am going to hit somebody with my car and then go to prison which i cant stand. I was worried in the past that i had AIDS, problem with money, unhealthy sexual thoughts. every once in a while somebody new comes up. I also seem very depressive from time to time and also cannot stop destroying my pimples in my face. I have left permanent marks coz i cant stop bothering that paart of my body
antonis last decade
In general the compulsive aspect can be related to the wish to control all aspects of existance .
This often relates to a prefectionist attitude that is indicative of Ars Alb.
Check the remedy out and see if it matches your character.
This often relates to a prefectionist attitude that is indicative of Ars Alb.
Check the remedy out and see if it matches your character.
walkin last decade
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