The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Coming of Seroxat
HiI was wondering if anybody has any advice with regards coming of the drug SEROXAT.
Im 38 years old with two young children.
About 13 years ago I was told something negative with regards to my hair (I was going through alot of stress at the time with a divorce)
Ever since that something seem to trigger in my mind and Ive been paranoid with regards to my hair (mainly hair loss). I know it is not brilliant but I probably go completely over the top about it but my paranoia wont let me stop.
I had a child 2 years ago and I suffered from depression after losing alot of hair due to child birth. I was put on seroxat for OCD but have managed to get my self down to ½ tablet every second day as I really do not want to be on medication like this.
But Im finding the paranoia is returning badly with a feeling of panic in my solar plexus.I was hoping that I could have some advice on something that might help my mind to think clearly and then relax more. I feel as though I am constantly thinking about it and it takes over your life.
I am taking Arnica 6C to help my hair as recommended on other forums
Please help
Colette on 2005-01-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The Paranoia could be due to the side effect of the Seroxat. New discoveries show that this drug may have a darker side - the programme reports that people can get hooked on it, suffering serious withdrawal symptoms when they try to come off it.
Seroxat is a habbit forming drug and dose reduction could lead to the symptoms you are having.
If you are reducing or quitting Seroxat, you should take a morning dose of Ambra Grisa-30 and an evening dose of Naturm Muricatum 30.
Seroxat is a habbit forming drug and dose reduction could lead to the symptoms you are having.
If you are reducing or quitting Seroxat, you should take a morning dose of Ambra Grisa-30 and an evening dose of Naturm Muricatum 30.
pw3000 2 decades ago
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