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weak teeth 5 year old Page 2 of 2

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Tonights leg pains are really bad. He feels like he can't walk and should crawl. The pains were triggered by homemade ice cream eaten tonight.
bohomama4 last decade
Yes, 2 pellets in 500 ml.
sameervermani last decade
Joseph is having trouble with wetting the bed again. He just went through a phase of wetting nearly every night for about a month. He finally was better and I tried giving him a calcium supplement (algae based - should be recognized as food by the body) and he got leg pains (badly) again and started wetting the bed. I know it seems I should just not supplement him however I fear that with the bad teeth in the past he may not be metabolizing any calcium and I want his adult teeth to be ok. Mentally he is showing himself highly intelligent. He is learning reading and math at an extreme rate and I wonder if he has a photographic memory. I am shocked at what he can do. He is very affectionate, loves to hug and kiss - until you tell him enough!! He is also very talkative. When he is alone with me (mom) he never stops talking. He is always busy. Does not love to be outside, craves creamy sweet. Urine is very strong smelling. Likes comfortable silky clothing.
bohomama4 last decade
It sounds to me like your 5 year old has celiac disease, the disease caused by gluten intolerance. Weak dental enamel is one of the symptoms, as well as joint pain. My 14 year old was diagnosed 7 years ago after seeing a million doctors and specialists. Most doctors do not know much about celiac disease. Because they mostly diagnose symptoms, not causes...Celiac Disease can manifest itself in many ways, gluten intolerance causes malabsorption in the intestines, which leads to malnourishment. Almost any health effect can result from the malnourishment. Bloated tummies, diarrhea, behavior problems, vomitting, constipation, tummy aches, body aches, joint pain, growth delays and growth stunting, Acid Reflux... these are some of the many symptoms. Research gluten intolerance. Go to celiac dot org, the mayo clinic, Stanford University Website, The University of Maryland, and I also recommend the Entero Labs site. The treatment for celiac disease and gluten intolerance starts with a gluten-free diet. Some people have to treat the lasting detrimental health effects, but many recover from the effects just by going gluten free. It does run in families, there are blood tests, called a celiac panel, but they are not 100% accurate. There is a genetic test available, but it is not 100% either. The only 100% fool proof test is an elimination diet, which means eliminating ALL gluten from the diet including all 'hidden glutens' and avoiding any cross contamination with gluten containing foods during food preparation and storage. There is a lot of information on the internet about gluten intolerance. There is also an incredible conference at Stanford Univer. I hope this helps! I spent 6 1/2 years trying to get a diagnosis for my son and had almost lost hope of finding out what was wrong with him. I had to massage his swollen, painful joints every night. His muscles were emaciated. He has stopped growing. He had to carry a barf bucket around with him wherever we went and he couldn't walk without pain. He had to use a stroller until he was seven. When he went gluten free, the joint pain went away within a few weeks. His vomitting stopped immediately. His muscles took longer to develop and he had to have physical therapy, but today...you can't tell anything is wrong with him. He has osteoporosis to this day because of the malnourishment he experienced until he was seven, but he is getting stronger and he has grown a lot!

This may not sound exactly like your son's symptoms, but everyone responds differently. There is no 'typical celiac'. Go get him tested...do some research.

Take Care!
momtoceliackid last decade
Hi Boho,

I am sorry I missed your post on 3rd Nov.

I just saw this when this got bumped up today.

How is Joseph doing now ?
sameervermani last decade
OOps, mistake...

I wrote He has stopped growing...I meant to say he HAD stopped growing. Seven years of being gluten free, he has normal developed muscles for his age, he is taller than most of the boys his age, and his joint pain never came back.

I should add...

The 'gold standard' for diagnosing celiac disease is a positive celiac panel followed by a 'positive' intestinal biopsy. The GI doctor takes a sample during endoscopy then looks at it under a microscope for damaged villi. This can be subjective and the accuracy is subject to the GI doctors skill in choosing a biopsy site. Hence, the test is not 100%. I know many people who have severe reactions to gluten and ill health effects due to malabsorption, yet they had negative celiac panels and/or biopsies, as well as negative celiac gene tests.

I had an email conversation with the doctor who discovered the celiac genes they test for. He admitted they do not test for all the genes associated with celiac disease. The genetic test is very new, they do not test yet for all of them, another gene was just discovered this year! If you do not have the genes, you can still have celiac disease.
momtoceliackid last decade
Thank you for your note I will definately look into this. It does sound like a possibility and I am somewhat familiar with celiac disease. Thanks
bohomama4 last decade
Did you see my post above ?
sameervermani last decade
Never did get better. He wets the bed probably about 3 out of 5 nights. He is very irritable alot. Has a hard time playing with his siblings unless things go his way. His face looks pale and his eyes are swollen underneath. He seems fidgety. He also isn't eating much at a sitting. His belly hurts he says. Leg pains have been pretty good. In the last month I would say they happened 3x once severe twice moderate.
bohomama4 last decade

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