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I just wrote a long list and explanation but i think it may have been erased, I hope this is not a repeat.

the spot where I feel the pain is on the posterior side, and I looked it up, it is called Greater Sciatic Notch. The sensation is not only pain, it feels like I will collapse if I do not sit down. It feels like my hips will not hold me if I do not help by getting off my feet.

this is how it feels. I will collapse like a doll, not from weakness or faintness, but from lack of strength in the bones. But it may be a sciatic nerve issue I do not know exactly. I do feel lack of strength from my end of experience.

Worse after movement walking or standing up, and better from lying down. I thought it might be dampness, but we have had some dry weather here too and no change in my state.
The pain may travel down the side of my leg, all the way to the ankles. This is not all the time,
Sometimes i feel like I am deteriorating that is why I thought I should go on some calcium treatment.

Mentally I am ok generally, but I do feel stuck with not being able to do the things I want like walking or gardening, and it feels like a trap, but I do not let it depress me, I just want to help myself.

I could also get impatient with people if I feel they do not understand what I mean or trying to say. I feel it but do not voice it. It is as if they should figure out what I mean, and quickly. My mind works fast and I may get impatient with others.

Other symptoms: sometimes my fingers tingle or feel numb, especially the little finger on both hands, it goes numb the first, then I move it and the numbness goes away.

I think I have described most of my symptoms, if I think of something more I will write it.
thank you,
Marika last decade
sometimes I may get authoritative and speak sharply to people,(my children) and quickly regret it and apologize.
sometimes I cannot read my own writing, it may be illegible.
Marika last decade
I may have written before that I do not make it a habit to say what I do: I do not express how I feel, what I have done, what I think, especially when in a group. I do so only if asked a specific question, then I will answer. I do not give advice unless asked.
My kids have commented on that, and it became more clear to me when among my family, my mother, my aunts and cousins. There people will usually volunteer their advice on what you should and should not do, often insisting, talk all together, interrupt, etc.
Re how I behave, I don't know if it is because I don't want to be criticized or is it true shyness. A lot of it is that having grown up in North America I tend to give a lot of space to the other person, allow them their opinion, etc.

this quality might becaome a hindrance to me only if the other person may very well benefit from what I have to say, and I end up keeping it to myself.

PS. I don't know if all this applies to my arthritic pains.
Marika last decade
Okay, please take 3 doses of CARCINOSIN 30c, and report after 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
Hello Sameer,
today is day 11 since I took Carc. 30C.
The strongest change I experienced was internal: I had more energy and the desire to go out and do things, so I weeded a patch in the garden where the weeds were up to my knees.
The next day I had an unexpected bout of crying, tears, seemingly for no apparent reason that I can remember, I just let it happen and I recorded it. The day after that I noticed that a little tree seedling was growing in the wrong spot and, without much deliberation I transplanted it because it had to move.

I usually know what needs doing but I often tend to procrastinate, and I found that lately I deal with things as they arise, not 'later'.
Physically I cannot say that there are changes, it is the same picture, pain with movement. In spite of it, however, I want to do a lot of stuff, like gardening, which I had abandoned because of physical restrictions.

I am wandering what symptom was it that prompted you to prescribe Carc. to me? Just curious.
thank you,
Marika last decade
Excellent response.

We can keep on waiting.

The symptoms were a mixture of Nat-m, Sepia and Phosphorus, (which is a strong starting point for Carc) and when we couple that with the strong sense of responsibility, a strong sensitivity to criticism, it builds a stronger case for Carc. Nat-m fits the above as well, but miasmatically Nat-m is mainly a psoric remedy, whereas your kind of joint problems can never be psoric.
sameervermani last decade
I really appreciate you taking the time to explain. I love homeopathy and most of all I would love to see the results of it on my health.
Marika last decade
Hello Sameer,
I have not written in quite a while, I have been doing well, mostly physically, my joint pain has subsided. I still get sore and need to rest after exertion but if I have not moved a lot, that constant pain that I had has subsided quite a lot. I am very glad for that.

I am writing tonight because it may be time for a dose of something for me. I will explain my latest symptoms: I lose my patience quite fast for no aparent reason. Example, it happened tonight so it propmted me to ask for help. I was on the computer listening to a lecture and my son was expecting a friend so I asked him to close the door. The friend was being late, so my son, wanting to help, brought to me a pair of earphones. Well, I felt invaded and quickly said: No, no, no. I asked you to close the door and stay out. I did not shout at him, just reacted really fast and probably irrationally. My son certainly thought so. He calls these reactions freak outs.

It was probably unreasonable of me to feel this way, it happened so fast. A quick explosion and then it is over as quickly as it came. Like a calm after a storm. there is no loudness, rather a quickness of words, a couple of orders for the kids to leave me alone, and then I am ok.

I have felt this way maybe 5 times in the last 3 months, but because my kids are not used to me 'freaking out' it has bothered them , and it bothers me because it is like a loss of control or something fast comes over me and I freak. I might be unreasonable in even mentioning it, it is a behaviour that I do not like. It makes me feel weak of character, rather it is showing me that I have that element in me and want to cure it.
It is an impatiens, feeling of being imposed upon, I feel defensive, touchy maybe insecure and criticized. Not all the time, only when I react this way.

thank you, I know you will suggest the perfect remedy for me. I feel bad that my kids have to deal with their mother showing a bad example of emotional mismanagement.
Marika last decade
Please go ahead with a dose of Carcinosin 200c in water.
sameervermani last decade
Hello Sameer,
I am writing today because I have been experiencing symptoms of panic, anxiety for no reason, fearfulness and strange sensations in my chest area, not tightness, just a feeling of 'not enough air' I keep taking deep breaths trying to bring some relaxation in my system.

This has started since one week ago I have been trying to deal with it because it comes and goes, but mostly it is a sense of uneasiness that is not going away.

The last remedy I took greatly helped with the overreacting. It dissappeared almost the very next day after I took the remedy and I have been doing really well (except for the joint pain), that is ok I am managing it.
As long as I feel well wwithin me I do not mind the physical symptoms. this anxiety has no foundation: things at home are fine so there is no reason for me to be getting panic attacks like this. My heart starts to beat loud, I can hear it in my ears, it does not race, but I can feel it my heart beat in my chest, ears and throat. That's what it feel like. So I take deep breaths, and go and do something so I do not think about it.

Another symptom I have is I keep clearing my throat all the time. Every two sentences I have to clear my throat or it gets blocked and I am not able to speak. It is quite bothersome. It actually feels almost sore or scratched but not from a cold.

Mentally there are some issues that I should address. It is a time for me when my children are grown up, I am at home still but they are now almost adults.
I have reached a stage where I am not so busy with them, I am older, and I am feeling that I must take another direction in life, a purpose if you will,so in a certain way I feel that now it is up to me to create what I want to be living next. It is that particular time in my life when the 'children' job has ended. So.. it causes me to feel anxious, I must admit.

Physically I am ok otherwise.
The symptoms I described abo
ve are the most prominent for me at this time.
Some days I find long, and I need to lie down for about 20 minutes and I may dose off. A refreshing nod.

thank you,
Marika last decade
Please take a single dose of Arsenicum 200c, (1 pellet in 500 ml spring water, and 1 spoon as dose) and report after 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
thank you, I am so grateful for you!
Marika last decade
Hello Sameer,
I have taken the Arsenicum 200C, it is almost 2 weeks now.
The first few days I kept having those same symptoms. I had recorded things like: higher heartbeat for no apparent reason, I also feel it in my throat. Feel cold and shivery but it is warm. shivers come from within me.
Anxiety in the solar plexus.
More shivers.
the above symptoms lasted about 4-5 days and then dissipated with each day passing. I do not have shivering any more, and the faster heartbeat seems to have subsided. What I do have still is that I get a peculiar spasm in my diaphragm sometimes after I finish eating, I take deep breaths to relax this symptom.

I also still have the tight muscles in the throat, the clearing of the throat when I speak even though this has also decreased. Now I should mention here that apparently I snore at night (my children tell me, I do not hear anything)and I am wondering if I irritate my vocal cords that way. This of course is my theory. Or perhaps it is a low thyroid problem, I do not know I dont have such tests because I am not about to be taking thyroid hormones for the restr of my life. None of my aunts nor my mother ever took thyroid hormones and today all my cousins are on thyroid medication or have their thyroid removed entirely. Somehow it does not sound right to me.
Back to my symptoms, I do get 'throat' signs, when I get stressed a bit, I feel tightness in my throat, lose my ability to speak, plus I clear my throat quite a bit in order to speak clearly.

Mentally I feel quite ok, there is nothing that I can say is especially bothersome, the fact that my mother is alone in Europe is a constant concern for me but that is something that will always be there until I am able to go again.

I think this sums up where I am presently. thank you,
Marika last decade
Hello Sameer,
how are you? I am writing today in a bit of a desperate tone because something is happening inside my mind that I can only tell to a homeopath. there is a sentence, a thought that runs in my mind without any past reason, wish or conscious cause of it. Maybe once or twice a day, for the last week or so I thind: '----is dead' or 'dead----' the blank is the name of a relative that I actually really like, even love, I have no reason for the thought to 'pass' like a quick flash in my mind, and God knows I do not ever, ever have a reason for this to see occur. I am so going out of my mind from guilt of this thought even existing in my mind, it is so unlike me, that I can only say it is outrageous, bizarre, insane.
The worst part of it is that, you know how we read all the time that we create with our thoughts, or we create our reality, etc. this is what freaks me out the most. So I am writing to you to help me please by recommending a remedy to me so this nonsense can just end. If I have ever even had an inkling of such thinking, I could say it is from way back 'because I used to hate this person', but nothing like this has ever existed so I dont know what to attribute it to.

If you have any suggestions I would greatly take advice right now.
My throat problem is better but I still clear my throat when I talk- the voice however sounds a bit clearer.
Do you think I should take a little kelp or eat seaweed to some iodine supplement?

Thank you sincerely,
Marika last decade
Hello Marika,

Can you please fill in the blank when you say 'Maybe once or twice a day, for the last week or so I thind: '----is dead' or 'dead----' the blank is the name of a relative that I actually really like, even love, I have no reason for the thought to 'pass' like a quick flash in my mind, and God knows I do not ever, ever have a reason for this to see occur'

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,
the blank is the name of the person and I do not even want to write it on the web.
it is the name.
Marika last decade
E-mail me the relation.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,
now that I dug in a little deeper and identified the video games as being the source of this thought, maybe I should look at my mind being too permeable to outer impressions?
Marika last decade
Have you ever taken Phosphorus ?
sameervermani last decade
Hello Sameer,
Yes, I have, on 2010-09-06 you suggested I take 3 doses of Phosphorus 30C and I did. It is on page 5 of my thread.
thank you,
Marika last decade
Please take 3 doses of Calcarea Carb 30c, and report after 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
thank you so much, I will.
Marika last decade
Hello Sameer,
I am reporting sooner than 10 days because I am experiencing a symptom that is strange and I have never had before.

On the inner right thigh, about 4 inches above the knee, and somewhat inward, I have a swelling as big as an egg, it does not protrude outward, but it is very painful, it is red and kind of hot when I touch it.
I thought that I had bumped somewhere, (it first appeared yesterday), but today I tried to remember where I may have bumped it and it is impossible because I have not really hurt myself. Plus it is not blue (sign of a bruise, this feels more like a hard lump that is coming from the inside or at least it is just behind the muscle. That's what it feels like.

I dont know what to think, if it is as a result of taking Calcarea Carb, that would be good. But what else could it be? I decided to put some ice on it in case it is some sort of inflammation, to tell you the truth, I am quite concerned, because it is just me here with my son- my concern is always my kids.)

On the first day I took Calcarea 30C, even from the second dose, I felt an instant amelioration in how I walked, the stinging pain in the joints was less-there was more ease as I walked to the kitchen to take the next dose, I noticed it.

Then on the fourth day, I had the biggest indigestion case I have ever had. I had severe heartburn and I had not even eaten more than one baked potato with nothing on it. plus I had pain just under the left breast toward what I think would be the pancreas,or stomach I am not sure, but I was freaked out it was my heart, all I could think of is that something is wrong with my heart. So I did not eat anything, only kept drinking water so the heartburn could quiet down.
that night in bed I was shivering all night long and I know I had enough blankets, so it came from within me. The next night that symptom left. I get that symptom often though, and it had nothing to do with temperature. In the past, I used to take one dose of Hepar Sulph Calc. 200C, and instantly my hands and feet would warm up and the shivering would stop.
that same day (4th), I also had lots of tears.

Today is the 6th day of Calc.Carb 30, and those symptoms have subsided, except yesterday I had this lump come in my thigh, and I really hope it is from the remedy.
Mentally I am ok, (I am scared about my health however, what if it is something serious) I will try to calm myself down and ice the area for a bit.

Please tell me what you think, it is out of the blue, on the inner thigh. I cannot imagine, it is definitely an inner thing-but cannot figure it out.
The area is hot and harder than the other side on that spot.
Thank you for your opinion,
Marika last decade
Hi Marika,

Most probably it is the remedy bringing things to outer levels. Skin eruptions and abscesses can happen during a curative process.

Let us keep waiting, I 'm hoping we will see good things from the remedy.

sameervermani last decade
Hello Sameer,
I am so relieved to hear from you, so you think this is an abcess, today it is a bit bigger, red and I feel it when I walk.
It is not just on the skin, it is deeper than that, it feels like a lump, an inner swelling.
Marika last decade
Yes, I feel it is an abscess.

No harm in a getting an opinion from an MD, if it keeps bothering you.
sameervermani last decade

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