The ABC Homeopathy Forum
swin flu with H1N1 virus
SirInfluenza is not a new disease. What is new is H1N1 virus(cause of the disease). A common Flu has thousands of viral strains. Each times a new strain is reported to affect. This virus spread due to humidity and suitable temperature. In India where the temperature is now 40 degree to 43 degree celcius. It is unlikely that such virus can thrive in the atmosphere in Indian condition. Thatis why it is not reported in India.
In Homeopathy the cause is not out side the body, It is inside our body. Body have to fight with its own ever strong immune power with the invading disease or external virus. So
Influenzinum 200 & Rhus tox 200 is recommended by Dr.Jahr Homeopathic therapeutics and many other peer practitioners like Nash and others . I feel this still holds good as prophylaxis.
mazharmhm on 2009-05-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
New Delhi, Sep 1 (IANS) India Tuesday reported one more swine flu death, taking the total toll due to the influenza A (H1N1) virus to 101, health authorities said here.
The latest death was reported from Goa. While two deaths in Karnataka were suspected to be due to the virus, lab reports were still awaited.
Of the 101 deaths, Maharashtra has recorded the highest number of deaths, 55, followed by 27 in Andhra Pradesh.
The union health ministry recommended preventive homeopathy medicine, Arsenicum album 30.
The decision to advise people to take the preventive medicine was taken after the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH), a state-run research wing, gave the suggestion for curbing the spread of the diseases.
'It has recommended one doze of the medicine daily on empty stomach for three days. The dose should be repeated after one month by following the same schedule in case flu like conditions prevail in the area,' the ministry said in a statement.
The latest death was reported from Goa. While two deaths in Karnataka were suspected to be due to the virus, lab reports were still awaited.
Of the 101 deaths, Maharashtra has recorded the highest number of deaths, 55, followed by 27 in Andhra Pradesh.
The union health ministry recommended preventive homeopathy medicine, Arsenicum album 30.
The decision to advise people to take the preventive medicine was taken after the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH), a state-run research wing, gave the suggestion for curbing the spread of the diseases.
'It has recommended one doze of the medicine daily on empty stomach for three days. The dose should be repeated after one month by following the same schedule in case flu like conditions prevail in the area,' the ministry said in a statement.
mazharmhm last decade
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