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Nose congestion after 2 otitis ( 7 months old)

Hi all. I'm new one in this forum. I'm searching for help for my 7-month daughter.
She got a cold when she's 5 months (last november). Running nose - Dry cough - wet cough - fever. She was treated by a cession of antibiotic, cough medecine and some decongestional medecines (like polarimine and zyrtec). Since then, her nose is often congested but not running.
Then in December, she's got twice otitis (both sides) with one week interval. Again antibiotic each time and decongestional syrup.
Now the problem of nose is still there and there's still mucus in her middle ears. Doctor said it take time to drain up the ears. I'm afraid it'll affect her hearing.
She's still taking polarimine or zyrtec in the evening. I give her drops at night when she sleeps.
But nothing helps. She tends to wake up at night since she can't breath well. And in the morning, her nose sounds loud. but when I try to clean it, there's almost nothing goes out.
She's a active baby and ask often to be carried. Sometimes in very bad temper and begins to scream when things are not going as she wants.
Is there anyone can help. Thank you so much.
  yuyanet on 2005-02-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
some additional information:
She's teething. The first two teeth came out about 2-3 weeks ago. She's got a quite bad diarrhea for one week just before the teeth came out. and it stopped by itself without any treatment.
Besides the nose problem, is there anything which helps to get rid of the mucus in her middle-ear ?
yuyanet 2 decades ago
The antibiotics she is getting is suppressing the condition so that it returns and returns and returns.

Draining the ears is the LAST RESORT MDieties use when they do not know what to do next. It will return again.

Diarrhea is often seen when teething and would not be treated unless too much.

You must change your point of view that every little thing must be treated. When the body is in balance, it does a good job of recovering with little help.

I am not fussing at you. You only do what you know. I am trying to get your attention so we can work together for your child.

I would like to see you give your baby CALC FLUORICA 30X (or near X). Three doses, one dose every 4 hours as you begin to STOP giving the antibiotics. There is a chance the fever may return, but maybe not. Least given is homeopathy. More is not better. We watch.

In homeopathy, the fever and ear would have been treated first. Then whatever symptoms showed up after, if any. The liquid in the middle ear would never have shown up because of the follw-up treatment.

Keep writing.

Blessings, Sabra

This remedy is very good for chronic suppuration of middle ear.

You can call health store or buy this particular remedy here on ABC.

There are other remedies I am think of, but this is a good beginning.

Please keep close watch and post often with fever, which ear, personality, anger, sleep or not, eating or not. Things she likes/hates.
sabra 2 decades ago
An old remedy for otitis is to use a small bit of cotton wool soaked in glycerine . It moistens everything and draws problems out.
passkey 2 decades ago
Thank you so much for your help. I'm actually outside, and I only read your message today. I'll try this remedie as soon as I go back home and keep you informed.
yuyanet 2 decades ago

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