The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Tight Foreskin
Is there any remedy or cream for a tight foreskin ? i dont want to have surgery and wondered if homeopathy can do anything ?Richard LEO on 2009-06-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
'...the Creator must have bungled a good deal, else why these needless tonsils and superfluous prepuces?' - James Compton Burnett, On the Fistula and its Radical cure, Chapter 5 [In infants]
'Most males born into the Jewish, Christian and Muslim cultures are circumcised. It is a normal practice for the doctor to strap a new born infant down in a circumcision chair and cut their foreskin off without any anesthetics. Anyone who has heard the screams of an infant while this pseudo religious ritual is carried out cannot deny that this causes tremendous pain. Great shock, fear and suffering are the first experience that most males have with their penis. A natural part of their body is literally being cut off from one of their most sensitive organs and thrown in the garbage. This barbaric method is still carried out for its so-called hygienic reasons in modern times. The psychological damage to a young male infant is not even taken into consideration.
When one takes an affected male and guides them through their circumcision by enactment and psychodrama it brings up horrendous repressed emotions. This pseudo-religious-cultural ritual may affect a males feeling of safety, self worth, and wholeness and induce shock, terror, fear and loss as their first genital actualization. This associates suffering with an organ that is supposed to be actualized by sensations of pleasure. This causes confusion of the pain-pleasure reflexes in a manner that is not healthy for infant, adolescent or adult sexuality. This method should be rejected as a needless operation from a realistic standpoint.'
- David Little, Hahnemann's Advanced Method, Volume 2, Constitution and Temperament In Homoeopathy, Chapter 2, Lesson 20.
'Since diseases in general are but dynamic attacks upon the life principle and nothing material - no materia peccans - as their basis (as the old school in its delusion has fabulated for a thousand years and treated the sick accordingly to their ruin) there is also in these cases nothing material to take away, nothing to smear away, to burn or tie or cut away, without making the patient endlessly sicker and more incurable ' - Samuel Hahnemann, Aphorism 282 Sixth Edition
'Why does it shock the true physician to see blood drawn from a patient, whether by venesection, or leeches, or cupping glasses?'
- Hahnemann's Letter and Examination In Homeopathy.
'nor can he [the physician] permit any venesection or cupping, however much the patient may declare that he has become accustomed thereto.'
- Samuel Hahnemann, The Chronic Diseases
'The homopathic physician who is a master of his art, and God be praised! there is now a not inconsiderable number of such masters in homopathy, never allows a drop of blood to be drawn from his patient; he never needs any such or similar means of weakening the body, for such a course evermore remains the negation of curing.' - Samuel Hahnemann, The Chronic Diseases
But the human organism in its living state is a complete whole, a unity. Every sensation, every manifestation of power, every affinity of the component parts of one part is intimately associated with the sensations, the functions and the affinities of the component parts of all other parts. No part can suffer without all other parts sympathizing and simultaneously undergoing more or less change.
- Samuel Hahnemann, Aphorism 41 First Edition
'...venesections, shedding streams of blood, leeches, issues, setons, etc., whereby the vital energy is sometimes weakened to an unmerciful extent, sometimes, if it do not succumb, gradually abnormally deranged (by each substance in a peculiar manner) in such a way that, in order to maintain life against these inimical and destructive attacks, it must produce a revolution in the organism, and either deprive some part of its irritability and sensibility, or exalt these to an excessive degree, cause dilatation or contraction, relaxation or induration or even total destruction of certain parts, and develop faulty organic alterations here and there in the interior or the exterior (cripple the body internally or externally), in order to preserve the organism from complete destruction of the life by the ever - renewed, hostile assaults of such destructive forces.' - Samuel Hahnemann, Aphorism 74 Sixth Edition
'Most males born into the Jewish, Christian and Muslim cultures are circumcised. It is a normal practice for the doctor to strap a new born infant down in a circumcision chair and cut their foreskin off without any anesthetics. Anyone who has heard the screams of an infant while this pseudo religious ritual is carried out cannot deny that this causes tremendous pain. Great shock, fear and suffering are the first experience that most males have with their penis. A natural part of their body is literally being cut off from one of their most sensitive organs and thrown in the garbage. This barbaric method is still carried out for its so-called hygienic reasons in modern times. The psychological damage to a young male infant is not even taken into consideration.
When one takes an affected male and guides them through their circumcision by enactment and psychodrama it brings up horrendous repressed emotions. This pseudo-religious-cultural ritual may affect a males feeling of safety, self worth, and wholeness and induce shock, terror, fear and loss as their first genital actualization. This associates suffering with an organ that is supposed to be actualized by sensations of pleasure. This causes confusion of the pain-pleasure reflexes in a manner that is not healthy for infant, adolescent or adult sexuality. This method should be rejected as a needless operation from a realistic standpoint.'
- David Little, Hahnemann's Advanced Method, Volume 2, Constitution and Temperament In Homoeopathy, Chapter 2, Lesson 20.
'Since diseases in general are but dynamic attacks upon the life principle and nothing material - no materia peccans - as their basis (as the old school in its delusion has fabulated for a thousand years and treated the sick accordingly to their ruin) there is also in these cases nothing material to take away, nothing to smear away, to burn or tie or cut away, without making the patient endlessly sicker and more incurable ' - Samuel Hahnemann, Aphorism 282 Sixth Edition
'Why does it shock the true physician to see blood drawn from a patient, whether by venesection, or leeches, or cupping glasses?'
- Hahnemann's Letter and Examination In Homeopathy.
'nor can he [the physician] permit any venesection or cupping, however much the patient may declare that he has become accustomed thereto.'
- Samuel Hahnemann, The Chronic Diseases
'The homopathic physician who is a master of his art, and God be praised! there is now a not inconsiderable number of such masters in homopathy, never allows a drop of blood to be drawn from his patient; he never needs any such or similar means of weakening the body, for such a course evermore remains the negation of curing.' - Samuel Hahnemann, The Chronic Diseases
But the human organism in its living state is a complete whole, a unity. Every sensation, every manifestation of power, every affinity of the component parts of one part is intimately associated with the sensations, the functions and the affinities of the component parts of all other parts. No part can suffer without all other parts sympathizing and simultaneously undergoing more or less change.
- Samuel Hahnemann, Aphorism 41 First Edition
'...venesections, shedding streams of blood, leeches, issues, setons, etc., whereby the vital energy is sometimes weakened to an unmerciful extent, sometimes, if it do not succumb, gradually abnormally deranged (by each substance in a peculiar manner) in such a way that, in order to maintain life against these inimical and destructive attacks, it must produce a revolution in the organism, and either deprive some part of its irritability and sensibility, or exalt these to an excessive degree, cause dilatation or contraction, relaxation or induration or even total destruction of certain parts, and develop faulty organic alterations here and there in the interior or the exterior (cripple the body internally or externally), in order to preserve the organism from complete destruction of the life by the ever - renewed, hostile assaults of such destructive forces.' - Samuel Hahnemann, Aphorism 74 Sixth Edition
♡ Homeopathy International 1 last decade
A Homeopathic Perspective on Male Wellness Issues,107
Foreskin Care Information
Foreskin Care Information
♡ Homeopathy International 1 last decade
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