The ABC Homeopathy Forum
severve GERD after burp + headache.
I am 31 yrs old male suffering from GERD/ headburn from past year. I am on and off on Prevacid(PPI) but now I have stopped talking it as it make my symptoms worse.My symptoms :
1. heartburn .
2. Stomach burning.
3. Bloated stomach after eating food.
4. usually gets many burps after 1/2 hour of eating food and then I get severve heatburn and headache.
5. Loose stool and undigested food can be seen in stool(usually leafy food)
I feel anxiety and usually acidity get worse with that.
Food :
I eat steamed vegetables, whole wheat bread and fat free milk.
and avoid citrus fruits, tea, coffee and fatty food and spices.
I have had homeopathic medicine .. constitutional one(do not what all was added by doctor) but it didn't helped.
I have tried Nat phos 6x .. but I am not responding well to that one also.
Pls help.
Desperate 'gerd_usa'
gerd_usa on 2009-06-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
day 1
please take three doses of arsenic alb 30c at a gap of 4 hours
day 2 to day 10
please take 2 tablets each from the following tissue salts four times a day at a gap of 4 hours
natrum sulph 3x
natrum phos 3x
please report after 10 days.
please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, no wine, not to eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after medicine.
please take three doses of arsenic alb 30c at a gap of 4 hours
day 2 to day 10
please take 2 tablets each from the following tissue salts four times a day at a gap of 4 hours
natrum sulph 3x
natrum phos 3x
please report after 10 days.
please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, no wine, not to eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after medicine.
♡ kadwa last decade
Thanks Kadwa,
I really appreciate your promt reply.
But I am not able to find natrum Phos and natrum sulph in 3x potency in USA(online as well as in store).
But can get natrum Phos 6x, natrum sulph 6x and arsenic alb 30c. Pls advice.
About Dosage:
1. Arsenic alb 30c: how many pellets at a time? Should I take after meal (1/2 hour later).
2. Nat phos /Sulp : Should there be gap between these 2 two. Should I take them after meal(1/2 hour later).
Thanks again for your help.
I really appreciate your promt reply.
But I am not able to find natrum Phos and natrum sulph in 3x potency in USA(online as well as in store).
But can get natrum Phos 6x, natrum sulph 6x and arsenic alb 30c. Pls advice.
About Dosage:
1. Arsenic alb 30c: how many pellets at a time? Should I take after meal (1/2 hour later).
2. Nat phos /Sulp : Should there be gap between these 2 two. Should I take them after meal(1/2 hour later).
Thanks again for your help.
gerd_usa last decade
1. arsenic alb 30c: how many pellets at a time? Should I take after meal (1/2 hour later).
It is better that you take the first dose before meals and the remaining two doses at a gap of 4 hours each thereafter(after first dose). Please don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine. 4 pellets is one dose.
2. Nat phos /Sulp : Should there be gap between these 2 two. Should I take them after meal(1/2 hour later).
No there should not be any gap between natrum phos and natrum sulph. It is better that you take the first dose before meals and the remaining two doses at a gap of 4 hours each thereafter(after first dose). Please don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
You can take 6x instead of 3x.
day 1
please take three doses of arsenic alb 30c at a gap of 4 hours
day 2 to day 10
please take 2 tablets each from the following tissue salts four times a day at a gap of 4 hours
natrum sulph 6x
natrum phos 6x
It is better that you take the first dose before meals and the remaining two doses at a gap of 4 hours each thereafter(after first dose). Please don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine. 4 pellets is one dose.
2. Nat phos /Sulp : Should there be gap between these 2 two. Should I take them after meal(1/2 hour later).
No there should not be any gap between natrum phos and natrum sulph. It is better that you take the first dose before meals and the remaining two doses at a gap of 4 hours each thereafter(after first dose). Please don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
You can take 6x instead of 3x.
day 1
please take three doses of arsenic alb 30c at a gap of 4 hours
day 2 to day 10
please take 2 tablets each from the following tissue salts four times a day at a gap of 4 hours
natrum sulph 6x
natrum phos 6x
♡ kadwa last decade
Thanks again Kadwa,
I have already ordered the medicines. Hopefully I will get them all by this friday(June/19) and I will take them as prescribed by you.
I will keep you posted of development.
I have already ordered the medicines. Hopefully I will get them all by this friday(June/19) and I will take them as prescribed by you.
I will keep you posted of development.
gerd_usa last decade
Dear Kadwa,
Today is my 12 days of taking Nat phos 6x + Nat sulp.
I have some improvement in my condition.
1. Headache is less.
2. Bloated stomach is not much.
I am not taking any PPI(Prevacid) for last 15 days - thats a very good sign.
But I still have following problems:
1. Stomach burning - after having food.
2. Heartburning - usually accompanied by burp.
3. I usually have burps(with only air, but NO food). These burps causes slight headache and heartburn. Around 5-6 burps lasting for 3- 4 hours after having food.
4. I feel nausea many times after having food. Sometimes associated with some particular smell like frying cooking oil.
5. I also have sourness of mouth and dry throat.
6. Stool is loose and sometimes watery.
Today is my 12 days of taking Nat phos 6x + Nat sulp.
I have some improvement in my condition.
1. Headache is less.
2. Bloated stomach is not much.
I am not taking any PPI(Prevacid) for last 15 days - thats a very good sign.
But I still have following problems:
1. Stomach burning - after having food.
2. Heartburning - usually accompanied by burp.
3. I usually have burps(with only air, but NO food). These burps causes slight headache and heartburn. Around 5-6 burps lasting for 3- 4 hours after having food.
4. I feel nausea many times after having food. Sometimes associated with some particular smell like frying cooking oil.
5. I also have sourness of mouth and dry throat.
6. Stool is loose and sometimes watery.
gerd_usa last decade
Let us implement the following plan of medication. We will move to the higher potency after 10 days depending on the symptoms. As of now please take ars alb in 30 potency only.
day 1
please take three doses of arsenic alb 30c at a gap of 4 hours
day 2 to day 10
please take 2 tablets each from the following tissue salts four times a day at a gap of 4 hours
natrum sulph 6x
natrum phos 6x
day 1
please take three doses of arsenic alb 30c at a gap of 4 hours
day 2 to day 10
please take 2 tablets each from the following tissue salts four times a day at a gap of 4 hours
natrum sulph 6x
natrum phos 6x
♡ kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,
Thanks a lot for sending prompt reply.
I will repeat the course as prescribed.
I will update result to you.
- gerd_usa
Thanks a lot for sending prompt reply.
I will repeat the course as prescribed.
I will update result to you.
- gerd_usa
gerd_usa last decade
Dear Kadwa,
I am replying after long time. I have seen improvement and at one point I was absolutely normal.
But again the symptoms comeback in between many times. I did repeated Aresenic Album 30c course(day 1 , 3 doses and then stop another 10 days) many times, there are some improvement but I am not cured completely.
Do u think I should move to higer potency of Arsenic Album. I have already ordered 200C and 1M.
Pls help and guide when and how I should take higher potency , if required.
My present symptoms are :
My symptoms :
1. Burning in esophagus and stomach (left side).
2. Sores in mouth and throat.
3. Gets many burps and then sores in mouth and throat worsens.
Emotionally :
1. Depressed and stressed.
2. Gave up hope that I can be cured.
3. loss of energy.
4. But still I am excelling in my office. Working long hours and doing work meticulously.
I have been doing Yoga regularly. I did have some accupunture sessions but I stopped because I read somewhere that accupunture and homeopathy should not be done together as they contradict each other rather than complementing.
I am replying after long time. I have seen improvement and at one point I was absolutely normal.
But again the symptoms comeback in between many times. I did repeated Aresenic Album 30c course(day 1 , 3 doses and then stop another 10 days) many times, there are some improvement but I am not cured completely.
Do u think I should move to higer potency of Arsenic Album. I have already ordered 200C and 1M.
Pls help and guide when and how I should take higher potency , if required.
My present symptoms are :
My symptoms :
1. Burning in esophagus and stomach (left side).
2. Sores in mouth and throat.
3. Gets many burps and then sores in mouth and throat worsens.
Emotionally :
1. Depressed and stressed.
2. Gave up hope that I can be cured.
3. loss of energy.
4. But still I am excelling in my office. Working long hours and doing work meticulously.
I have been doing Yoga regularly. I did have some accupunture sessions but I stopped because I read somewhere that accupunture and homeopathy should not be done together as they contradict each other rather than complementing.
gerd_usa last decade
day 1
please take three doses of arsenic alb 200c at a gap of 4 hours
day 2 to day 10
please take 1 tablet each from the following tissue salts four times a day at a gap of 4 hours
natrum sulph 6x
natrum phos 6x
please take three doses of arsenic alb 200c at a gap of 4 hours
day 2 to day 10
please take 1 tablet each from the following tissue salts four times a day at a gap of 4 hours
natrum sulph 6x
natrum phos 6x
♡ kadwa last decade
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