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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair loss 37 year old mother of 2


I am a 37 year old woman who had her last child a little over two and a half years ago. About 8 months after his birth my hair starting falling out like crazy(no bald spots, just an all over thinning). I know that hair does do that after birth, but it continues to shed to this day. Looking back, I think my hair was thinner after the birth of my first son (he's 8) but slowed down to were I wasn't concerned about it.
Other symptoms I have are heat that runs from chest to face (gets red sometimes), I am usually cold on lower extremities (legs, hands, feet, arms) crusty bumps on both sides of skin starting at the end corners of my nose and sometimes down side of mouth. Nervous, anxious, depressed due to symptoms, dry skin, period pretty normal..very heavy the first couple days, itchy skin, especially on face, scalp, ridges on nails.
I just started going to a acupuncturist over the last couple weeks...probably too soon to tell if it's doing any good. He said I have weak kidney function, some issues with colon function (large small intestine) and some heat (where I described) I came here looking for other options.
Thanks for reading this!
Any help would be appreciated!!
  bridget0572 on 2009-06-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I should add that there is no history of hairloss in women on either side as far as I can see. Also, I try to stay away from spicy foods & also find that the sun sometimes makes symptoms worse so I try to avoid it. Stress also is a factor at making symptoms worse. Last fall was a particulary bad time for my symptoms.
I hope that's everything!
bridget0572 last decade
any other medical history and any medicine did you try ???
faisal qureshi last decade
As far as medical history...pretty healthy, when I was younger I had a lot of ear infections, I've been very anxious my whole life which I know isn't good.
I have had complete blood work done and my thyroid checked, all were good except my dhea levels were low. I went to a derm. and he told me that it comes with age and told me to use rogaine. I do not want to put chemicals in my hair knowing that if I stop using it, it will fall out anyways. I have tried putting a paste of fenugreek seeds in my hair with no results, I also put coconut oil in my hair a few times a week (not religiously), used basil a few times & I am now currently rinsing my hair with green tea.
bridget0572 last decade
after baby birth very common that hair falling due to harmone changing after few month it will settle try to check your blood for harmone level.you can try (calc phoss-6x) 4tablets 3times a day for month only any change report me back,ok
Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade

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