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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Frequent Urination


I started having pain in lower back and stomach in and around the belly button area on Sunday which almost sent me to the hospital. In two days I got better but then I started urinating frequently, every 45 minutes. I am not drinking alot or thirsty. I am having alot of discomfort and pain in lower back and feels like bladder. I had a urine test done and it say WBC 11-30 (H) and some epitherlial cells but no growth. I went to the doctor and he told me that he doesn't know what this is. I am starting to feel nausea from going to the bathroom so much from the pressue. He wanted to give me medication for a weak bladder, which I do not have!!!

Any suggestions what this maybe and what is causing frequency? ANy tests recommended...

In January I was diagnosed with UTI, because of frequent URination and no other symptoms or pain.. It was treated with Antibiotics and went away. A couple of weeks later back again treated with Anti biotics and went away
  Summer09 on 2009-06-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You have submitted the details earlier in the thread 'Reply to form' which are as under
you are a chilly patient and prefer hot weather
you are suffering from prostration and severe pains

In the light of the above information thuja seems to be the indicated remedy for your problem of urinary incontinence.

Please take three doses of thuja 30c at a gap of 4 hours on a single day.
Please follow homeopathic restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine. Please don't take any other homeo remedy. Please observe changes in your symptoms for the next 7 days and report back.
kadwa last decade
My doctor believes I have interstitial cystitis. Are any remedies available to help with this problem. Please advise..

As there is no known cure in moder medicine,one medicadtion with side effects such as hair loss..
Summer09 last decade
I am currently on Cantharis the frequency of urinating from 60 times for 2-3 days dropped to 40 and then to about 12-15... It is very unformatable, pain in lower back, and unable to hold even a small amout of urine pressure to bladder. There is no burning, no infection. I do have bilateral stones.
Can this effect my kidneys?
What may this be, Interstitial Cytits? I am taking Cnatheris 30C 4 pellets 3x a day since Sunday. Please help
Summer09 last decade
pl take berberis vulgaris q 10 drops in one fourth cup of water twice daily along with cantharis
akshaymohl last decade
for ur frequent urination take ACID PHOS-30C/5 pills thrice in a day.

>also take BELL-3X/5 drops thrice in day with a luke warm water ,alternatively with acid phos.
priyanka sharma last decade

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