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If you have tonsil stones you may want to read another forum also...
and google Christine Wicks Queen Elizabeth Hospital
and google Christine Wicks Queen Elizabeth Hospital
justmebyanyname last decade
the bobby pin method AMAZING!!!! Thanks so much for the advice, my gag reflex is so strong that I tried the q-tips, my finger, the water pik and all and I was gagging the whole time and throwing up. The bobby pin is small enough I can run it along the side of my cheek and not have any issues!!! Thank you Matt32
justanotheramanda last decade
I have suffered from them for a long time.
After reading the great advice about sticking... a bobby pin, a Q-tip, a wooden Q-tip from a hobby store and a plastic straw in to get the pesky buggers out, I thought I'd share my personal method of extraction.
First find a local hardware store i.e. home depot.
Next, find and purchase a good solid Shop Vac and also a roll of Duct Tape.
Find the plumbing section and pick up a 2 foot length of outdoor grade PVC 5 inch thick piping.
After some obvious rigging you have a perfect Tonsil Stone Removal System 5000, or TSRS 5K as I patented it.
I hope this helps, you can also use this as an exceedingly good Colonic Irrigator.
Please do keep me in mind as I have other great homeopathic remedies which I will be sharing with you all down the line.
The Dude
After reading the great advice about sticking... a bobby pin, a Q-tip, a wooden Q-tip from a hobby store and a plastic straw in to get the pesky buggers out, I thought I'd share my personal method of extraction.
First find a local hardware store i.e. home depot.
Next, find and purchase a good solid Shop Vac and also a roll of Duct Tape.
Find the plumbing section and pick up a 2 foot length of outdoor grade PVC 5 inch thick piping.
After some obvious rigging you have a perfect Tonsil Stone Removal System 5000, or TSRS 5K as I patented it.
I hope this helps, you can also use this as an exceedingly good Colonic Irrigator.
Please do keep me in mind as I have other great homeopathic remedies which I will be sharing with you all down the line.
The Dude
The Dude 7 last decade
Water piks are too powerful, even on they're lowest settings and can cause bleeding which is the last thing you need (happened to me and that was the last time I tried it). Instead go on ebay and buy a cheap curved plastic syringe and shoot warm salty water in you tonsils with your head facing down over a sink. This is by far the safest and easiest way to get rid of these. Also mouthwash with 1/2 water 1/2 hydrogen peroxide will help keep the mouth clean and its safe, and maybe sometimes using that in the syringe.
FredtheMan last decade
I've had a really bad problem with tonsil stones since winter 2010. I had 3 cases of a really bad sore throat back to back. I started developing these tonsil stones. In my experience, if you do not keep on top of removing them, they will get infected in which case your tonsil will swell up like none other. Just today I am having this problem because I haven't had any 'visible' tonsil stones lately and have no been squeezing the poison out of my tonsil as usual (probably once every 2 weeks. Now I feel as though I am inline for a set of serious problems as I had a fever incredibly bad last night and I drained a lot of poison and stones from my tonsils this morning. I have always had problem with my left ear and have damaged nerves which caused me to go deaf years ago and I've had a constant ringing since along with TMJ. I'm beginning to think from experience that all these things are connected. Pay attention to your tonsils and get the removed if they cause you problems.I'm going to get mine out.
guest last decade
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