The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
Titer tests indicating a cat has contracted FIP can be misleading:
FIP Cured with Herbs: (a testimonial)
When my neighbor with cancer had developed jaundice due to liver failure, I ordered bupleurum root. When the herb came in and I told him what it was for, he wasn't interested. So it sat on my shelf. A few months later, my cat contracted FIP. His condition deteriorated until he, too, developed severe jaundice, was throwing up yellow bile, was dropping feces uncontrollably, and had lost so much weight he looked like a skeleton with fur. My mother asked if I was giving him herbs, to which I replied that I was afraid it would kill him. Then it dawned on me he was going to die anyway, so what could it hurt?
I made a tea by boiling one tablespoon of bupleurum root and one tablespoon of pau d' arco bark in two cups of water. After boiling for ten minutes I turned off the heat and added one tablespoon of dried yarrow flowers and leaves and let it steep for about twenty minutes more. I strained the tea through a mesh strainer and poured it into empty medicine bottles with eyedroppers and refrigerated it.
At first I gave my cat five one milliliter drops every 20 minutes straight into the back of his mouth. After two hours I administered the five drops every two hours for 24 hours. Then I reduced the dosage to every two hours during my normal waking hours for several days. I continued the treatment every few hours for two more weeks. He was pretty weak in the beginning of treatment, so I also crushed up a cat vitamin, mixed it with water, and fed him about 5ml twice per day until he started eating again. The jaundice gradually went away over a two week period. He recovered fully, regained his appetite, and is regaining weight. It looks like this incurable cat disease is no longer incurable, at least for herbalists.
A testimonial:
My introduction to homeopathy came about because my feline who had
FIP, Aids and Leukemia was dying. The following remedy brought him
back in 12 hours. NO JOKE. He was choking on his fluids before that
and the antibiotics were useless. Haven't had much use for conventional medicine since. Anyway, if you can get a vet to order
the glandulars for you, here it is: Pulsatilla, Ars. alb., Calc.
flour, Silicia, Rhus tox., Flour ac., Cantharis, Carduus mar, Hepar
sulph, Cell salts, Lymph, Liver, Argent. nit. - all 10x potency, 15x
will do. These remedies work on many different area's of the body and quickly.
One person's approach to dealing with FIP successfully:
Another testimonial:
Our vet also treated a case of feline infectious peritonitis [FIP] with ImmunoPhase. FIP is caused by a coronavirus and is difficult to diagnose and to treat. It is probably the most common cause of unexplained fevers in cats. The illness can cause lethargy, weight loss, eye disease, and swelling of the abdomen or fluid in the chest. Most cats with FIP will die within 2 to 11 months from the damage caused by the virus, the immune system and secondary problems such as kidney or liver failure.
The cat treated by the vet with ImmunoPhase had been ill for 20 days. Nothing had worked to lessen or stop the illness and they were waiting for the pet to die. As a last resort, they gave the cat ImmunoPhase and she quickly recovered her health within a few days.
Since ImmunoPhase worked so well in these and other cases of pet infections it would be helpful to have the remedy on hand to use at the first sign of illness.
Since dogs and cats are much smaller than humans, they should be given smaller doses of the remedy. Mid-sized and larger dogs can be provided with one capsule of ImmunoPhase from 3-5 times per day. Smaller dogs and cats can take 1/2 capsule 3-5 times per day. The best way to give your pet the formula is to open the capsule and stir it in with wet pet food. The main precaution in giving the formula to your animal is to watch out for diarrhea as your petÂ’s digestive system may be weakened by its illness. Discontinue the remedy if this occurs.
Dr. William O. Belfield, DVM has written extensively of the use of Mega C Plus protocol to effectively cure FIP in cats. Quickly. He has a website and has also written on curing FIP in his book The Very Healthy Cat Book.
The best test in USA for FIP (not for corona virus) is Dr Kevin Steele's test. He developed an Elisa-7B-FIP test in 1998 which is 95% predictive for FIP. He also has a PCR test (more appropriate for autopsy confirmation) called the PCR-7B-FIP test. The 7B refers to a gene that occurs in FIP but not in the regular enteric corona from which it mutates. This covers most of the FIP seen 'in the wild'. Other signs of FIP are found in blood tests including high globulin, and in wet FIP there is yellow, sticky, effusion fluid with high globulin. Other effusion fluids have different characteristics. Your vet should be up on the testing options, although the 7B FIP tests are not available in all countries yet. The homeopathic FIP nosode builds resistance to FIP.
orian on 2009-06-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
As I look at these three examples of herbal cures for FIP, how do I know which one to use? Can I try more than one of them? Where do I order the herbs and supples?
DLCLovette last decade
thank for the post. but do they really work? just been told my kitten has F.I.P, don't know how much time we have so any help i would be thankfull for!
and how do i find this stuff?
thank you
Joe V
and how do i find this stuff?
thank you
Joe V
jvcon last decade
Orian - I'm going to try your tea first thing tomorrow. I want to know, I guess it's 3 years later, how is your cat doing? My 16 week old kitten got 'diagnosed' today with FIP, so through much tedious hunting, I've decided that your tea is my best option. Wish me luck, and I can't thank you enough for posting your recipe step-by-step. So wonderful because I can't seem to find anything as easy and simple as your tea, but the ingredients (though Ive never even heard of them before tonight,) sound perfect, after learning their benefits.
I wish you so much happiness and health.
I wish you so much happiness and health.
pandagreen last decade
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