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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair Loss

My son is 25yrs old, height 6' and on the flabby side. Colour fair. He had a fantasic hair line.
Since last 6years he is rapidly losing hair and hair are very thin on the top of head. He had rigid Dandruff so much so that white thick flakes would come out of the hairs. Dandruff is controlled with the use of SHIKAKAI, AMLA powders hut the hairs are not coming up.
  skchadha on 2009-07-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
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akshaymohl last decade
as we know anyway as you know - hair loss can be caused by many different reasons! Find out the actual cause of hair loss! There are many causes of loss of hair such as stress, poor nutrition ,medications, thyroid dysfunctions, illness, fungal infections ,hormonal problems, to mention a few.

year ago my husband suffered from hair loss too and he started trying everything you can imagine to stop his hair loss. the things that really worked for him was:

1) Vitamin A - an anti-oxidant which promotes healthy production of sebum in the scalp;

2) Vitamin E stimulates circulation. Good blood circulation in the scalp is important in keeping hair follicles productive. The 'B' vitamins contribute to melanin, which gives hair its healthy color and also stimulates blood circulation;

3) massage is also beneficial. Massage stimulates circulation. As already noted, good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Experts suggest a few minutes of daily head massage by hand. Circulation through massage may be improved by using a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base with massage;

4) Try rubbing your scalp with garlic juice, Onion Juice or Ginger Juice(you can either of one out of three, Do not mix any of two or three);

5) also he used herbal treatment - TrichoZed
It is a good product that helps prevent hair loss and it is an FDA approved product. I think it is very important!

It worked and still works for him!

I do not know if any pharmacies carry TrichoZed but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here - trichozed.info

It enhances hair growth by blocking DHT (Dihydrotestostrone) - a major cause of hair loss!

good luck!

not only my and my husband`s own personal experience
Patricia8 last decade

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