The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Acne, Dandruff &Spice Allergy
Dear All,I have been suffering from Acne and Dandruff for a long long time.
1. I get painful thick acne on face and goes after 2 months with pus and blood. I also get few on my back and chest.
2. I have horrible dandruff. I have a red itchy scalp. I have hair loss on top too. I tried lot of shampoos but with no result.
3. Lately I caught spice allergy I believe. If I eat a little spice, scalp becomes red and it itches and it is more aggravating.
I have been using Kali Sulphuricum and Natrum Muriaticum for 5 months now with no improvement.
Please please help. I want to have itch and dandruff free scalp. I am like dead if I go in sun as my scalp itches like crazy.
isolence on 2009-07-12
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