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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

High Blood Pressure at 25

I am a 25 year old Software Engginear.
just 2 days back I had a problem that my eyes started sticking and I was feeling very tired.I showed to the Dr and he told me I had High BP 150/100.I dont want Alopathy med.What sud I take in Homeopathy so that I am cured.
  reggie143 on 2005-02-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please explain "eyes started sticking" Does this mean movement or feeling.

Being under stress can cause HBP...this does NOT necessarily mean you "suffer with it for life."

Change your thought patterns and attitude. Because you had some problems, it does not mean permanent. MDieties are crepe hangers. They will make you sick with their careless words.

It is like a woman telling me I have arthritis when she looked at my hands. I fairly yelled at her "I do not!!" How dare she "claim" an illness for me?? My hands work perfectly and are free of pain.

Claim complete health for yourself. Do not let someone "claim" illness for you. You are "free" of HBP. Say it many times a day.

Your subconscious mind hears everything as truth. The body acts it out.

Say "I AM free of..." whatever you want. Do not say "I don't want..." The subconscious mind does not hear "not or don't" It hears "I want."

Think of yourself as a very expensive computer. Everything in perfect balance. All programs working perfectly together. Every program and sub programs are speaking together in perfect postive language. Every part of the perfect computer speaks exactly the same language and hears exactly the right thing to work together.

Now, your habits outside of this computer need to have the perfect systems manager that understands the entire machine perfectly and only gives the exact commands that are positive to return positive results.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
If you really need remedies, I wouldn't refuse to suggest, but think! even your age says I don't have HBP. Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Seeing ur Quick reply I am already feeling better.Your inspiring thought were really helpful.

Well I will explain my state.
I was feeling very tired these days.
Eye sticking is like I feel a liquid formation in my eyes and I have to clean it with a clean cloth.and even in the morning when I get up I have dry things around my eyes.

My urine is a bit yellowish and stomach is bit upset.
Above are all the synotoms I found different.

I dont actualy know how one feels when he/she has HBP.

reggie143 2 decades ago
I only want to know what YOU feel like, not the HBP or anything you "think" you may have or have been told.

Who are you in the mirror? What do people think of you, and you think of them?
What do you like to do best? (outside of computer)

The urine and stomach is a very good symptom report.

Consult a nutritionist at the health store to get your body back to more alkaline instead of acid. Both of the above point to too much acid levels in the body.

I will have to think on the eyes a bit. Is your sight different or bright lights hurt?

Please keep posting when you think of things to say.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago

Get your BP checked atleast once in a week.If three consecutive readings show high BP,you need medication.

As Sabra is suggesting,medicines are available in homeopathy,to control high BP.

But,make sure that it is not transitory.

Come back after three weeks,with your weekly reports.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Well I checked my BP after coming from Dr and also 1 days later.the first reading was
140-90(same day I met the Dr)
130-85(1 days later)

Sabra ur Question was Is ur sight different or bright light hurt.Well No.
Being a Software Developer I have to sit in front of computer for almost the whole day.
these days I am feeling a bit wierd also.Not feeling well from inside.But my hungry is normal.I am not choosy about my food.I am veggy.
Also the Dr told me to reduce on Salt intake.On that I myself take very little salt as my GrandMother is also suffering with the same. Could it be heriditary?

Murthy I will do a weekly check of my BP and post what my reports are!!!

reggie143 2 decades ago
Please try to think of yourself as a complete separate individual. GrandMother may have similar, but it could be environment as well in the genes.

Am waiting for your report so we can continue.

Blessings. Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Thanks for ur concern,
I am feeling much better now and
dont have the same issue with the eyes,ie they no longer sticking.But my Grand Mother has same issue ie her eyes get wet and start sticking when her BP goes up.
I have checked the BP and not it has come down to 125 85.
I am not taking any medicines also. But am scared that in future i might get High BP.
I still get tired. Could be due to some other reasons also???!!!
reggie143 2 decades ago
Sabra is pointing you down the right road - but unless you quit being a software geek then you will always be putting yourself under stress .
Also you will always have eye problems . The best remedies for the eye problem is Ruta 30c or 1M . Take when eyes show signs of starin.
passkey 2 decades ago
Strain and stress. Try the Ruta from passkey. Let us know how you are.

Will still give HBP remedies if you wish, but would like to see you continue with the good attitude, minus fears, and see how you do.

Please keep in touch.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
I am feeling better already but when I have lots of tension or work presure I feel bad.
I will try Ruta.
How much I have to take and how many times?
Thanks for ur help
reggie143 2 decades ago
Take the Ruta after breakfast each morning and see how you go.

Remember, one cannot live life on pills.

It is the individual that chooses what is good in life and not depend on pills to do it for them.

If Ruta is better, take Ruta every other day for awhile and if still better, take every three days.

Eventually you could take it only once a week or once a month. I have a remedy I only take twice a year. And only when my body reminds me.

Meanwhile, learn to do a few fun and interesting exercises on a break from the computer.

AND, you might seriously think of taking Yoga lessons. It is a good practice for the body and would make you more healthy and calmer and this means lower blood pressure.

We are interested how you are getting along.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Thank You
I will take ur advice and see what happens.

reggie143 last decade
Thank You
I will take ur advice and see what happens.

reggie143 last decade
I have used Arnica 30c every night for almost 10 years and it is possible that the reason for my BP being 120/80 or lower with pulse 65 at age 75 may be due to my regular use of this amazing remedy.

Arnica helps to increase the flow of blood in the body and it may be the reason for my present state of wellness.

I would suggest that you take Arnica 30c twice daily especially at night as it will promote deep restful sleep and may help with your BP.

Dose is 2 balls under the tongue taken first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

No coffee, cola drinks and preserved meats which contain saltpeter.
Joe De Livera last decade

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