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Ayurvedic and Yogic Remedies for Swine Flu. A comprehensive description of Swami Ramdev's method.
Ayurvedic and Yogic Remedies for Swine Flu. A comprehensive description of Swami Ramdev's method.Here we will discuss ayurvedic remedies first. In Ayurved the treatment of disease is not symptomatic but it is systemic. Allopathy, identifies the virus and then develops the anti-virus to kill that virus. Ayurved offers remedies that strengthen the immune system thereby protecting against the virus.
All the ayurvedic medicines that are effective against cold, cough and fever are also effective against swine flu. The ayurvedic remedies that are given here strengthen mainly the respiratory and other systems and they do not have any side effects.
1. Tulsi Ghanvati
This medicine is indicated in fever. It increases the resistance power of body against diseases, so it can also be used prophylactically.
2. Giloy Ghanvati
This medicine is also indicated in fever. It increases the resistance power of body against diseases, so it can also be used prophylactically.
3. Jwar Nashak Kwath
Ingredients: Neem, Tulsi, Chirayta, Kutki, Jal Nimb, Giloy
Prepare decoction according to this procedure: Boil 5-10 gm. of medicine by adding 400 ml. of water. Boil it till it is reduced to 100 ml. and strain it. Take it hot twice/thrice a day. For the first time that decoction can be taken hot, later on during the day it should be heated and then taken. It is advisable to wrap up body after taking this decoction so that after sweating temperature of body comes down to normal.
This is to be used only by the person who is running fever.
The following medicines may also be taken as a prophylactic or they can also be taken by the person who is suffering from cough, cold and fever.
Divya Swasari Ras for Lung Problems, Bronchitis and Asthma
Main Ingredients:
Pravala Pishti, Abhraka Bhasma, Mukta-sukti Bhasma, Tankana Bhasma, Sphatika Bhasma, Godanti Bhasma, Kapardaka Bhasma, Shringa Bhasma, Manahsila (pure), root of Akarakarabha, Lavanga (clove), Tvak (cinnamon), pure Vatsanabha, powder of Trikatu (collective name for Shunthi or dry ginger, Pippali or long pepper and Marica or black pepper), Karkata Shringi, Madhu Yasti, fruit of Rudanti, etc.
Therapeutic Uses:
Intake of this medicine makes the cells of the lungs more active, and removes the inflammation of bronchioles & bronchi. So lungs become capable to take more oxygen & patient gets rid of chronic diseases like bronchitis;
An expectorant by the intake of which phlegm adhered in lungs comes out easily and there is no further formation of phlegm;
Promotes the immune power of lungs, and cures cough, coryza, cold, asthma, sneezing, heaviness in the head and sinusitis;
An excellent tonic for lungs to nourish them.
Mode of Administration:
To be taken half an hour before meals with honey or warm water, can be taken after meals also.
500 mg. to 1 gm., twice of thrice a day.
Sitopaladi Choorna is a soverign remedy of whooping cough. It is also a great controller of acidity. Take 1 tsf in the morning and evening with honey.
Some of the above medicines are the products of Swami Ramdev's Divya Pharmacy and these are available at the retail outlets of Divya Pharmacy throughout India. While other medicines are generic ayurvedic medicines that are avaiable at any ayurvedic shop.
Now we will discuss the yogic cure
The greatest tool of strengthening the immune system of body is to do pranayam regularly. It is highly beneficial to do these breathing exercises atleast for half an hour in the morning in a garden.
All these breathing exercises are explained in detail at the following thread.
[message edited by kadwa on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 14:47:20 BST]
♥ kadwa on 2009-08-22
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