The ABC Homeopathy Forum
generalized anxiety disorder(GAD)
i am 30 years old male.unmarried. i have bad sleep, anxiety issues. avoid tough situations thinking i will get a panic attack. some one said kali phos 6x is good . i would like to know how long i should take it. lost all by hair by the age of 20. low confidence,bad sleep, back ache when i sit too long. sometimes get boils on the head.pepsioverdose on 2009-08-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
- Give a detailed account of all your physical and mental ailments
- Describe yourself as a person in as much detail as possible
- Describe your life history till now right from childhood.
- Give a detailed account of all your physical and mental ailments
- Describe yourself as a person in as much detail as possible
- Describe your life history till now right from childhood.
Niel Madhavan last decade
Am also curious to know why you call yourself pepsi overdose?
Niel Madhavan last decade
had first panic attack at 16 then minor depression .lost hair from then. just dragged myself through. not interested in anything. got 2nd panic attack when i was 24. took homeo medication. then english for a 9 months.took clozam.still when i go out i am scared i will get a panic attack. i avoid places where my exit is restricted. wont go in a bus. when i have panic i feel like vomiting,dizzy , heart rate shoots up , feeling like going to toilet.thats why i dont like going in a bus. once there is a toilet nearby then anxiety will be less because i know even if i havea attack there is a toilet nearby. places like exams ,buses where u have to sit for hours and ur exit is restricted its a problem. i am more nervous in the morning and afternoon. more relaxed after 4pm. enjoy walking at night though now i am not walking.
pepsioverdose last decade
oops sorry u wanted to know why i used pepsioverdose its a good attention grabber.thats all. idont take pepsi, no coffee,tea . idont drink or smoke. i keep away from all stimulants. i have acidity. so i dont eat anything that aggravates it. my sleep is full of dreams of the past. how will kali phos 6x do. i just bought one seeing it has a very good effect. they say its brain food. my sleep is horrible. if sleep is good everythign is kinda better . otherwise i am giddy. my pressure shoots up and that restricts my activity.
pepsioverdose last decade
please let me know about kali phos 6x. is it effective.
pepsioverdose last decade
Niel Madhavan last decade
10 years to 18 things i was always under lots of fear. my teachers,parents.i am the only kids so they were really strict . lived a robotic life. 11th and 12th professors were really strict so were parents. thats when i got my first attack. i lived a robotic life. i had no say in my life. do as told or they shout the hell out of me or they would kick me out. passed 12th with distinction then things became normal they let go the strictness. i did not complete engineering. no drive was there to complete. always prefer to stay away from limelight. stay in the background. joined bcom at 24 and did not complete because i get severe anxiety when i sit for exams. i just have 3 more papers to go. but the thought of sitting there with all the anxiety and palpitations scares me. attempted suicide once did not succeed. i hate dad since he is too strict. his nickname is hitler. i have cycles of depression and anxiety. sleep is bad. i am not working now just sitting athome. told my parents that i could not do it. they tried to send me everywhere but since i get palpitations and nausea when i travel i just could not go . i told them if i was a burden they can stuff me in a nursng home. i took english medicines no success . went to NIMHANS in bangalore. did homeopathy for 3 years and still no success. took 4 months of medicines. no success. i just need to get sleep in order then i want to try NLP or hypnotherapy or homeostasis. they say cognitive behaviourial therapy is the most successful treatment for generalized anxiety disorder. too many medicines and no success what so ever. was in a naturopathy hospital for 3 weeks. i am willing to try whatever it takes to get cured.
pepsioverdose last decade
please ask me specific questions so i can be more precise in my description. i lived a robotic life that there is not much i can say.
pepsioverdose last decade
Copy the questionnaire from the following thread and carefully fill it:
Do not post it in that thread but here, in this thread.
Copy the questionnaire from the following thread and carefully fill it:
Do not post it in that thread but here, in this thread.
Niel Madhavan last decade
Describe your main suffering?
What other physical sufferings do you have in your body.
piles,acidity,weak digestive cold legs.back and knees keep making sounds as if i am knuckle breaking.(tak tak sound).last 4 months.
What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings? job. cant travel anywhere. dependent.
What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst.
death. not worth living life to suffer it. too many problems.get dejected very support from family.well they cant do much anyways. its all in the head. if u are negative what can others do.
When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease.
16 minor depression. but did not know about it. went to a doctor when i was 24. medicines started from then. sat at home and did distance mental illness in both families. anxieyt neurosis exists in mothers family. 2 suicides there . back in the 80's.
Which time of the day you are worst?
morning. always dull and drugged effect.better after 5 or 6 in the evening. stomach settles by then usually no bloated feeling.if i am lucky to get deep sleep in the afternoon with no dreams then things will be bright then.
What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same.
bald, cant go out with friends scared will get panic attack. no job. health is bad.dependent on parents if they die then support from fathers or mothers family. GOOD THINGS .well no one depends on me. no liablilties.
Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
not at all . just that fear i will have a panic attack. agoraphobia. some days i feel i might get and sometimes i feel i wont get. low energy. negative thinking.minor depression. gets dejected easily.
When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather
before cool weather now that i am having bad joints hot weather. but the cool night breeze is very relaxing thats why i prefer going out at night. very soothing.
What other physical sufferings do you have in your body.
piles,acidity,weak digestive cold legs.back and knees keep making sounds as if i am knuckle breaking.(tak tak sound).last 4 months.
What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings? job. cant travel anywhere. dependent.
What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst.
death. not worth living life to suffer it. too many problems.get dejected very support from family.well they cant do much anyways. its all in the head. if u are negative what can others do.
When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease.
16 minor depression. but did not know about it. went to a doctor when i was 24. medicines started from then. sat at home and did distance mental illness in both families. anxieyt neurosis exists in mothers family. 2 suicides there . back in the 80's.
Which time of the day you are worst?
morning. always dull and drugged effect.better after 5 or 6 in the evening. stomach settles by then usually no bloated feeling.if i am lucky to get deep sleep in the afternoon with no dreams then things will be bright then.
What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same.
bald, cant go out with friends scared will get panic attack. no job. health is bad.dependent on parents if they die then support from fathers or mothers family. GOOD THINGS .well no one depends on me. no liablilties.
Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
not at all . just that fear i will have a panic attack. agoraphobia. some days i feel i might get and sometimes i feel i wont get. low energy. negative thinking.minor depression. gets dejected easily.
When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather
before cool weather now that i am having bad joints hot weather. but the cool night breeze is very relaxing thats why i prefer going out at night. very soothing.
pepsioverdose last decade
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
nervous,agreeable,mild ,easily offended.quiet.
during a thunderstorm i am very relaxed i like it.
i dont like being consoled. ihate that. sudden noise startles me.
have a habbit of talking to myself from the age of 13.
if the friend is sincere i will be his very good friend or else i avoid them.
i dream of lots of things past future scary stuff. if i am supposed to write an exam i will be dreaming of it well in advance.
What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions
sometimes i crave for biscuits . i dont like oily stuff. i like bitter gourd. vegetables. cant take garlic or too much onions because of piles. i love it though. i like sour stuff but my piles and acidity wont allow it.
How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive
can be any . depends if its hot cold or whether i eat more proteins or sugar or salt. if it eat bitter gourd usually no thirst is there.
Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand.
chilly powder, urad dal or black dal what they put in dosa. i love dosa but if ieat it i get boils and consitpation. no garlic or too much onions. piles.
your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
trunk. back side i hope is trunk. head also.rarely limbs.
How is your bowel movement and stool type?
not good. if i eat vegetables ok otherwise not.
How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
very bad sleep. i sleep early but always get up exhausted. thats why i hate sleeping at night.
i sleep on the sides or belly. cant sleep on the back. usually on the sides.
Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general
yes no problem there.
How do you think you are different from others, if at all
bald at a young age. cant go out or travel. no jjob. cant do things on my own . u will feel u are not competent at all.
What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication
homeo, dr shah medicines. clozam 15mg. anxit when i get anxious. now nothing except alpha WD weak defense once in a while.
What major diseases are running in your family
pressure. cholestrol for dad and mom. acidity in mothers family. mental problems in both families. but dad and mom are healthy.
Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
5 feet 6 fair round face chubby. 84 kgs. pear shapped body. bigger butt and thighs. narrow shoulders. bald. keep anupam kher in mind. only thing is nose is flatter not sharp.
nervous,agreeable,mild ,easily offended.quiet.
during a thunderstorm i am very relaxed i like it.
i dont like being consoled. ihate that. sudden noise startles me.
have a habbit of talking to myself from the age of 13.
if the friend is sincere i will be his very good friend or else i avoid them.
i dream of lots of things past future scary stuff. if i am supposed to write an exam i will be dreaming of it well in advance.
What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions
sometimes i crave for biscuits . i dont like oily stuff. i like bitter gourd. vegetables. cant take garlic or too much onions because of piles. i love it though. i like sour stuff but my piles and acidity wont allow it.
How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive
can be any . depends if its hot cold or whether i eat more proteins or sugar or salt. if it eat bitter gourd usually no thirst is there.
Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand.
chilly powder, urad dal or black dal what they put in dosa. i love dosa but if ieat it i get boils and consitpation. no garlic or too much onions. piles.
your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
trunk. back side i hope is trunk. head also.rarely limbs.
How is your bowel movement and stool type?
not good. if i eat vegetables ok otherwise not.
How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
very bad sleep. i sleep early but always get up exhausted. thats why i hate sleeping at night.
i sleep on the sides or belly. cant sleep on the back. usually on the sides.
Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general
yes no problem there.
How do you think you are different from others, if at all
bald at a young age. cant go out or travel. no jjob. cant do things on my own . u will feel u are not competent at all.
What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication
homeo, dr shah medicines. clozam 15mg. anxit when i get anxious. now nothing except alpha WD weak defense once in a while.
What major diseases are running in your family
pressure. cholestrol for dad and mom. acidity in mothers family. mental problems in both families. but dad and mom are healthy.
Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
5 feet 6 fair round face chubby. 84 kgs. pear shapped body. bigger butt and thighs. narrow shoulders. bald. keep anupam kher in mind. only thing is nose is flatter not sharp.
pepsioverdose last decade
Well...that should be sufficient. Let me analyze this and get back on this in a couple of days.
Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi dear
Please take two doses of Staphysagria 1M, separated by 12 hours each on a single day.
Procure a 15 ml sealed dilution of Staph 1M, preferably from a reputed manufacturer like Dr. Reckeweg's. Put 2-3 drops of the remedy in some 200 ml of filtered water and sip it slowly to constitute one dose.
Don't eat or drink anything 45 minutes prior to and 45 minutes after the taking the remedy.
Avoid tea, coffee, high protein and spicy foods, and strong perfumes or perfumed hair oil.
Report back on your state of mind in three days.
Best wishes and warm regards
Please take two doses of Staphysagria 1M, separated by 12 hours each on a single day.
Procure a 15 ml sealed dilution of Staph 1M, preferably from a reputed manufacturer like Dr. Reckeweg's. Put 2-3 drops of the remedy in some 200 ml of filtered water and sip it slowly to constitute one dose.
Don't eat or drink anything 45 minutes prior to and 45 minutes after the taking the remedy.
Avoid tea, coffee, high protein and spicy foods, and strong perfumes or perfumed hair oil.
Report back on your state of mind in three days.
Best wishes and warm regards
Niel Madhavan last decade
Dr niel,
i want apprishate to you to select a stafisagaria for this person i rode this case and your selection is realy very well for him
i want apprishate to you to select a stafisagaria for this person i rode this case and your selection is realy very well for him
honest_friend last decade
Hello. Just came across this thread while looking up homeopathic medicine for anxiety and depression.Never saw a reply by pepsioverdose so wanted to know how you have progressed. I know the post was made long time ago, But I suffer from pretty much similar symptoms as pepsioverdose and would like some help/advice. I can give more information about myself if somebody replies to my post.
DeadThoughts last decade
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