The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Alopecia Areata OR Universalis
Hi.My brother who is 10 years old has been suffering a form of Alopecia for the last 5 years. We have tried many things but nothing seems to be growing his hair back. We arent forching it but its hard to see him go through all of this. He has now lost all his confidence and sees nothing but an 'ugly' boy when looking in the mirror. Please help me find a remedy for him- something that will work. His hair began to fall in patches but now most of his hair has fallen out- he has a few patches of hair left. We have also noticed that his eyebrow hair seems to be falling out too. I dont live with my brother- my parents and my brothers live a 3 hour drive away from where we live. I need to distinguish whether its Areata or Universalis. Ive also noticed that he has a patch of whiteness on top of his eyebrow- could this be Vitilgo? This is the first time im on a forum so therefore i wish and hope that you can give me the help and advice im after.
Thank you!
Thaiba2000 on 2009-09-16
Please can someone give me a replay ASAP, i would realy apreciate it. I will also need to know where to purchase recommended remedies and will need to know the ingredients to makesure my brother isnt allergic to any of them. Please HELP ME!!!!
Thaiba2000 last decade
how does he react to his parents, friends and visitors.
what kind of toys does he play with.
what do you see peculiar in him.
what are the other ailments he generally suffer from.
how is his intellect. how does he fair in his school assignments.
is he intelligent or dull in his studies.
♡ rishimba last decade
Nature and personality of Azmath
I'm kind. I say thank you. I'm polite. Sometimes I get aggressive because people at school hit me so I hit them back. I have one good friend and his name is Matin. Theres a new boy in my class called Mohammed so now I have two friends. I like playing football and riding bikes. I also enjoy playing with other children of any age. I love listening to Michael Jacksons songs and like watching TV, at the moment I like watching the Disney channel.
How does he react to his parents, friends and visitors?
Father (Abba) - He's nice. He always gets me what I want like King prawns and he also got me a bike straight after I asked for it. Sometimes he plays with me even though he's tired. We play football when we go to the park- we just pass it to each other. We have a favourite word that we say when abba has a day off from work- Saturday and Sunday- We shout RELAXIN!, even when we are in different rooms we say it to each other.'
'Sometimes he shouts at me for no reason for example when I open the bedroom door to let light in he shouts. I feel just normal when I get shouted at but I ask myself why does abba always shouts at me?
Mother (Amma) - She is very kind. Always sleeps next to me at night. Makes me king prawn curry- she made me king prawn curry today just by surprise (he laughs). When I was smaller whenever bhaia (brother) wasnt home and abba was also out she would put the play station on for me so I could play it.
When I was 6 years old, after going to Bangladesh, she stopped shouting at me because amma use to shout at me sometimes before. When I get shouted at and sometimes amma smacks me, I get sad but then she always comes back and hugs me and asks me to forgive her (he smiles).
Friends- My friend Matin makes me really happy, he makes me smile every day. He always plays with me, listens to me and does what I say. We play snakes and ladders together.
Visitors- I feel happy when we have visitors because if there are children I can play with them. If there are no children I just say salaam and just watch TV and be normal.
Toys he plays with
I like playing: Spiderman transformer. Bop- It. I also like playing operation game when there are loads of people to play with because we need a group. I play Xbox and sometimes Nintendo Wii.
When he feels especially sad
Sometimes when matins not in school I feel lonely. I have no-one to play with. Matin is going to another school but I still have my new friend Mohammed. I get sad when thinking about going to school because everyone teases me and makes fun of me.
When we went to Bangladesh in 2006 Ishmam (a cousin) never let me play with his cricket set and never let me play computer. Nobody played with and nobody let me play with them, I was so bored in Bangladesh. I remember bhaia (older brother) went to Fantasy Kingdom but he didnt take me. I kept on asking wheres bhaia? I felt something weird in my tummy because I was really sad and upset. Bhaia said to me that there was a height restriction thats why they didnt take me. Even now I get sad thinking about it. I dont go anywhere fun.
Some people in my class call me a nerd because I get all the answers right. My teacher said I'm good. Last year I got all As and one B.
What I see peculiar in him is that he appears to be withdrawn at times. He at times doesnt listen to what we tell him therefore it results in us shouting at him. He doesnt sit up straight he appears to slouch. He looks at himself in the mirror and calls himself ugly.
Other ailments he generally suffers from are:
He was born with a Strawberry birthmark also known as Haemangioma on his bum. It was huge and slowly became infected and started to contain Puss. A nurse came every morning to dress the wound but when it got too serious he had to go into hospital. I think this lasted until he was 8months old.
He has Alpha- thalassemia
Poor appetite- he hates fish but loves chicken, meat, Gizzard and favourite of them all KING PRAWN CURRY.
I will upload some pictures of his Alopecia in the next post as i have to find them. If there are anymore questions feel free to tell me because i want to get to the bottom of this.
Thank you!
Thaiba2000 last decade
Thaiba2000 last decade
one dose would be 5 drops in some 5 ml water slowly sipped up in empty stomach and clean mouth. no food or water one hour before or after.
after that you will give him SILICEA 1M dose only once a week for some 3 weeks. all homeopathic restrictions apply here too.
come back after 4 weeks to report if the hair growth has started.
♡ rishimba last decade
What did you mean by homeopathis restrictions?
Ok so 3 doses for the 1st 24 hours and then after that silicea 1m dose once a week for 3 weeks.
Can you please state exactly what i should be purchasing please because ive never had homeopathy medicine before. How many? etc etc
Thaiba2000 last decade
you need to go to a homeopathic shop and ask for SILICEA 200C and SILICEA 1M.
they will understand as its not a very uncommon remedy.
take about 10 ml of SILICEA 200C and some 10 ml of SILICEA 1M.
as one dose, please mix 4 drops of remedy in some 5 ml of water and ask your brother to sip it slowly in empty stomach and clean mouth.
no food or water one hour before or after taking the doses. dont even allow to rinse the mouth.
these are some restrictions he has to abide by.
if the remedy works, he may see some hair growth by the end of 4 to 5 weeks.
SILICEA is a slow acting remedy and thus he needs to have patience.
♡ rishimba last decade
Thaiba2000 last decade
I will ask for 10ml of each but im sure the Dr there will know.
My confusion is with the dosage.
Do i give 4 drops of just the 200c in about 5ml of water to let him to drink slowly (abiding by the restrictions)??? How many days am i doing this or is it 3 doses for JUST 24HOURS and then thats it?
Do i give him the Silicea 1m straight after or do i give that to him the next day and then for the next 3 weeks and is that mixed with water too in the same way as silicea 200c?
Im really sorry. Im sure im getting on your nerves but i know how much to give but dont know for how many days each should be administerd. I promise this is the last question as i am going to a homepathic clinic tomorow.
Thaiba2000 last decade
Thank you so much.
Thaiba2000 last decade
you will give all the three doses in first 24 hours of treatment.
each dose is 4 drops of remedy in 5 ml of water.
after these three doses, you will wait for a week or two.
ask your brother if he feels any difference in his mental sphere, like more self confidence, sense of well being, elevated state of mind etc.
once you know that this remedy is doing good to him, you should give SILICEA 1M one dose every week.
the doses have to be given in empty stomach and clean mouth. dont allow him to eat or drink or rinse his mouth one hour before or after taking the dose.
i hope things are clear now.
♡ rishimba last decade
Thaiba2000 last decade
What about the tablets that you put under the tongue? Are they sweet?? If i were to buy the tablet form of Silicea what would be the dosage (please explain in full detail ha ha, i dont want to be pestering you again).
I will have to decide with my mother wether to go for the liquid remedy OR the tablets.
Im going to purchase my meds from here.
Thaiba2000 last decade
if you buy the pillules, one dose would be 4 pillules under the tongue till it dissolves by itself. however, i would suggest liquid remedy as they are absorbed readily in the mouth linings.
♡ rishimba last decade
Thaiba2000 last decade
♡ rishimba last decade
Thaiba2000 last decade
this is a social service.
♡ rishimba last decade
Thaiba2000 last decade
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