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Lycopodium Clavatum:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Possible Lycopodium aggravation

Sorry for this long post, I really need help for my child's condition. We are suspecting a Lycopodium aggravation with my child. She is 5.3 years old. Below is a summary of her remedies. She had some improvement with the remedies until April.
In July she was put on Lyc strong dose. Afterwards homeopath gave Sulphur to clear the aggravation, she developed this new condition, twitching, jerking in sleep. Now she has been having twitches of fingers, shoulder, arms, legs, eyes, head, sometimes jerks in sleep. All her old symptoms gradually came back since May but was more noticable and regressed in July-Aug. She is easily constipated since June-july.

Her homeopath tried to antidote with Chammomilla, but the twitching is not going away and the constipation is also bothering her. Some nights twitching is more. In her deep sleep, early on after going to sleep, she doesn't have twitches, but afterwards, she has restless sleep and twitches, more towards the morning.
Please suggest if we can antidote with Lyc 6c after all these other remedies are given. Will it work. My homeopath was scared to give any more Lyc, so tried Chamomilla since my child was also having basic Lyc aggravation like much defying, very cranky etc.
It seemd like she aggravated to every remedy that was given after Sulphur which started the jerking. At night of any remedy given, her twitching was more.
She is not on any remedy right now. Her homeopath wants her to put on Tarantula but I want her aggarvation to go away first before trying any other remedy. Any help on this matter will be greatly appreciated. Here are some details on my child.

She started talikng late at around 4 years. Befoer starting any remedy she had these symptoms.
Anxiety, impatience, repeatitive behavior, OCD type, behavior, particularness, not understanding language at age level. Talking also way behind age level,
low muscle tone, photographic memory, fun loving, music lover, good rythm, shaking hand when excited, restlessness, but can sit for a long time in an activity. face heart shaped, happy kid except these above behaviors, very mild and easy going with abbay sitters and at school, but with parents, defying, impatient, stubborn. sweating in bed (head and neck in warm temp), post nasal drip, some nights much. pink cheeks in warm and cold temp, gas, silent reflux, no sweet craving, prefres bland or salty snacks and food. good sleep. wanting to sit in the same place every time in restaurant. Wants to do same activities everyday. Her impatience and this behavior were greatly reduced before April.
Has been on GFCF diet since May 2007.

She has been on these following remedies since last Nov 08.

14th Nov 08 : Carcinosin : No noticable change
23rd Nov 08 : Sulphur 30c .
28 Nov 08 :Sulphur 30c
Noticed more frequent talking, pink cheeks,

30th Nov - 1st Feb 09: Lachesis 30c , had gone upto 3 succuss, 1/4, 1/4. Saw improvements gradually but all the time crankiness and other behaviors were there off and on.

Only noticed gradual improvement over the time.
Noticed clear speech, more understanding. But on and off crankiness and anxiety had always been there. Good sleep. Wanting to do things by herself.
Tiredness in the evening. a bit more patient, pimple like rash on buttom and pink cheeks in the beginning of Lachesis(may also be due to Sulphur)

Lycopodium satrted on 7th Feb 09

7th Feb - 19th Feb '09: Lycopodium 30c, 2 s, 1/2 tsp, 1/2 tsp every other day
22nd Feb - March 6th : Lycopodium 30c 2s, 2drops, 2 drops

9th March - 21st march :Lycopodium 30c 1 succuss, 2 drops, 2 drops from 6 Oz cup every 3 days

Sleep disturbances, gas, more crankiness, aggressiveness, waking up at around 12-1 am and at 5 am at night, getting upset with little things, getting angry, eating less, lost little bit weight, shaking her hands
positive we saw was OCD behavior went down. aggressiveness and thus confidence, talking to other people outside home, understanding more language, more awareness, acknowledging other kids, clearer speech

Had a cold around 18th MArch. Noticed aggravation, stubborn, irritable, defying, hitler lilke
Sulphur was given for the aggravation.
She gets vulnerable when she has cold, sick, tired sleepy or hungry.

March 25th: Sulphur 30c, 2s, 1/2 tsp.1/2tsp
April 1st : Sulphur 30c, 2s, 1/2 tsp.1/2tsp

April 4th : Lycopodium 200c , 2 pellets in 6 Oz cup, 1/2 tsp from 6 Oz cup

April 19th : Sulphur 30c, 2s, 1/2 tsp.1/2tsp

April 25th : Calc c 200c, 2 pellets in 8Oz, 1/2 tsp, 1/2 tsp
more restless, hyper

May 10th : Calc c 200c -given this un necessary dose out of mis understanding that with calc c had improvements

May 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 20th :Sulphur 30c, 2s, 1/2 tsp.1/2tsp

Something changed, kind of regressed type. (not sure at what point it changed.after Lyc 200 or calc c 200 or getting sulphur immediately after calc c)

22nd May - 3rd June : Lycopodium 30c, 2s, 1/2 tsp, 1/2 tsp every other day
5th June -20th June : Lycopodium 30c, 3s, 2 drops, 2 drops every 3 days

I believe that change from April/May continued and with Lyc, saw more aggravation,
no improvements
rather more crankiness, stubborness, more anxiety hence obsession, reacted more to small things. botheration, disturbed by little things.
did not want see some things, closing eyes to some particular things. On june 3rd dose was given around 7-8 pm, noticed twitching at night, crying in sleep.
eating became good unlike last time on Lycopodium

July 9th, 11th : calc c 6c -tired, fear, looking at the wall, roof, shadows of fan, and then stopped going to rooms because of shadows( or due to some other reason), little bit fever (also had little bit fever when took 200c(possibly with 200c was due to cold)

July 14th - Aug 4th : Lycopodium 30c, 4s, 2 drops, 2 drops every 4th day
crankiness, defying, anxiety, disturbed at small things, constipation, some times burning while passing urine, yellow urine in spite of drinking water, restless, old symptoms came back, rituals.repeatitive behavior, not open, limiting herself

was taking some holy water (with camphor) everyday for some time in July (same time as Lyc in July)

Aug 7th, 11th : Sulphur 30c , 2s, 1/2tsp, 1/2 tsp
post nasal drip, pink cheeks,
previous behavior continued, was a bit relaxed on 8th but it went away.
Twitching, jerking, tired, restless sleep and other behaviors continued. Restless, lying down, legs up , head down on couch.

Got allergy/cold afterwards. Due to allergy, dark circles under eye, major post nasal drip.
Noticed more black stain on teeth, sweet smelling breath(these are not new symptoms), reflux, major sleep disturbance. Twichting, jerks continued.

Aug 22nd: Lachesis 30c 1drop, 1drop
no improvements, more twitching early on in sleep. OCD, repetitive, patterns, continued crankiness, very much cranky, crying since 21st(one day before starting lach).

A bit better around 27th.
2nd Sept : Chamomilla 30c 2 drops from 8oz, 2 drops from 4 oz
continued crankiness, tiredness. more twitching and intense jerks.
Around 5th Sept, bit better for 3 days.
Since 8th-9th sept, she is more restless, impatient, more OCD, repetitive. not open, limited activities, does the same activities every day. Patterns developed.

Holding something in hands and reacting immediately if it falls off or gets out of sight.
OCD is getting more and more. Doing things back and forth until she feels it right.

These are all old symptoms. Now it can be said that she has regressed a LOT, kind of close to where she was before in these behaviors.

Seems like we have lost all the improvements from Lycopodium as well as from Lachesis.

Please help. Do I need to antidote pretty soon, since the constipation and jerking/twitching are not going away and it is hard to see this kid suffer so much.

Thank you.
  namita on 2009-09-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
For a small child like that Lyco is not to be repeated. Just one dose is sufficient to bring forth a long time benefit.

To anti-dote make her drink coffee for ...once every day for 3 days.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

If your little girl is still suffering the same OCD patterns in spite of the wise and appropriate advice of Mr Varma I would suggest to give Mercurius solubilus 200. This remedy covers her psychological and nervous behaviours. I should advice to give her only one time (3 granules) and wait a month before seeking a professional homoeopathic follow up.

Hope this will help.


Paraisos last decade

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