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Lycopodium Clavatum:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Lycopodium Aggravation - Please help

I was prescribed Lycopodium for my anxiety and digestive issues. Every time when I started taking the remedy an aggravation developed in the form of tremendous amount of gases which are worse in the afternoon and evenings. After lunch I have to belch regularly every minute or so to relieve the gas. If I don’t do that the unreleased gases create an ache at the pit of the stomach which doesn’t allow me to sleep. Therefore I have to keep belching until I go to bed and usually I take activated charcoal at bed time which helps a little bit. When it is that worse I usually don’t have dinner.
When I stop taking the remedy the gases go away within 3-5 days. However, the anxiety which is alleviated comes back when I stop taking the remedy. So I am in a catch-22, either I have anxiety and no gas or the anxiety is better but then I have to cope with the gases which is not tolerable at all.
My practitioner and I experimented with different doses, the first (without knowing an aggravation would occur) was 200C which created the aggravation after taking it twice a week for one week. Then we tried LM1 which created the aggravation too and finally at last we tried a 6C taken in olfactory from, 1 thump/1 sniff a day. After 12 days an aggravation with gases occurred with the 6C too.
Is there any way to use Lycopodium (which clearly is the correct remedy) without getting these gases?
  Matt_100 on 2012-05-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
How experienced is your practioner?

A real homeopath? or not?

You could try split dosing which
prevents a lot of aggravation and then--
maybe the 200 c would work right
or be the proper dose.

Use the search box and put in Brisbane
homeopath- he has split dosing instructions on all his cases. And
another homeopath on here Tabish 007
recently posted that his success with
most all of his cases is bc he uses
split dosing and prevents aggravations.
simone717 last decade
My practitioner is someone local where I live, she's a CCH, otherwise I don't know more about her.

What do you mean with split dosing?

Thank you for your reply.
Matt_100 last decade
Oh, I just noticed the last part of your post, I'll check it out.
Matt_100 last decade
The beauty of split dosing is-
if you do the first split and take tsp
out of second cup?

If that is too strong you can do another
cup etc on and on till you get it where
it works for your body.

It is a common practice in homeopathy
except where some people are fixated
on doing dry doses or never doing split
doses- which I think is just wrong bc
split dosing works and people get cured
and those are facts.

Best , Simone 717
simone717 last decade
That's what we did with the LM1, two thumps/three drops in 1 TBsp spring water and then one teaspoon from that taken. It still aggravated, I am highly sensitive by the way.

Thank you for your reply.
Matt_100 last decade
Questions patients ask- on dosing.

Article by Elaine Lewis -she studied
under Robin Murphy a worldwide
homeopathy teacher.

You can see in that article- she did
10 cups!! to give a remedy to her
daughter so the daughter did not aggravate.

So you just have to go thru more cups
until you find the right dilution that
works for you.

I am highly sensitive also and sometimes that is called a obstacle
to cure that has to get removed.
however if you try several cups
considering you can go up to 10
at least!! something is going to work.-

AND btw- I would try it first on the
C potencies - not the LM- don't ask
me why- too complicated right now.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 24 May 2012 01:13:07 BST]
simone717 last decade
I have to add that the aggravation is not happening immediately (that only happened with the dry 200C), but about after 12-14 days of a split dose or through olfactory means, which is, according to my homeopath, gentler than a split dose.

So, it's a bit tricky to know what way might be right since it takes two weeks before the aggravation unfolds.
Matt_100 last decade
Hi- this sounds wrong.
Aggravation is supposed to happen
in the first week.

What happens in the first 2 weeks
before the 'aggravation'?
how do you feel?
simone717 last decade
I felt fine the first two weeks, no gases (or very minor as everybody has them) and then suddenly tremendous amount of gases.

I started my last regimen (6C liquid olfactory) on May 3, every second day one thump/one sniff, then on May 9 I increased to every day one thump/one sniff. No gases until May 22 when I stopped taking the remedy. I still have the gases, should subside by this weekend (as before when I stopped taking the other doses).
Matt_100 last decade
Let me see if I have this right.

1. did you have the gas issue before
2. or was it anxiety or both these issues?

3. Then when you take the remedy except
for the dry dose, which aggravated asap
it seems you are fine on the remedy
until you STOP?? taking it?

(this seems to be the case with the Lm's)
fine until you stop?

Was this the case when you actually
took other doses as well?
simone717 last decade
I had the gas issue (and anxiety) before I took Lyco, the gas issue was a few times a year ago when I had potato chips late at night 9-10 PM and I went to bed and woke up at 1 AM with stomach pain, I had to belch for an hour and then I could sleep again. The next day I was fine. I had that maybe a total of 4 times the last two years.

The main problem started in October last year when I had a severe allergic reaction to something I ate (fever, hives, etc.) and that resulted in anxiety/depression. No gases at that time.

I went to an acupuncturist and after one of the treatments I got the gas issue and it stayed for about 4 weeks which drove me nuts, the acupuncture or any diet couldn't fix it. I then started taking a kudzu/umeboshi drink in the morning which resulted into no gases anymore after two days.

However, just a few days before the kudzu drink I had my first homeopathic consultation, because of the anxiety and the gases I still had then.

I started the 200C dry a few days after the kudzu drink and then within a week the gases came back. Since I also had acupuncture it was not clear at that point what was going on. My practitioner recommended to stop the Lyco which resulted that the gases went away after a week or so.

But then they came back every time I started the Lyco again.

Now the aggravation happened with all doses, 200C, LM1, LM3, 6C olfactory, it was a week to aggravation with the 200C, 11 days with the LM1, 7 days with the LM3, and about two weeks with the 6C olfactory.

I also was positive for H. pylori and I took a 3 weeks antibiotic regimen in March to get rid of it on advice of my physician. Since then I feel better with my stomach issues (I might have had a slight gastritis).
[message edited by Matt_100 on Fri, 25 May 2012 02:47:55 BST]
Matt_100 last decade
Ok- what I am trying to get at here is
the lms you were taking every day
and the 6v olfactory everyday and it
sounds like the gas only comes back
when you stop the remedy??

Is that right?

I assume you took the 200 c once?
not everyday?
simone717 last decade
No, there was no gas before taking Lyco, then I took Lyco and the gases appeared. They disappeared when I stopped taking the Lyco.

So it's the other way around. The gases come when I start the Lyco and go away after I stop taking it.
Matt_100 last decade
confusing bc you say above-

Started 6c olfactory on may3 and increased to everyday and NO gases
until May 22 when you stopped the remedy.

simone717 last decade
what was it that you ate that gave
you hives, anxiety and depression?

Bc it sounds like you were fine before.

and then also acupuncture made it
simone717 last decade
Okay, I said 'No gases until May 22 when I stopped the remedy'.

What I meant is that I had no gases until May 22 when the gases appeared and then I stopped taking the remedy in order to let the gases go away.

Maybe I should have formulated it a little clearer
but I thought that it was clear since I mentioned it several times above that the gases came after taking the Lyco.
Matt_100 last decade
It was a shish kebab at work, I am not sure what created the allergy. I interviewed the cook later and all ingredients seemed fine and I had eaten them before. I also had never an allergic reaction like that. Now the reaction was shortly after that meal (two, three hours) and there was nothing else what could have triggered it.

But you are right with the acupuncture, something must have triggered the gases since I never had them longer than for a few hours. It all started after that (second or third) acupuncture treatment.

However, Lyco seems to trigger it too what is frustrating since it works with my anxiety.
Matt_100 last decade
maybe you had food poisoning??

I assume you don't have hives and fever
anymore-just anxiety or what?
simone717 last decade
Yes, anxiety is the main issue. There are also some other lyco symptoms, urinary, skin, insomnia, etc. but they are minor compared to the anxiety sometimes with depression/melancholy mixed.
Matt_100 last decade
All that from eating a shish kebob?

I am thinking you have the wrong

There are other remedies to handle
toxic food.

It sounds like Lyco is just taking care
of the anxiety until you have too much
of it and then start 'proving' the lyco
which means you are manifesting
the digestive symptoms that lyco is
is used to cure but when you don't
need it - it will make those digestive
symptoms appear. It is helping some
things but not others.

I think you need a second opinion here-I will ask a couple people to
look at this - and suggest if that is
ok with you.
simone717 last decade
You could be right, however you don't have all of the info my practitioner gathered in 2+ hours and I trust her judgment.

The anxiety/(mild)depression is an on and off issue for me for 35 years and it never really vanished completely, and I tried many approaches over the years. In 1994 I had good results with Nat. Mur. 1M (my first encounter with homeopathy), but after awhile things resurfaced and Nat Mur didn't help anymore.

Anyway, feel free to ask these people, I can relay their opinion to my practitioner and see what she thinks. She is usually open for suggestions.
Matt_100 last decade
Hi- don't know where you are? but
maybe West coast? I think the
acupuncturist messed up something.

I myself would go get some Shiatsu massages where they really work the
spine and see how that helps the digestion, I am in Cali and they have
really good ones here- like they say
to my family- weak digestion means
weak energy. They know what they
are doing and virtually fixed a disc
problem that had gone on for 8 years.

Then you are just left with the
anxiety which goes way back before
the Shish Kebob. So it seems to me
that she has one remedy covering both
things and it needs more than one
remedy and perhaps you can eliminate
the digestive disorder and then
concentrate on the anxiety disorder.

On here, you would have to try
treatment and follow it-and leave
off your homeopath to try it and I
would ask for Nawaz if you wanted to
do that, and you would have to put
your case on here.

Or you can click on Dr. Showrav's
name and email him-that you have
had anxiety for 35 years, tried nat mur
etc and then got the digestive thing,
and What is going on with the olfactory
deal and go private for a second opinion from him which you could
discuss with your homeopath.

Good luck to you.
simone717 last decade
I am in Northern California, thank you for all of your suggestions. I have to mull it over what to do next. Also I'll be going to Europe in a few days, so things really have to wait until I am back in three weeks.
Matt_100 last decade
I thought you were from there-
I Hope you have a great Europe

Best to you,
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 26 May 2012 00:56:43 BST]
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,

Thanks for your response on my other post. You mentioned a post by Tabish re. nail biting and clearing the stomach with 6C Nux Vomica.
I found that post but I didn't see anywhere posted something about stomach/Nux Vomica.

Alas, none of the two Dr.'s have replied so far.
Matt_100 last decade

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