The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dose Question
Took 1M of Natur Mur and arg nit last night... Today I'm absolutely astonished at the dissipation of symptoms. I had no idea Homeopathy worked (so well, no less).My Q is this. The bottles still list -- even at at 1M dose -- to take 5 pellets 3 times a day 'till symptoms are gone. Yet I'm pretty sure people don't take the 1M doses at such rapid paces...
I've read people doing 1M every week. Question is, if I still have some residue symptoms, do I just let them ride out on this current "session" and see if they begone, or would it be worth my while to throw down another dose?
Thanks in advance guys.
Hasta on 2005-02-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I don't know what you might be taking this medication for but you should stop taking homeopathic treatment after you have noticed the symptoms subside. Email me with more information and I can give you a better explanation.
jose07 2 decades ago
Jason, got a good laugh out of "throwing down another dose."
I would wait two days and take another. Wait and see.
Blessings, Sabra
I would wait two days and take another. Wait and see.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
By the way, now that you have taken two remedies, how do we decide which is the healing one???
So, in two days take only one. then wait and see.
You see why we say only one?
I was so amused I failed to catch it.
I have had serious conditions settle down in 10 minutes.
Blessings, Sabra
So, in two days take only one. then wait and see.
You see why we say only one?
I was so amused I failed to catch it.
I have had serious conditions settle down in 10 minutes.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
Awesome, thanks for the reply.
I'm taking them for mental conditions, emotional too I suppose, my mind and psyche are complex things.
I suppose on the surface they are anxiety, or depression, but I have symptoms inparticular which are very much easy to target and therein judge the intensity of them. For example, I can "zone in" to a part of my consciousness where I have a controlling presence of my father upon my waking for the day... This was reduced considerably over the past day since taking the remedies. I guess that symptom in itself is an intrusive image, and the byproduct of other mental issues, but anyway... Since taking the remedies, I've found myself much more able to tune into that part of myself, and actually face it, therein sort of depleting it's power. Make sense? At any rate, my point is I still have a bit of the particular symptom left, so this is why I ask about dosing and what should be done.
I shall take a dose of one again tomorrow. Thanks for the response Sabra.
I'm taking them for mental conditions, emotional too I suppose, my mind and psyche are complex things.
I suppose on the surface they are anxiety, or depression, but I have symptoms inparticular which are very much easy to target and therein judge the intensity of them. For example, I can "zone in" to a part of my consciousness where I have a controlling presence of my father upon my waking for the day... This was reduced considerably over the past day since taking the remedies. I guess that symptom in itself is an intrusive image, and the byproduct of other mental issues, but anyway... Since taking the remedies, I've found myself much more able to tune into that part of myself, and actually face it, therein sort of depleting it's power. Make sense? At any rate, my point is I still have a bit of the particular symptom left, so this is why I ask about dosing and what should be done.
I shall take a dose of one again tomorrow. Thanks for the response Sabra.
Hasta 2 decades ago
Every person's mind and psyche is very complex. This is why we all are trying our best to learn about it so we can be happier and more calm and have a happy life.
Tell me about your father?
Did I miss your post?
Blessings, Sabra
Tell me about your father?
Did I miss your post?
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
dear jason
nat mur last 40-50 days! that is "one granule" not 5 ,3x perday.
these are some powerfull remedies at some stong potencies.Just wait and see ,do nothing else.
And yes how do you know which remedy is working ,you took two different ones?
nat mur last 40-50 days! that is "one granule" not 5 ,3x perday.
these are some powerfull remedies at some stong potencies.Just wait and see ,do nothing else.
And yes how do you know which remedy is working ,you took two different ones?
tyler 2 decades ago
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