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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

chronic asthma 8 yr old

Can anyone recommend a good remedy to get rid of this asthma once and for all?

My son 8 from birth could not tolerate any milk and had sever food allergies. NO DIARY, FISH EGGS -anaphalactic reaction. Also delayed skin and asthma reaction with wheat and other foods.

Used to get split lip in winter for a few years, not lately. Had a wart on first finger lh, went away w/remedy, probably MED.

Excema all over body from right after birth. Asthma started around 1 yr. Has taken steriods for asthma. It remain chronic and is treated w/albuterol and inhaled steriods regularly. DRY skin,itch, scaly. Excema in folds of arms and behind legs.

Mom's family history asthma, asthma, asthma. Also allergies, warts, moles, irritability and anger problems. Cancer and mood disorders. 3 grandparents alcohilics.

He is small, thin, fair, blue eyes, bright. Very energetic, cannot sit still. Walks around table or does cartwheels at lunch or dinner. Great sense of humor, little offbeat.

WHINES over everthing, even when talking about small things. Independant, but very affectionate. Loves outdoors as well as in.

LOVES company of his friends, but can play alone nicely.

Loves the water - a fish, and Loves the bathtub. Likes all seasons, but cold affects asthma. Also gets hayfever w/runny nose, clear w/sneezing.

VERY FLATULENT. especially after eating. Bad smelling.

Sleeps mostly on back, sometimes side. Needs a good sleep every nite and is refreshed by it. Early to bed, early to rise. Likes me to lay w/him before sleep.
  maryo on 2005-02-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please see part 2 posted one minute later. Sorry, new on forum.
maryo last decade
AS SOON AS HE LIES DOWN for bed has asthma, constriction in chest and can't breath. You cannot hear wheeze. Needs inhaler or neb.

Very sensitive to criticism and crys or whines easily. Had pimple on his nose and was very embarrassed by it, what others thought. Ignores me sometimes when I pick him up at school But very affectionate at home. Happy and laughs a lot. Does not like to talk of personal things. Embarrased to tell teacher or other parents he is wheezing. He doensn't tell me either. I have to ask him.

Likes sports and is good. Will falll on ground on purpose when playing sports.

Pride in dress, wears jewelry, fixes hair. Pride in schoolwork, done right.

Fear robbers, snakes. Loves dogs.

Frequent urination, loves to eat but is thing. CRAVES SALT, ORANGE JUICE, icepops, potato chips, french fries, juice. Very thirsty. Likes meat, no fat. Hates onions, tomatoes.

Has temper, gets irritable and yells, but gets over easy.

Does not sweat alot
desires company of friends
Constantly says "I love you" to parents
maryo last decade
whew, hard to put these 3 together. If you have any more information come up to post, please post additional on this last posting, #2. Post as we would post. Will take some time and printing to get more organized.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade

I put it all on this post. Is that what you mean?
maryo last decade
This problem is in the ancestry. Asthma is an immune system disorder - whatever provokes it , it is still the immune system which is at the root of the problem. If it is possible to avoid steroids do so , buyt at any rate keep to a minimum.
I once cured a girl about this age . The mother was a nurse who was worried about the effect of the steroids - she knew the problems they cause.
There is hyperactivity here and this is often caused by colorings in soft drinks, sweets and many food products .Always read the contents on the side of the tin or packet and stay away from anything with artificial coloring.

Is there any skin reaction to gold?. Can he wear wollen garments or not,? .
Is he blonde with pale skin?.
Or is there any ginger/red hair. Does he like to be rubbed/massaged.
Does he have a bowel motion soon after waking.

The remedies that show up here are Phos, sulphur, pulsatilla , Nat Mur and silica
But would [in my opinion ] need to have probably Carsinosin/ tuberculinum/psorinum first.


It was the sudden onset of asthma in a close relative that gave me my first interest in homoeopathy some 30 yrs ago. My GP gave her large injections of steroids. Only later , in an article ,did I read of the dangers of steroids. I was in a corner where my doctor seemed to be endangering this individual.
At first homoeopathy looked to be the ideal DIY medical therapy, and for minor complaints and prevention that is the case. But in dealing with deep rooted and hereditary complaints the situation is more complex. It was about 10 yrs before I began to see clearly the complexity of the relationship between the Homoeopathic remedy and its interaction with the individual life force or vitality of the patient.
Now, with the hindsight of 25 yrs I realise why my efforts did little more than relieve the asthma of my relative. In that time I have cured some cases and relieved others.I know the power of the correct homoeopathic remedy - bearing in mind that it is possible to be totally sure of only one thing in life - - - uncertainty.
Checking the recent updated position on asthma , in the Oxford Textbook of Medicine confirmed little change in the orthodox view. There are enormous chunks of uncertainty.
"What is Asthma?." is a question that has a million answers. Simplistically it is a cramp or spasm of the circular muscle fibres of the small air tubes that drastically reduce the amount of air available to the 300 million alveoli which exchange deoxygenated air for oxygenated air,also involved is a watery secretion that inflatesthe mucous and has a 'plugging' effect on the already restricted airway diameter - giving rise to breathlessness and in bad cases cyanosis where the lips go blue. It's classified in textbooks as an abnormality of the immune response,and is the response of a damaged or depleted immune system.
It is only possible to treat the condition realistically if we know the cause of the spasm.Here we arrive at the ragbag nature of Asthma.
Extrinsic Asthma - brought on by external factors is similar to hay fever and may be seasonal if due to pollens at specific times of the year , or all year round if due to such things as domestic pets, dust or house mites. This type is at present more normal among young people and is esentially an allergic reaction to external factors.
Intrinsic Asthma happens spontaneously and the hypersensitivity is triggered by many factors. Also it tends to be "late onset" starting after some trauma/stress outcrop in 20/30's or midlife.
When I first came across Asthma I used to say that no one dies of Asthma. I soon realised that was not strictly true. Asthma associated with syphilis either primary or inherited could kill , but this was very rare.
Only in the post 60's did non syphilitics start to die of Asthma.That timing is in my view very important and should be kept in mind.

In the past I have treated asthma along strict homoeopathic lines. I ask myself what are the signs of imbalance that I see in the individual. One then tries to match those signs to a particular remedy - and bring the individual back into a natural balance.
In more recent times I have taken an interest in TB and AIDS as they have a bearing on the basic theory of Homoeopathy. Because of that interest I have become more aware of the essential underlaying part that the immune system plays in all physiological problems.
There are many ways to get asthma and I will list a number of those , but for now I'd like to trace one particular path leading to Asthma as being , in my view, typical of the many roads leading to that condition.
Dr D. Foubister was a Consultant at a London Hospital for many years. He was a noted homoeopath who published many books and pamphlets and died in 1988. He pointed out that one of the basic roots of all illness is inflammation.
Mutiple Sclerosis is condition resulting from inflammation which has disseminated along neural pathways damaging and scarring the myelin sheath.Any disease ending in '- itis' indicates an inflammatory condition - meningitis; of the brain and spine - endartitis; of the artery - endocervicitis; of the cervix - endocarditis; of the heart - proctitis; of the rectum - colitis; of the colon etc.
To quote the Oxford Textbook of Medicine "The pathology of Asthma is characterised by the infiltration of the airways by esinophils and other inflammatory cells which migrate in response to chemotactic factors released by mast cells macrophages and lymphocytes.
Esinophils contain a substance, which damages the airway and is responsible for the large amorphous pink masses in the muscous and submucosa seen in patients who have died of Asthma." So inflammation is a characteristic of Asthma, which accounts for the widespread use - in the past - of steroids in their anti-inflammatory role.
Let us for a moment look at the reason for,and function of, inflammation in disease of all kinds. I quote a medical dictionary
"Inflammation is the defensive reaction of tissue that has been attacked and is the start of the natural process of healing. Inflammation is instigated by the immune system and is essential to the proper natural bodily process of healing. - It involves pain, heat,redness, swelling and loss of function of the affected part. Blood vessels are dilated so that the local blood flow is increased. White cells enter the tissue to engulf bacteria and foreign particles. Similar cells from the tissues remove and consume dead cells and the process of healing commences."
Before man came down from the trees - in evolutionary terms - inflammation has been essential to the natural process of healing and is today correctly shown to relate to the body's basic defense system and to the immune system.
However since the mid 40's [i.e. approx 50 years] antibiotics have been used to abort or short circuit the natural healing of the inflammatory process. I have often said to people that antibiotics are ok in the role they were originally employed - in life threatening conditions and NOT otherwise.
It has long been established that whatever provokes an attack of asthma , the condition itself is due to a defective or underactive immune system .

A consultants handbook points out that -" Both humans and animals have an apparent relative immunity against a second infection if they are left for 6/12 weeks before being treated. However if antibiotics are promptly given in the early infection no such immunity develops and immediate reinfection is then possible". Obviously we have here a direct relationship between inflammation and the immune system - both being natural bodily processes .
But the short circuiting of inflammation has many affects. From a homoeopathic point of view the inflammation does not disappear under antibiotic treatment. It is dispersed from its original local intense and painful site - where the immune system is busy healing the body - and driven along the path of least resistance. Where it takes up a chronic character such as tennis elbow,trapped nerve, neuralgia, rheumatism etc. Its function as part of the healing process is defeated and the immune system is affected.
In some individuals the immune system becomes underactive and results in lethargy - M.E. - and numerous minor infections 'the never well syndrome'. In other individuals the immune system becomes overactive and gives rise to many allergies due to its supersesitivity. Among the many immune/allergic effects is Asthma.
It has been shown that in TB, and particularly in AIDS , it is possible to inherit a damaged immune system. That being taken in conjunction with the time span since the 40's we now have a third generation of people treated with antibiotics. It is interesting that the first generation had few allergies - that the second generation in the 60/70's had increasing degrees of allergic response and that some of the third generation now die due hypersensitive allergic response.
It would also be of interest if a study could be carried out to see if the rise in Asthma was paralleled by the rise in the uncontrolled indiscriminate use of antibiotics.
So having shown a homoeopaths view of the mechanism of asthma and identified antibiotics as one of a number of culprits let us look at other aspects and culprits listed in the Oxford Textbook of Medicine [15.142 tab 1.] as;-
"Drugs which may produce or exacerbate asthma."

"Pharmacological effects;- ORAL
Cholinergenic agents e.g. carbachol pilocarpine
Cholinesterase inhibitors e.g. pyridostigmine
Prostaglandin F2alpha
Histamine release e.g. curare derivatives
Beta sympathetic antagonists
Idiosyncratic effects;-
Analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents
Idomethacin [inlcudes] Artralin
Indocid. Indoflex. Indomod.
Kap-ind. Rheumacin.
Mefinamic acid[inc] Ponstan
Flufenamic acid
Fenoprofen [inc] Fenopron. Progesic.
Ibuprofen [inc] {Apsifen. Brufen. Ebufac. Fenbio {Ibular. Ibumetin. Iboslo. Inabrin
Ibuprofen (cont) Maxagesic. Motrin. Novaprin.
Nurofen. Paxofen. Proflex.
Relcofen.Seclodin. Uniprofen.
Diclofenac [inc] Volterol.
Naproxen [inc] Laraflex. Naprosyn. Synflex.
Tartrazine-containing compounds (used to color medicine & food ;E102 food additive)
Carbamazepine[inc] Tegretol
Idiosyncratic;- BY INJECTION
Aminophylline[inc] Phyllocontin
Hydrocortisone [inc] Cortisol. Cortril. Dioderm
N-acetyl cysteine
Idiosyncratic;- INHALED
Benzyl Penicillin
Cephalosporins[used intransplant ops to suppress the immune system
Alpha-methyl dopa
Cimetadine[inc] Tagamet
Piperazine[inc] Antepar. Ascalix.
Pancreatic extract
Pituitary snuff
Ipratropium bromide(hypotonic solution)[inc] Atrovent."
The Oxford Textbook of Medicine also points out;-
"The potential exacerbation of Asthma by drugs used to treat it presents a particularly acute dilemma as drug effect may be difficult to dissociate from spontaneous deterioration. Apart from potential problems related to tartrazine there are well documented cases of worsening asthma after both aminophylline and hydrocortisone, the latter may be particularly aproblem in asthmatic patients with analgesic sensitivity. -- Bronchodilator and other drugs formulated as a dry powder sometimes have an irritant effect , as also may the propellants used in pressurized aerosols."
passkey last decade
Dear Passkey:

Thank you so much for your response.

It's funny, those 4 remedies that you recommended are the ones the homeopath he went to tried on him with no response.
He was also given Med. in different potencies and Lac Leon 30C. He just finished 3 weeks of Nat. Mur. 12C 2x day. This is the one remedy I tried on my own. Ifelt he fit many of the symptoms that were outlined in "pediatric constitutional types" by Herscu for Nat. Mur., but for the fact he loves company of his friends.
More social.

He had no response.
He has no reaction to gold or wool that I know of. He is too hot to wear wool in general, but he does have a wool hat that I make him wear in the cold. He is blond and pale.

He probably needs a Nosode, but of the 3 you suggest which one and what potency? Should I take him back to a homeopath or try treating myself with help from you and forum?

One remedy he did respond to was Nat. Sulp. but he vital energy decreased.

Any recommended reading for the nosode to choose or can you recommend? Thanks again.
maryo last decade

I also forgot to tell you. I am extremely careful about chemicals and food additives, sugar, gluten, dairy, etc. I have a good water filter for the house and try to give him organic vegtables when I can. He eats whole grains, fruit, vegtables, meat (he's a thin kid) and rice milk, water or 100 percent fruit juice.

As far as the steroids, I hate them, but I almost killed myself by trying to avoid them with my asthma. I feel that I can't risk his life by not taking them.

We have tried 2 homeopaths for him so far, neither helped though.
maryo last decade

One last thing. I myself was given Tub 30C and had a severe mental aggravation with it. It had to be antidoted it was so bothersome. Would that have any bearing on my son taking it?
maryo last decade
If he loves dogs Tuberc is out. Warts - but you have used Med.
So - use Carsinosin and go for a high potency say 10m, as that potency will avoid aggravation .

Just i tab on going to bed , 3nights in a row,BUT if there is a big improvement before the third dose dont give any more.

It may need very high potency to overcome the effects of the steroids, as they neutralise homeopathic remedies. See how you go.
passkey last decade
Thanks, Passkey - will keep you posted.
maryo last decade

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