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Humphreys #11

I'm considering ordering one of the Humphreys products (no. 11, to be
precise) from a place online, so there's no way to read the label info ahead
of time. I'm hoping someone here knows about this, and can help me, please!
I need to know if the label has the ingredients listed, what they are, and
if there's any indication on how much, how often, etc. this can be taken.
I'm blind, so just reading it *after* I order isn't possible either, and I
have no one who it would be convenient to ask without involving them in my
business...which I don't want to do. :)

I'd be very grateful for any help.

  GrayRainbows on 2003-02-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Joanie,

I'm not entirely sure what Humphrey's #11 is. If it is homeopathic it is almost certainly a combination remedy. Most Homeopaths reccomend single remedies over combinations.

Can you get a reply from the place you're ordering it from?

katie last decade
it has (h.p.u.s) black cohosh(Cimicifuga Race)3x, Wind flower(pulsaltilla)3x, Sepia3x.
Stillthacutest 2 decades ago
Hi I would like to know what web site can you purchase the Humphrey's #11. I can not seem to find it anywhere. Please email me at MWMW1121
yahoo.com. Thank you.
mwmw1121 2 decades ago
You can purchase Humphrey's products from Rite Aid pharmacy.

Please share your on-line information with me. Janyoungq


Jan Youngquist last decade
miller's rexall
rpm1953 2 decades ago
Hi, I was also wondering what Humphrey's "11" was all about. And where I can purchase it..
Slim84 last decade
Humphreys 11 is used for menstrual purposes. If your menstrual is delayed or light, Humphreys 11 is used to regulate it or should I say bring it down
alana26 last decade
having puls, sep and cimic in it, as stated above, it has the three great big women remedies in it. it will most likely cover the case of a great percentage of women with typical women complaints. which delayed period is. that's why it works in most women.
that's not the proper homeopathic way to cure. you just don't give a handful of remedies that could match the case but the one, that DOES match the case!
Surprisingly ut someties helps, even though it contains at least 2 remedies that do not match the case.
one's for sure: no way, i would take it , ever!
itsme last decade
I took Humphreys 11 and it worked. I want to know what will happen if you didn't know you were pregnant, and you took Humphreys. Will that cause you to have a miscarriage?
carmela7 last decade
no. with the black cohosh you cannot have a misscariage. but you can have one if you take black cohosh in combination with blue cohosh(caulophyllum).
gabituca last decade
Gabituca - Thanks for responding. My gynecologist prescribed Provera to induce my period. It didn't work. He was surprised when I told him Humphreys 11 did the job in 2 days. He had never heard of it. I'm hoping it'll work for me again this month. I'm anemic, so going without a period makes me feel better; however, I am trying to conceive. So, I need my period to begin taking Clomid (to help me ovulate). My pregnancy test was neg. but I was concerned that I tested too early. I wanted my period asap so I can try to conceive again. But, there was still hope that I am pregnant & the test was wrong. I didn't want Humphreys 11 to make me abort. I feel better after reading your response. Thanks again!!
carmela7 last decade
Thanks for the helpful replies! (I checked back for a time, but lost the link, and I'm just NOW stumbling across it again, and as I still needed this info...)

For someone who asked about sources online to buy #11, here are a few:

medichest com

theherbalman com

americarx com

The first two I know are reliable - I've ordered from them several times.

GrayRainbows last decade
I have a quick question can i take these pills to make my period come early, I'm leaving for Cabo San Lucas on the 27th and I'm getting my period that week so I would really like it to come early and not skip it entirely.
Amanda05 last decade
It may work, but only if it's a few days earlier than it should start naturally. (I'm testing this for myself now, actually.)

Also, in the past I've used parsley tea for this purpose, and unless you're relying on it for months on end, it works marvelously! I don't happen to have any in the kitchen now, or I'd be using it. Parsley flakes--which is what I always used--work just as well as fresh parsley. Drinking two cups a day typically brought on my period the following day, or the day after, at the latest. 2-3 teaspoons should be enough, but you may have to experiment... it's been a few years since I've done this, and I don't recall the precise measurement I used.
GrayRainbows last decade
So did this work for anyone to make their period start early?I just need it to start a few days early.. i would hate to be on vacation and miserable!!!!
epiphany last decade
hi i took the no 11 pills and i'm tryin 2 have a baby now, i was wondering can it stop me from havin a baby or by me takin it before stopping me from getting pregnant
madia21 last decade
Hello, I stumbled on to this site and I am glad I did. I have known about Huphrey's products since I was a child but I never knew about #11 for irregular menses. I just order 2 bottles. I am trying to have a baby and since I have and irregular cycle using an ovulation predictor just doesn't work. I really do help this product can help bring down my period so i can better track my ovulation time and God willing have a baby.
barbie2196 last decade
i took 3 doses if #11 so far and nothing? was wondering how long does it typically take for ur period to come? and if u are pregnant and don't know it if ur taking black and blue cohosh u will miscarry correct?
cookie232388 last decade
Better avoid these combinations. They may bring in undesired results and you may regret later.

gavinimurthy last decade
I,m pregnant and I dont want this pregnancy and I was just wondering how times per day and how many days am I suppposed to drink this pill until I see my period
shorty68 last decade
I just recently ordered th Humphrey's #11. I am supposed to get my period on Vlentines day weekend in which i am supposed to visit my boyfriend. Hes in the service and so i dont get to see him a lot. So i plan for this weekend that we could have sex. Do you see my problem?? Valentines is less than 2weeks away. So i was just wondering when should i start to take it and how much how often? I rread that one girl took 6every 2hours, but the bottle says 2. What do I do? Is it too early for me to take the pills to work the way I want them to?
dpinkie last decade
Hello I hope someone will be able to help me more in detail. I am trying to make my period come early like 7 days. Is that possible with Humphreys 11 because I get my period every 28 days and I think it will probably fall on my only vacation this year and I don't want that to happen especially since I will be on the beach! Or maybe there are 2 things I can take that are safe. I just hope its possible.

Mia123 last decade
hi my name is kelly i hade a baby and i never go my period! for one year after having the baby i got really fat be cause i havnt got my period im really worryed can some one tell me where i can buy humphreys 11 plese help me reply thank u God bless u
jonasgirl last decade
Hi from reading all the other posts I can see that my situation is really different from everyone else. I need for my period to come on time and end on time but that's not the case. Sometime my period won't come for months but then when it finally comes it stays for weeks sometimes months. I was told by a friend that Humphreys #11 would help my period get back on tract. So I was wondering if taking these pills will help me.
shellyj40 last decade

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