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vitaligo 1White patches on face, vitaligo? 3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum


My Son 20 Years Old. 6'2". In good health. Slightly on the lazy side. Has a lot of dandruff. Developed spots on chest, forehead & under the hair. Gets chilly very easily. Is clean but unorganiged. Coughs and is prone to catch flu easily. Does well in school. Has had this for 3+ years. Local homeopathic treatment produced not results. Dr. Does not disclose remedy.
  faqir on 2005-03-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Only thing I can think for Vitilago is Babchi or Psoralea. (Not available everywhere)

Phytolacca Berry-30 may relieve his Dandruff. Most of the times it relieves dandruff.

All other symptoms indicate Graphites-200 for several months.
kuldeep last decade
You can find good information through google.

Qutab last decade
This was the second search... I found good discussion on vitaligo...


Read this articles.

Qutab last decade
Thanks Qutab for pointing to the site. A good one.
kuldeep last decade
Check out Ars. Sulph Flavum. If it fits, start with 30, take 3 doses a day (plussing method)then go on higher. Long term anyway, so if homeopathy hasn't shown results in a month or two, doesn't always mean it isn't working. Takes ages to cure (and no, it's not always possible) and the initial filling in of 'colour' may not even be noticed, so take photographs, close-up, of affected parts.)
Minsa last decade
ASF does work in few cases as specific to the case but in many cases it gave no response because symptoms were not matching with patient individual symptoms even patient used it for six months.

ABC Hompath
ABC Hompath last decade
This is a pigmentation problem and the gland that deals with pigmentation is the Pineal . Which is listed in Agrawal's Mat Medica of Glandular remedies .
passkey last decade
I just talked to a person who's daughter's leucoderma was cured by
Tuberculinum 1M, Arsenic sulf flav, and hydrocotyle Q

He also witnessed other people getting cured by the same combination. He is in the costal areas of Pakistan (If climate matters)

I myself see many magics done by Hydrocotyle.
kuldeep last decade
I know a case where ASF helped.Worth trying.

bandarbabu2000 last decade

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